Day 287: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday-Prompt: headache

in #freewrite6 years ago

Day 287: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Thursday-Prompt: headache

My awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot and personalized by @omra-sky. Thank you!

I haven't been posting because I had a migraine, which usually lasts for 2-3 days and I am exhausted on the day after. I have hereditary migraines which are usually passed down from mother to daughter. My mom's mom had them, my mom had them, I have them and I pray that my daughter never, ever gets them. My triggers don't have to work hard due to a neck injury and brain surgery. I have a titanium plate on the left side of my head which expands and contracts. My migraines are on my left side; they are severe and debilitating. I have to lie down in a dark quiet room, take my medication and wait for it to go away.

A migraine is different from a headache. I had a family member who is now deceased, and he used to tell me that I shouldn't let a headache stop from doing things. I explained the difference between a headache and a migraine, and it was like talking to a brick wall. And for the past five years, my neighbor has been telling me that she doesn't let a headache keep her down and I shouldn't either. I cringe when I hear that.

If you know someone that suffers from migraines, please...I am begging not tell that person that they only have a headache and to keep going. So, if you don't see me posting for 2-4 days, it is most likely because I have a migraine from hell and I will be back when it is gone.

My cute gif is brought to you by @snook. Thank you!


That sounds pain to me. Glad I am reading your writing now means you don't have migraine at the moment. I didn't know it is hereditary. Always thought it is due to pressure or lack of sleep. I pray your daughter will not get it. Will coffee help? Or exaggerate the condition?

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Hi @iamjadeline! It is hereditary for some if their mothers in the family had them. Others have them for different reasons. Yes, no migraine now...thank God! And thanks for your prayers for my daughter. Coffee? No way! That makes migraines worse. I am caffeine restricted. Thanks for the new prompt! : )

Beautifully written, I struggle with migraines as well and there is nothing that I dislike more than when someone tells me to just get over my headache. I was excited for this prompt so I could share about my migraine, too. I'll leave the link to my free write if you want to check it out? Hugs!! I can't wait to read more of your freewrites <3

Hi @emms! First of all, welcome to Steemit and the Freewrite Community! You are going to love it here. I am so sorry to hear that you suffer with migraines and sadly, now I know that you can relate. I am going to read yours now. Thanks for stopping by! : )

Hello, we have a discord with an Over 20 club room and also spaces for getting serious about writing. We are going to keep it small and for people who are serious about their writing. You are invited :)

Glad you are feeling better @whatisnew! 💕
What no coffee! I wouldn't be able to keep
the other pains at bay without it ;-)

I await your prompt coffee ☕ post! lol
Love your writing my friend!!

Thanks @shasta! That makes 2 of us. When I had to stop drinking coffee, it made my migraines worse for a couple of months. The Doctor said it was because of caffeine withdraw.

My prompt: coffee post is my latest post: Have You Smiled Today #38. I combined them. Aw, you are so sweet! It is compliments like yours that keep me writing...thanks for that my friend! Hugs!

Oh oh as I'm making some! It's really good Alaskan
roast they do up here called Kaladi brothers.

I'm behind and distracted LOL :-)

Most welcome my friend ❤ hugs!

Hugs to you. I never have suffered from migraines but have seen others. You can tell that it is more than a headache. But people are so stupid. And I mean stupid. Just so in their own reality that they can't see beyond.
I am hoping for you that they don't come to often and that your daughter will never get them!!

Aw, thank you. I am very happy to hear that you don't suffer from migraines and I think my daughter has been spared. She is in her late 30's and hasn't ever had one, thank God! I usually get them 2 times a month. : ( Hugs right back at ya!

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