Reflections on my adoption by FreeWriteHouse

in #freewritehouse6 years ago (edited)


First and always, thank you so much for the warm welcomes, comments, upvotes and encouragement that I got from so many of you, @riverflows, @wonderwop, @kaelci, @jayna, @mariannewest and @fitinfun chief among them!

This week of my adoption has been quite a rush! I saw my followers swell from ten or so to over forty! My funds soared from under 20 cents to over $1.20! I wrote at least five minutes of fiction every single day! As small as these may seem to many, to me they were unimaginable just one short week ago.

A little about the non-writer me. My first love was math, my second was modern dance and my third, the passion that would become my career, was food. I owned and labored in restaurants and the like for over thirty years, meeting my husband in a kitchen, and feeding my children the wonderful natural real foods we sold to many. Since my retirement (lucky me!!!) I have taken on a quite a few new passions: acting, singing, gardening, and healing my three now-adult children naturally of a dread disease, Crohn's disease. I'm very interested in homesteading, and I hate to knit.

And now a bit about the writer me. I started writing poetry ten years ago while going through a very rough patch and met with some success there, but my attempts to write fiction were miserable. I thought for many years that I did not have the ability to envision a story or to put it down in words. I sure spent an awful lot of time arguing politics in writing on FB though! I finally admitted the rage I felt so often there was an unhealthy rage, and decided to try steem, hoping it was a more sane and supportive community. I had no idea what I was doing though. It took me months and months to get my funds over 8 cents! I ran out of RC regularly until an angel @riverflows delegated me a small fortune. This kindness gave me the breathing room to explore steem and learn a tiny bit. I entered one poetry contest of @margaretwise and got some actual humans to read my work, perhaps my first! Then I came across @jayna 's 50 word story prompt and decided to give it a shot. I actually liked my first story enough to enter it in the contest! I entered each week for a few more weeks, loving each little story I wrote. It took me the entire week to come up with those fifty words. The little stories seemed akin to my poetry really - they were very careful choices of words using the fewest possible to convey a complex idea, right up this poet's alley. Every single time was a delight, and I was then encouraged by @fitinfun to try my hand at something that terrified me at first, a five minute freewrite.

My first successful freewrite, Coyotes!, came to me so easily I was astonished! Maybe I could write after all! I published a few more that week, failing only for the prompt "puppy love" to produce something I would let someone else read.

And here we are at the end of my inspiring week of adoption by FreeWriteHouse. I have written a number of five minute freewrites and two weekend freewrites. I made two additions to my series of Advice By Haiku for Steem Newbies. I sure wish I could have done a lot more, but this happens to have been a very busy week for me: medical issues abound, and I am to appear as the Duchess of York in Shakepeare's Richard III which opens this coming Friday, so rehearsals have been heavy. I take an acting class, I sing at a wonderful jazz club in Nyack NY, I garden my own little micro-prairie and tend a tiny flock of chickens, and now I count writing microfiction among my passions.

For that new wonder in my life, I have all of you to thank.

Maybe next I'll figure out how to provide better images, as Uncle Bruni insists I must do every time, but this one is a photo by my hand of a portrait of me and my husband by the marvelous Lydia Viscardi.


I'm so happy you joined in, @owasco. you have a wonderful style of writing that shows through even in these short spurts.

And what a fantastic photo. I love the idea of it and the execution. Good choice for this post.

I forgot to mention @kaelci 's part in my adoption! I'm not sure what exactly she did to be honest, it seems there were a couple things, but holy cow am I feeling a warm and fuzzy toward @kaelci! Gratzie!

She also sponsored you into Steem Basic Income which means a (small) upvote for life. The more units you have, the higher the upvote. The good news is that you can win more by participating in the many FreewriteHouse activities!

I saw that somewhere! I am hopelessly lost on steem at the moment. Thank you @kaelci! No sure she will see this thanks to her.... will she? I get no notifications when someone or thing has does something nice for me unless either they comment on one of my posts, or I happen to stumble across it in my feed.

You're welcome! :D

As for notifications - Instead of the website I use which notifies me of comments, sadly not mentions... but the steem Partiko app on my phone and GINA on Discord notify me of those! :)

If you're using a laptop or computer, I highly recommend using Steempeak for all of your steeming needs! It has a much nicer interface and you can save drafts and templates of your posts, and it seems faster than Steemit. Could just be my bias. But when I was using I would always get "a page is making your browser run slow" message while I'd tap my foot impatiently and I haven't had that at all with steempeak.


Anyway. Babbling.
I'm glad to have helped with your week of adoption! :D

I have started using steempeak. I agree it is much better than steemit! I would dearly love to get some kind of notification of mentions though - I could easily have missed being adopted by freewritehouse - if I hadn't stopped to read every word of that post I surely would have.

Partiko is great for notifications! It's a steem app for your phone that has a points-based system. Every time you upvote, comment or post, you get points, and when you have accrued enough points you can opt to use those points for an upvote from Partiko. :)

I really only use it when I'm in bed or out-and-about, and not for posting, just for voting and commenting. But the notifications are useful! There's also @ginabot on Discord, but that requires a bit of setting up. I have that on my phone too so whenever something happens on Steem I usually get double-beeped.👀🤪 Drives my partner crazy. Especially when I forget to put my phone on silent before bed. 😂

thank you. I am resisting getting anything on my phone, but people keep recommending partiko to me so I might just check it out.

Helloooo! :D

All I did was nominate you. :) I'm silent --I struggle to write meaningful comments about things unless it's general chit chat-- but I read almost every freewrite and fiftywords I see and curate the tags nearly every day, and when I saw that you had just started the freewrites, I -had- to nominate you for the adoption week! :D

You have a very busy life! I love food, both eating and cooking! Haha. I look forward to one day owning my own property and growing my own food, raising my own chickens, etc; apart from writing fiction, it's my main goal in life. There are still many years ahead, but I look forward to it.

Good luck in your upcoming play :) Or, should that be "break a leg?" (please don't! good luck!) :D

They are great people aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now you were adopted by me this week!

lol! I'm even more busy this week!!! I guess one should be careful what one wishes for!
I super appreciate the adoption, and welcome the new challenges! Thanks!!!!

Late to the party but I'm now Following you!
Gardening a micro-prairie is awesome (plus you have chickens!! We have so many fox, wolves, coons, etc, I haven't even tried). HOW COOL that you also sing at a jazz club! Our son is a jazz bassist living in New York , staying out of debt, but not earning enough to have a wife and kids (his sister thinks he needs to but he's happy, so hey!).
The techno-challenges of Steemit are legion. Formatting glitches still plague me. Hang in there! And call on fellow Steemians for help with the glitches (Bruni is a great resource as you've already found). Welcome to #freewritehouse!

Uncle Bruni also tells me not to upvote comments, but sometimes I just have to!

I've figured out how to keep chickens fairly safe: their large coop, spacious run and enclosed yard are under pine trees, I keep them near me with sunflower seeds when we are all out there, and I have put protrusions (sometimes just stakes) in the open spaces to thwart the wing spans of hawks. My dachshund has finally learned that I don't care for his taste for their blood, but he got more of them than any of the many wild predators we have in these parts. I used to call him Killer.

Pleased to make your acquaintance!

You have been assimilated! Ha ha. It’s great to read about your background and other lives besides fiction. How fun getting to know you, @owasco!

What a beautiful post to find and read. It's lovely to meet you @owasco. I understand that new found passion upon finding @freewritehouse. I love the freedom of writing whatever the prompt brings to mind and running with it.

One of the things I want to do more of is read and comment on the others in this marvellous group. I'm hoping that time will bend to support me in this. Perhaps it will. :)

Congratulation! I like your post so much and have featured it today in MY ENTRY POST.This is a weekly contest by @pifc and @thedarkhorse, Pay it Forward Curation Contest.
Have a nice day!! 😍

P.S - I found you because @fitinfun give a comment in my post here:

My goodness! So honored! thank you!

You're welcome!

Posted using Partiko Android

I just found this post somewhere and am pleased to see how much you enjoyed your week of adoption. I come and go in the freewritehouse; sometimes life just plain gets in the way of writing. Your life sounds frightfully busy right now, but if you like it that way, good for you! To the Duchess of York: break a leg! :)

and blacklux just told me I've been adopted! by what I have no idea yet. Good thing I operate smashingly under pressure!

Congrats!!! @blacklux is the best!!! 😀👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you so much for sharing more of you with us!! And you have a very busy life!! I do the chicken and gardening, but no plays or Jazz singing over here.

My friend has Crohn's and does very well with a clean diet. Your kids are lucky to have you on their side and that they are going the diet route. So many start with drugs first instead of using them as a last resort.

I am so glad that you are part of the Freewriters!!

Marianne, you've been a big part of my journey here! Thank you!

We started with diet and acupuncture first, but my son was in special ed and the school threatened me. So I had no choice but to ply him with drug after drug, and his sister too. My eldest child was diagnosed as an adult so she could do what I had learned by then and has had little trouble! The other two had a very different journey. But my son came out of it all severely disabled (prednisone!!! very bad!!! just say no!) so now even though he is an adult, I have to deal with Adult Protective Services being called on us fairly regularly by people who learn we are trying to deal with the crohn's with diet alone.

I am so sorry that you are under that kind of pressure! Big hugs! 💕

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm so happy to have met you, but Uncle Bruni will be here if you ever have any questions. 💕

My dear Uncle Bruni, what is the best way to contact you? Of course I have a million questions.
This voting for witnesses thing for instance - how does one decide what to vote for? I just hit a "vote wall" from steempeak when I tried to cash in my earnings before it would transfer my money (that pissed me off!), then when i tried to get around it the option to transfer was gone.

I've never used steempeak before so I'm no help there. Are you on discord? When it comes to witnesses, I checked the witnesses of my highly regarded mentors, and noticed they had alot of the same people, so I added them as well. I think I still need one more.

Posted using Partiko Android

Witness voting: you have 30 votes. It is best to check what the witnesses are doing for the community. There are a couple that are supporting the Freewritehouse and they would be nice to support.
I’ll try to do a post on that and how to check on who does what either on my account or the Freewritehouse account.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great idea! I would definitely like to support the witnesses that support the folks who support me!

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