Tea and milk...factory? Day 3 of 200 day freewrite party contest

in #freewritecontest6 years ago (edited)

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Here's the third installment of my yet-to-be-named freewrite series following the not-yet-named author. I beg forgiveness if this is not quite up to snuff. I'm working on three hours of sleep. The ideas are flowing, but my typing and grammar are suffering!

If you missed the previous parts of this story you can find them at these links:

1. Bananaipulation
2. Manuscript on Paper

I always drink green tea. Green's Garden Green Tea to be exact. The small round tins are gold, with a green label on top and the words "Green's Garden" emblazoned in a large, bold white font across it.

That's why the blue and yellow label caught my eye. It was a Chiqita label. That's right a Chiqita label, like the one I put on the MDX-3000 from my first novel. The spelling was close enough that even Google returned results for the proper brand name. And instead of the Chiquita girl icon, there was a gun icon but drawn to be almost identical to the girl in the outline.

Only the most observant would ever see the difference in the icon or the name. And my protagonist, Remosa Redwing, always counted on her adversaries being the unobservant type.

Even when the final showdown happened in a milk factory during a visitor tour, the villains didn't find the banana suspicious. Who wouldn't bring a snack for when the tour ended? That's the way things worked out for Redwing in every story she appeared in since.

But it wasn't the MDX-3000 label that bothered me. It was how it got there.

Had George snuck in and left me a subtle reminder to get the manuscript done? But he knew I only drink tea when I'm done writing the full novel. Those few moments after finishing were the only time I could relax before starting the next project. He did brandish that banana at me a couple weeks ago, so maybe it was a joke about that?

I decided against drinking the tea and to just wait for George to show up. If he'd managed to get in my house unnoticed to play a trick on me like that I'd make sure it never happened again.

If he didn't, I'd need to call the police.

Here's the selfie for the contest too.

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All images are mine or licensed from Adobe except where stated.


I am so unobservant, I would never notice the difference in the label. I would make a horrible spy/villain. I love your selfie. What is wrong with that milk?

Nothing wrong with the milk. He hates it so I told him to pretend it was bad. He makes the best faces!

He does make the best faces! He's very expressive. I love it. <3

I do take green tea once a while but do not have the habit though. Not even the Chinese tea which is common among the Chinese.
However, some of my friends are Chinese tea drinker to an extend they bring long their tea leaves every eatery place they go
Nice write up for the freewrite contest

you must be having a blast with the selfies :D

Great story too.loving reading more each day!

Thank you!

Now, I want to read the adventures of Remosa Redwing!!!

She does sound like a fun read doesn’t she? Cheesy maybe, but fun!

Yes, she does!! You got your next bestseller there lol

I still have to finish my first. :)

It was definitely the yet-to-be-named authors first best seller.

Oh, I am asking for a friend who I don't even know if she wants to do this. but in theory - would you be willing/able to tell someone how to get started in copy writing?

Absolutely. Tell her to contact me on discord or if she’s not on there I’ll DM you my email

Great freewrite and selfie!

Thank you! My son is such a good sport.

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