The Space Between Kitchen and Bathroom

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

When I was a very young....oh, about 10 years old, we lived in an old trailer next to my grandparents in Pennsylvania. We moved there from the state that I was born in, New York.

The trailer was small and my aunt and uncle and cousins had rented it from my grandparents before we did. There were too real bedrooms and mine. I don't call mine a bedroom because it was actually in between the kitchen and the bathroom in a hallway. I think there were doorways that slid left to right when I went to bed at night. My bed hung on chains and at night I would unhook my bed from the wall and I climb up on the little bunk. It didn't affect me much, and I look back at that room and realize that when we're young certain things that may bother us when we get older don't bother us when we're kids.

The only time I did not like my bedroom was if somebody got up before me. Back in those days (around 1972) they may have needed to make their way into the bathroom or the kitchen and go through my bedroom to the kitchen. I was usually the first person up anyway, so it usually wasn't a disturbance.

Once upon a time, I remember living in that trailer and waking up at 4:00 in the morning and waking up Mom on Christmas Day believing that it was time to get up. Mom and dad were not really excited about that idea and told me to go back to bed until morning.

I remember feeling very guilty for waking them up and told them in the morning that they could give away my presents for being bad. They were nice and did not do any such thing. From that time forward I was very careful to make sure it was actually morning on Christmas.

I look back on those times and laugh thinking about wanting to get up so early in the morning. My average time waking was when the sun was rising in the East. Nowadays, I wake up when the alarm rings at 5:00 am and I hit snooze for a while because I really don't want to get up.

I'm particular about my personal space. My bedroom is on the small side, but not too small. I have a queen size bed and I'm very particular about that bed as well. I like sheets that are a little more expensive than Walmart brand but not as expensive as name brand stores. Walmart sheets are really uncomfortable and they pill up. My sheets are a night luxury and insist on at least 400 cotton thread count. Everyone has their thing. It is funny how we get accustomed to our space, or lack thereof.

The apartment I have now is quite spacious, although it's on the rundown side. I can't complain because rent has never gone up from $400 since I moved in here in 2002. What do you think about the space you're in?

times up.

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I remember waking up in the middle of the night on Christmas and rather than going and waking my parents up I tiptoed out into the living room and sat on the floor next to the Christmas tree and gazed at all the packages for hours it seems like until my parents got up and were quite surprised to find me already up and ready to open presents! I remember still having to wait until they made coffee.

I also lived in a trailer that was in my grandparents yard until I was 4 and getting ready to start school in the fall. I had my own room for for 3 years until my baby brother was born. By then my parents had saved enough money to buy a starter home.

You stirred up lots of old memories!

Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I enjoyed that too. I'd love to hear your feedback and I hope all is doing well for you. Much love!

@wandrnrose7..... really a great freewrite!

It make me to think to say

Once a narrow sour past,
but now a broad happy present and a prosperous beautiful FUTURE!

Thanks for entertaining us with this Space Freewrite.

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Thank you for reading and your sweet comments. You are such a bright I'm positive personality. I look forward to your comments. Have a great rest of your day and I agree to a bright future!

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Nice freewrite. It's been months since the last time I created one. One of these days, I would be freewriting again.

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I'm glad to hear that you're considering coming back again. I always enjoyed seeing you there. Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by and reading my freewirite!

You actually had me entertained in your writing. That is not normal for me. Great job!

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Yay! Thank you for reading and I'm happy to accomplish that!! Take care

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I love the fold-down bed in the trailer, and how a child is not terribly inconvenienced by that -- but people walking through her sleeping space to get to the bathroom, that she minds -- what a great insight, or metaphor, something that makes us nod and laugh and recognize that feeling. Years ago a family of ten could live in a one-room cabin and nobody felt deprived--just lucky to have shelter! This freewrite is such a perspective builder. And when it comes to sleep, investing in a good mattress and nice sheets is definitely a worthy priority. Sleep is so much more important than most of us realize. The cave floor, the dirt floor, that was long, long ago. We live more sedentary, sheltered, indoor lives now. So bring on the nice sheets! And keep those trespassers out of our bedrooms! :)

I can't help but think of Harry Potter. Were you aware that you didn't have much personal space as a child, or did it take being an adult to realize it?

I am one of those few people who have never seen Harry Potter, but I'm interested in the reference. It never occurred to me that I was being deprived of anything living in that little room or even the invasion of privacy. Those were things that, apparently , were not an issue for me. I found things about my little room that I liked and had no issue at all with being placed in that little room. I didn't develop an issue with small spaces until I got married and lived in a very small trailer then had my first two children. The trailer was like a little circle that you could get around in 1 minute from Kitchen to bathroom to bedroom to second bedroom to living room. It was a trailer with an addition and it was super small. After a few years of that I knew that I could never live in such a small space again. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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My favorite thing about steem is how many different people that have experienced such different lives. In Harry Potter, Harry has a "bedroom" under the stairs at his uncle's house. It was an abusive and neglectful situation. Not much of a spoiler at all if you do decide to watch the movies.
I know someone who grew up in a similar situation. She never thought much of the small space, even after seeing the rooms of other children she met at school.

Thank you very much for sharing... I think I can understand where that girl is coming from. I was not in an abusive situation at that time, but I think sometimes if a child has all their other basic needs met something as insignificant as having your own big room it's not that big of a deal. Just my two cents.

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And yet the "tiny house" phenomenon is gaining in popularity! Oh the times they are a changin'!
Of course, many think the tiny-house crowd (especially those who have to go use someone else's shower) are hypocrites and dorks:

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@carolkean thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. I think as I age I can see so much in reflection I couldn't possibly interpret back then.

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