A criminal dissent. A Short Story for #freewritehouse

in #freewritehouse5 years ago

Leon woke up, her elbow had poked him in the ribs. As he bent his body away trying to accommodate her arm more comfortably, even before opening his eyes, his heart started to sing- filling him with light and joy and all things nice. A quite smile formed on his lips. This is heaven. He thought and he thanked God. He turned to look at Yasha sleeping beside him, fascinated by her black hair fanned out on the pillow hiding most of her face. A contented sigh escaped him. He wanted to touch her right then, to transfer his welling of emotion to her, to love her. Wake up. Stupid. She is not going anywhere. He raised himself on an elbow, to again look at her, but a rustle of papers somewhere under him stopped him. Let them be. A sudden anxiety gripped him.

They were copies of the application Leon had filled for appearing for the Revenue Services examination. This was his third attempt. Leon knew it was fruitless to try and change his poisoned mood again. I am so bloody messed up. He slipped out of bed and took a cold shower. Still somber at thought of loosing his dream or loosing Yasha he stepped into her kitchen and busied himself with preparing coffee and breakfast. Lost in his thoughts and busy, with his hands peeling grapefruit, Leon did not notice Yasha walk up behind him till she leaned on him, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey!" She sounded wonderfully husky

His emotions and anxieties suddenly drowned all thought. Oh Shit! No! I am not going to cry Leon stiffened as he fought to bring his heart under control.

"What? You just tensed up like, is it bad breath?" A frown started to crease he brow. She cupped her hand in front of her face.

Leon let out a long breath and managed a barking laugh. "No! No!." He turned and bent to kiss her warmly, savoring her nearness and the sweet and salty feeling.

"Coffee is ready and there's toast and honey. Grapefruit? It can do wonders for your skin tone." Leon prodded, trying to steer the conversation to safer shores.

"After what you did last night, maybe my skin needs that fruit." Yasha backed away smiling. "Give me a few minutes to freshen up."

When the first cups of coffee were downed and they were both relaxed, Yasha asked. "Now, tell me what made you so tense? And give it straight Leon, something about us bothering you? I know you wanted this. You were earnest enough, you know." Her accompanying quirky smile said more than her words.

Leon nodded and looked at her. Yasha Eliyana Nor, almost forty, the youngest country head of Tremster Insurance. She had everything. With her slight asian body, black eyes and long straight black hair, a perfectly oval face with slight chin, the slim graceful neck accentuated by the lack of jewelry, she could be anything she wanted. And himself Leon Messara, thirty, had no assets to his name except his car, a techy manager at the Globe Communications, two times failed to get into Revenue Services and a huge debt to repay to the Globe Finance and Bullion Inc.

"Come on. Out with it. If it is my job and I am earning five times as much as you. We have been through this, so why this downer again." Yasha said and reached for his hand.

"I work at Globe Comm so that I have enough free time."

Yasha interrupted. "So you can get into Revenue Department. I understand."

"Well the reason I want to get there so bad is that I want to take Globe Finance and Bullion apart. I want to hurt them badly."

It was Yasha who stiffened this time.

"Here me out." Leon continued, holding on to her hand.

"You remember the Shevarn trials."

Yasha replied. " Globe Finance buggered about a three hundred clients. Kim Shevarn was the head of the Loans Department, now he is COO."

"Right. So my father was one of them. He had set up multicolor print-n-pack automated plant. The original loan was from the Industry Co-operative but two years in Globe took over. They pushed my father into a shitty refinance agreement with vague guarantees and outright lies. They wrote into the new agreement so many hobbling clauses that foreclosure was nearly a sure thing unless Globe helped out, and they never helped out. And why, just so that they would not have to pay the Industry Co-operative yearly premiums on the on going loans. I know many others like my father who were left penniless.
My father lost everything, he died a drunken depressed man within a year after Globe foreclosed. I was twenty and had nothing, even dad's insurance money went to Globe. And the officers and managers all got bonuses while after two years of court cases the government slapped a token fine for the predatory policies and non disclosure of charges and conditions. I want to make them pay for this...this daylight robbery.
Revenue Department is one place where I can squeeze their balls till they hurt."

Yasha stood up, gathering the cups and dishes. "How does this affect us Leon?"

"I have nothing much in my future. And you..are already pretty much successful. I am afraid that I will push you down with my baggage. There is also a chance that I may not win, then I will be..."

"I love you Leon. You remember the Atraium."

It was where they had first met. A business conference. The clients were mostly British and Arab. Leon had been there to ensure that the video conferencing and live streaming was smooth. Yasha was leading the Globe contingent along with a senior Director. The problem was that even though both groups spoke English, the accents and way of speaking were very different. Yasha was so bugged that she swore in her native Malay. Leon nearby had understood and spoken to her in Malay. After the initial jolt Yasha told him that this was a lost case. They could not talk to the other party in a relaxed environment. Leon had come up with the solution- a speech to text application for the screens. Every chair had one and the screen could be split when any data or graph needed to be shown.

Yasha came and stood in front of him. Leon smiled up at her. "I had to drown three drinks before I could ask you to meet me the next day."

"You were, you are good for me. I will take you with the baggage." They stayed silent for a few breaths before parting.

"I love you Yasha. More than anything." He stood up, gave her a hug and said.

"It's almost eight o clock. Let's speak about this later."

There was not much time for more. Both Leon and Yasha had a busy day ahead. Leon went through the motions preoccupied. He went to his apartment to pick a few clothes, he brought fresh french baguettes and some smoked turkey and made his way back to Yasha's home. He microwaved the turkey and made fresh salad. By the time Yasha arrived the thick slices of bread were grilling in garlic butter. As they were finishing a satisfying dinner Yasha asked.

"There are more than one ways to stick it to a bank, if you are really serious. I was thinking about it. How far can you go?"

Leon was a mix of stress and genuine surprise. "What do you mean- how far?"

"Suppose you had to leave the country?"

"I have never thought of it."

"Would you settle in Malacca or Kuala Lumpur with me?"

"You got promoted?"

Yasha laughed. "No. No. I was just thinking. For months I have been lobbying on and off for heading Malacca. I am pretty sure I can work something out. But what I am saying is how do you feel."

When Leon did not reply Yasha continued. "If there was a way to do to Globe finance what they have done to you."

"Please, Yasha this is my fight..."

"Listen, if your.. fight is won. You can go on for a better career and Malacca, with me, maybe the thing."

"If this is possible. I don't see any way it can happen."

"I do. But it is illegal. And it will end with you leaving the country and charged for fraud. I'm not saying you will loose the case in court, maybe you can twist the system. But the court battles will be long and taxing. Better to move."

"The law is not for the small guy. I don't mind leaving. But still, you think you can fool Global Finance at their own game."

"Yes! A ponzi scheme sold to the middle and top managements."

"Why will they invest in my scheme? Even if it is all legit and proper. They are bloodsuckers."

"You forget, I know many of them. Hell half a dozen have worked under me before they got shunted to Global Finance. We can sell them this ball of crap with a little planning."

Three Weeks later:

Yasha was having lunch with the Head of personnel, Noel Shrap and Mindy Rolan, the Director Marketing of Global Finance and Bullion. A meeting regarding the funding of the new trainee program of the Global group. When her phone beeped and she answered it, halting the conversation temporarily .

"..I want three hundred K... Right, fine. What about loan requirement?... OK. Manny, these are seven percent guaranteed by the Reserve?.. No; OK can you make it Four Point Five... I know you told me half a million... Thanks."


Noel was the first to ask. "You are buying bonds. Eh. But the real money is in Steemit. Bonds are safe though at seven percent annually tax free."

"Quarterly, not annually."

Now Mindy jumped in. "Not possible."

Yasha just smiled at them. "You know the Qatari group- Miranah. They are getting into tourism Dubai, Muscat, London, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to begin with. Hotels, cabs private yachts, planes all the works. You have seen the commercials."

Mindy replied. "But London I had not heard of."

Yasha continued. "They are very closed sort of. Anyway SEVEN percent per quarter is good for me. I managed to get in. They are keeping it close and small"

Noel gave her a big smile. "Who is handling it?"

"A private firm headed by our ex-employee Leon Something. Their own group I think. Saving on commissions, I guess. Here let me message you the card if you want to look at it. Do tell me if you find something wrong, I got a lot to loose."

And it had begun. Yasha walked out of the plush restaurant pleased with herself. This felt so good- rebelling against the system she was a part of; crime was not supposed to feel this way. She was betraying her employers but everything is fair in love..

The Contest: https://steemit.com/freewritehouse/@freewritehouse/the-freewrite-house-literary-talent-award-spanish-english-german-june-2019

Picture Credit: http://econintersect.com


aaah i was kinda tense as they decided they'd go for the scheme, and i hope they kinda get away with it XD it's always great to read something that you found yourself rooting for someone in the story by the end of it... you're a really talented writer, @sarez !!! <3 <3 <3

@veryspider a hope of a happy ending is what I tried for. Leon is a lucky guy!

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