The Freewrite House Literary Talent Award - Spanish/English - April Reminder
Thank you @txatxy for the graphics
A while ago, we introduced the idea of the Freewrite House Literary Talent Award.
Please read the post to understand the in and outs of this contest
20 Steem/SBI
10 SBI
Upvotes for Participation
Weekly Random Drawing of SBI for that Week's participants.
You can drop your April entries in the comments of the April post or this post.
Participants So Far This Month
These writers have participated so far - some with more than one piece.
Each one will receive one SBI
The amount of SBI shares will vary every week.
The Contest
- Starts at the first of each month. Last submissions excepted at 8 PM Eastern Time of the last day of the month.
- Languages: English and/or Spanish.
- Tag required: #freewritehouse
- The entry post must be less than one month old at the time of submission.
- The entry post must be at least 150 words long.
- You may enter a post that is also entered into other contests.
- You may only enter your own work. Plagiarsts will be banned forever!
- We have Spanish and English speaking judges deciding which are the winning entries. Their decision is final and can not be disputed.
Future plans (very much in the future) include an anthology of selected works and a podcast. Please indicate when submitting your work if you do not want to be asked to participate in this kind of projects.
Feel Free to use this Banner in your posts to advertise this contest.
Premio al Talento Literario Freewrite House - Español/Inglés
Gracias @txatxy por los gráficos
Íbamos a empezar el concurso con el poste original, pero pensamos que no éramos lo suficientemente claros. Ya que este es un esfuerzo bilingüe estamos trabajando duro para llevar a ustedes la información de la manera más exacta posible.
Aquellos de ustedes que ya hayan enviado una propuesta, la aceptaremos para el concurso de febrero.
Nuestra intención es mantenerlo en marcha durante mucho tiempo y que florezca en todo tipo de proyectos. @latino.romano y @mariannewest son los organizadores actuales. Vamos a mantener en secreto los nombres de los jueces para que nadie se sienta inclinado a defender su caso ante ellos. Gracias por su comprensión.
Hace un tiempo, introdujimos la idea del Premio al Talento Literario de Freewrite House.
Por favor, lea el post para entender los detalles de este concurso award
20 Steem/SBI
10 SBI
Votos por participación
Sorteo semanal aleatorio de SBI para los participantes de esa semana.
El Concurso
- Comienza el primer día de cada mes. Las últimas presentaciones hasta antes de las 8 PM Hora del Este del último día del mes.
- Idiomas: Inglés y/o Español.
- Se requiere etiqueta: # freewritehouse
- El puesto de entrada debe tener menos de un mes de antigüedad en el momento de la presentación.
- La entrada debe tener una extensión mínima de 150 palabras.
- Usted puede participar con un post que también sea parte de otros concursos.
- Sólo puedes publicar contenido propio. ¡Los plagiarios serán prohibidos para siempre!
- Tenemos jueces de habla hispana e inglesa que deciden cuáles son las obras ganadoras. Su decisión es definitiva y no puede ser cuestionada.
Los planes para el futuro (muy a futuro) incluyen una antología de obras seleccionadas y un podcast. Por favor, indique al enviar su trabajo si no desea que se le pida que participe en este tipo de proyectos.
Also, check out this post: Future of the Freewrite House 1
Check out These Contests and Events at the Freewrite House @freewritehouse
- The Freewritehouse Literary Talent Award - English & Spanish
Freewrite House Author Reading Contest
Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite & Freewrite Poetry
Adopt Me!
Beta Readers Group (forming)
March Madness - Write a Novel in a Month
Coming soon: Steemzuela Ventest - Fables of Venezuela - English & Spanish
Join us on Twitter:
Here's my entry. I think I already put another one for April, and I will go look :)
Ok - I've been entering, but maybe in the wrong places?!
I entered here:
With this post:
And I entered here:
With this post:
That's it! I'm done :)
I love both of these, but "Born" is an especially beautiful thing.
Thank you so much, @owasco. I realized these were all kind of related when I just did this. I need to get it together for another Amazon Kindle book. Goals!
I am having a hard time posting comments today.
Okay - steempeak seems to be working for me. Sorry, I overlooked the first one and one was under the winner post LOL
Sending you an SBI tomorrow.
sbi sent
TY so much! Love you :)
Thank you for writing this. There is so much in it I never thought of before. uch as how it is traumatic to have become so different from what you were before. That others see you as an object, not a mind, when you are thinner. That you can't recognize yourself as a thin person until you can no longer recognize yourself in a photo of yourself as a fat person. There's much more than just these things in your essay. It's GREAT.
Aw! Thank you very much, @owasco. I was so lucky to be warned about this by others before it happened to me. Most of the time, people have no idea this trauma is coming and it is even worse. Everyone says, "Hey, you are thin! You must be so happy now." Meanwhile you want to go into the fetal position and die.
Saludos @freewritehouse, aquí coloco mi participación
¡Suerte a todos!
This initiative is very good, here is one of my entries, I hope to bring more soon:
Another Splinterlands Freewrite
Two weeks ago I wrote: Twenty years
Last weekend its follow up: Balancing on the edge
I like to join with this one.
Posted using Partiko Android
@wakeupkitty, It's a particularly disturbing text... and I liked that!
Aquí dejo mi entrada. Muy interesante este proyecto @freewritehouse. ¡Éxito para todos!
Querida @evagavilan, tus poemas, en especial el último, son muy sugerentes y hacen transitar al lector caminos de sensaciones sinuosas muy bien logradas.
Aprecio particularmente el ritmo reposado, sin apresuramiento, con el que concedes espacio a cada imagen. Me gusta también la capacidad de síntesis del verso.
Me gustaron mucho.
Continúa experimentando, que te están saliendo cosas muy buenas.
Un abrazo!
Me llena de orgullo del bueno tu comentario querida @adncabrera, poco a poco y con la ayuda de todos voy aprendiendo. ¡Un abrazo!
Gracias por el apoyo recibido @freewritehouse
My entry for Day 551: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: I'm blessed took far longer than 5 minutes, as usual. Formatting alone takes me half the morning. I'm starting to get the hang of <center followed by </center but as with left and right justify, the text often goes fubar. </div sometimes works, usually doesn't. And yes, I know about the other < mark, but if I use it here, the comment gets coded and I cannot override it. *sigh
In case it wasn't obvious (I learned how to hyperlink early in the game!!), here it is again:
I already told you how much I love this, but it doesn't hurt to say so again! xo
Dear @carolkean, I would like to give you a hug before beginning my very brief comment and another at the end. A lot of emotions that were stirred inside me as I read your post... And how kind the feeling of gratitude for the life that invaded me at the end of the reading.
You carry your writing in such an efficient way: the old school building about to disappear, finely entwined with the memory of your own place in its memories (decentralized, but loved and deeply conserved in the blessing of your own life), the (inevitable) tragedy linked to its existence and, finally, the return to the present with a look that knows how to smile at the future. Special mention should be made of your mother's portrait, so well done in a few strokes.
Actually, each episode related has a real weight, which can be felt and felt.
It is a blessed text that conveys the feeling of blessing.
I embrace you! Thank you, dear @carolkean!
{{{ Hugs to you too! }}} THANK YOU for reading and commenting with such kindness and sensitivity! You're a treasure.
Thanks to your comment, I checked out your posts, and wow, you are a kindred spirit, and a fantastic writer and illustrator, and how did I fail to discover you all this time? Mea culpa! Maybe it was the Spanish/English gap? Glad to have met you at last! So glad, I even blogged about it:
Dear @carolkean, you're adorable. I'm really touched by your enthusiasm for my work and I'm proud that a good writer like you has taken so much work with my blog.
I especially appreciate your recommendation to publish Chico Rata. It is a stimulus that adds to a desire that I have a time caressing with my daughter, who is a very young girl designer and a very talented illustrator.
I would also like to write about you, because I like your writing very much. You have that gift of being authentic and linking your stories and reflections as you elevate them to the territory where fictions are made and where our lives border on it. I know it sounds like gibberish, but it's as close as I can get to the feeling your writings give me. In addition, there is that spark of humour, of a smile in the background, a wink...
This is Steemit's magic, finding talented and warm people like you.
We will continue reading our texts and speaking, for sure.
In my country these days are extremely tense and dangerous, but I will find the time to keep in touch.
Thank you again. A big hug!
It is such a lovely piece. Thank you for entering it!!
Thank you so much - and it's a long read, so I especially appreciate anyone taking time to slog through all my words. :)
You funny goose - Your words are beautiful and a pleasure to read!!
I know this was not my most like piece so far this month, but I love it and I loved writing it. Maybe because it was a few and I see it so vividly, I just hope I told it well enough for others.
Posted using Partiko iOS
#freewritehouse - hyperlinked submission:
All the best x @nickythecat
Thank you!!
Hola! Me parece maravilloso este concurso! Me habló de él mi amiga @adncabrera, lastima que me enteré casi a final de mes. Voy a dejar por aquí un poema, el unico que tengo (por ahora) dentro de la extensión minima requerida de palabras, mis poemas no suelen ser tan largos para llegar a las 150 palabras. Espero les guste
Me prepararé mejor para la próxima ocasión.