Bananaipulation: Freewrite Day 1 - 200 Day Contest

in #freewritecontest6 years ago

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"Put it down George," I said.

"No, I won't. Not until you finish it," George said.

I turned my chair around and looked at him.

"You really think waving a banana at me is going to make me finish this manuscript any faster?" I was beginning to worry about his sanity.

"It's a gun."

"It's a banana," I said and swiveled my chair back to my desk. Placing my hands on the keyboard, I was determined to hammer out the last chapter of my book - banana or no - in my own damned time. Maybe now, maybe next week.

"No really, it's a gun. An MXD-3000 to be precise. Or don't you remember? I've had so many of your stories published that maybe you've forgotten the first one?"

I couldn't believe my ears. He'd definitely lost it. Yes, my first novel I published with him as my agent included a secret weapon disguised as a banana. It was cheesy I admit, but it just worked.

"I remember George. And that's no MXD-3000. I need a week, and you'll have the manuscript, but not if you insist on standing there the whole time."

His silence made me turn to look again. He was gone.

This is the first entry into the 200 Day Freewrite Party! Here's the selfie to go with it:

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If you have any questions about this content, please let me know in the comments. Or better yet, click the banner to join my channel on Dynamic Steemians' Discord!

Remember you can post any question at any time. You don't need to wait for a live session.

Note: All images are mine or licensed from Adobe except where noted. The Dynamic Steemians' banner was thoughtfully provided by @baa.steemit.


You know, bananas are inherently a non-violent species. But we appreciate that you were responding to a prompt to use "banana" in a writing, and we think your story is actually a good one. :-)
~The Banana Collective 🍌

Yes, that's what made the perfect cover for the MXD-3000. No one would suspect an innocent peace loving banana.

Tell all the bananas that I appreciate their understanding that I was using it as a literary device only. And thank you for the compliment.;)

You seem to be a very intelligent, banana-loving person... our favorite kind of people! Here's a snack for all your hard work:
a Steemnana 180x120.png

George was right, that was actually an MXD-3000. I know it's true, because I, Agent Banana Bond, have been supplied with the model 3001 ;)

Haha! What a story we could write bringing those two together eh?

Never say Banana again?
From Africa with Love?
The Monkey with the Golden Banana?

This is awesome! So creative :)

Thank you!

Fun! As a teacher, this sounds a lot like some of the distractions my students create and deal with on a daily basis, LOL.

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