Father Buys Daughter Concert Tickets After They Sell-Out

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


It always seems to happen this way. Daughter wants concert tickets. Father hems and haws. Daughter cries. Father decides to buy tickets to surprise her. Tickets sell out 20 minutes after they go on sale. Father panics and tries to find sold-out tickets.

Perhaps, this is only a first-world problem others who are more worried about eating tonight will never understand. Still, the drama and panic of the father rings true whether it be tickets or corn flour that sell-out.

He stared at the online ticket broker website and wondered why he didn't try sooner. He might have found cheap tickets. More than likely, he would still be sitting here no matter what he did. So, it didn't matter.

Of course, this was a band he knew nothing about and therefore, had no intention of chaperoning his daughter and her friends. He would leave that to her mother. All the better reason to find tickets: he would be the hero and his ex-wife would be the one serenaded by a punk boy band known only to adolescents.

He clicked on the front row seats with a bit of glee and excitement. Sure, it was two-grand for four seats. He chalked it up as an investment in feeding the hate he felt about the divorce. And, it cost a lot of money. Still, it made him giggle to imagine the look on his ex-wife's face on the front row surrounded by screaming girls. Priceless.

Day 259: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: sell-out by @mariannewest

Copyright © 2018 Michael Shawn Sommermeyer

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My father abandoned me at age 12. I never saw him again. He was mentally ill (paranoid schizophrenic).

This girl has no idea how lucky she has it. Infact none of you with supportive fathers do. I remember father's day just passed recently. It's always so difficult for me because my father is not dead, but he might as well be. He is a mere carcass; a shell of his former self with his mind long gone.

I have not spoken to him in 15 years. Not because I am angry with him, but because I don't know where he is... I've tried everything to look for him. I don't know what he looks like; his favor color, his age, birthday, favorite hobby, or ANYTHING about him.

I'm not even angry at him anymore... I just want to see him. It breaks my heart knowing that he's going to die in some shelter or halfway house by himself; alone, just as he lived. I miss him so much :( I don't remember too many details but up until age 10 he was a normal great dad.

He told me he loved me once & I am tearing up just reminiscing that day.

I'm starting to forget what he looks like... maybe I already did. He's just a shadow silhouette in my mind. What scares me most is how much more I'm becoming like him with each passing year.

Next time anyone who reads this (who's father is still alive & apart of their lives) regardless of whatever mistakes he's made; forgive him. Because I would do anything just to know what's his favorite color. To have a meal with him... or even a cup of coffee. A sip... anything?

You don't know desperation, misery & anguish until you've experienced losing your father then losing your mind you start to lose your grip on reality and everyday is filled with doubt, anxiety and guilt. The kind of feeling that makes you mad enough to scream but sad enough to cry hysterically. IT's hopelessness, helplessness, and suicide starts to sound more appealing by the day...

Really feel sorry for you.Please take care of yourself..

God bless your kind heart and I know it's in the right place but when people feel sorry and take pity on me it only makes me feel even more hopeless and the one thing I don't want is pity from no one. Everybody has problems. Instead of pity what I want is love, respect, kindness... but those have to be earned. Maybe I'm just a bad person; I talk too much I am sensitive I don't think before speaking and have a big mouth but that's just who I am.

What am i supposed to do? Change my personality or apologize for being different? I just wish being different didn't mean being a loser...maybe this is me just being a moody little bi-polar baby but I'm starting to feel like everyone I know (friends, family, acquianteces) would be better off If i was dead. I mean that sincerely... again please don't feel sorry for me.

I"m just being honest.

Thank you...

Hugo4u can you stop spamming me in the wallet ???

I'm very sorry for you! You should search for a psychological aid before "you start to lose your grip on reality " as you write. Good vibes to you!

I've tried talking to a therapist; psychiatrist, tried exercise, SSRI antidepressants, eating healthy. It's nothing that can be fixed. It's a hole inside of me. I am a very sensitive person. I love everyone even complete strangers but hate myself & cannot help it. I am insecure and self-loathing. I blame myself for him leaving. I should've been a better son.

I'm doubtful about spending a lot of money in order to try to become the hero of a daughter and having a revenge on the ex-wife...

Yep. Doubtful it will work, but so goes my imagination! I worked at Family Court; you'd be surprised what people will do to get back at their exes.

Haha, truly priceless gift. A tad spiteful, true, but the daughter will label him the hero!

Friend you are a great guy i appreciate you bolg you always comes with grat ideas,i am a big fan of you ,i want to know one thing how much time you spend to ready your blog ,,you have a grat skills with dashing personality.i support you and you should support me ,i want to become like you ,so keep me supporting ,and helping me to achive my goals

Nothing like spending a couple thousand to stoke bitterness! Lol

I am also the caring prompt deliverer today!


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Guess it's true that children of divorce get better prizes... Children from nuclear fams get no leverage lol

Oh, the struggles of a middle child. ;-)

Oh - very expensive to get back at an ex! She must be laughing her ass of too LOL
Just stopping by to say thank you for all you do for the freewrite community!

You're the first person to realize the mom is really the winner. She didn't have to buy the tickets, her daughter is happy, and the ex is, well, just stupid!

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