Faking happiness

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

You know why so many people are screwed up?

It is not only because of what we eat and drink. It is not all caused by chemicals like transfat and palm fat, DNA and overpopulation but it is religion and civilization that changed us into the fakers we are.
Both are the source of our behavior, our unhappiness, the reason why we have low self-esteem, give up on ourselves or why we pretend we are a great person, brag but in reality die deep inside.

No matter what you think, I am not a great person.
I can dislike and who knows hate.
If I have very good reasons for it there is a small chance I forgive and if I never forget!
Do I care about me being like that?
No, I don't. I have my limits and borders and it is my good right to be angry or mad just like it is my good right to be sad, disappointed, be in pain.


Humans see themselves as a better species of the animal world.

This way of thinking did not come on its own. We say we feel more, pretend since ages we have more feelings and emotions as animals, the goldfish and... plants. We are higher on the ladder and rule. We are the king of everything. Everything except our own mind, our feelings and... emotions!

The more civilized human being becomes the more problems it has.
Drama queens we all are. Not able to face modern life, we suffer from stress and are close to a burn-out, children included.
I call these luxury problems. If you do not have to fight, struggle for your daily piece of bread, fight for a place close to the fire to keep yourself warm during the night, you have all the time to think and complain and fall over each tiny problem on your road.

Most of us suffer from something.
Terrible childhood, parents, marriage, being raised in poverty, Santa who did not fulfill the biggest wish, no Santa, no father, no friend, being adopted, no (dream) job, angry neighbors, a creepy uncle who cannot keep his hands to himself, a mean teacher, bullies, bad eyes, being deaf, the sun never shines, no visa into Paradise, being invisible, "it's complicated", discrimination or downvoted on Steem again.

Religion and society do not allow us to use the (basic) instinct.

As a civilized person, it is not allowed to ventilate.
It is forbidden to envy, hate and backstabs. Those things animals do. It helps them to learn a lesson, teaches them to be aware and how to survive but is taken away from us. We have to sit and pray and wait and hope for the moment we'll be saved. That savior will not show up if you don't fight back, don't teach a bully a lesson, change into a cry baby and deny your true feelings.

We have to pretend we don't care about our feelings, they don't matter.
We are civilized so we talk "like adults" about what bothers us or we write it down. For frustrated people, we have plenty of doctors, psychologists, shrinks, all kinds of therapy, yoga and meditation available. We can drink, eat, smoke, take meds as much as we like to feel better, to forgive but it doesn't help if we deny our true feelings.

Once in therapy always in therapy?
We keep pretending that "what does not break us makes us stronger" but the reality proves the opposite.
Once a hater always a hater?
I don't think so. A hater is no hypocrite. Hate is a very strong feeling and hate and revenge do not go necessary hand in hand. It can give you a superpower that you can use for your own benefit instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

This is my entry to the daily 5-minute freewrite. If you like to join see @mariannewest for the daily prompt.

Some other freewrites

  1. Twenty years
  2. Shit therapy
  3. Salsbury
  4. Scary
  5. A Christmas Carol
  6. Morgen (D) / Morning (En)

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your reflections are the great realities of many people, they pretend to be great people inside they are rotten, their minds are sick, their acts are not good city, it is a good coming evil, everything has to be this way, they taught us that way , religions punishment in hell all are tales to scare children, all for a God that is not seen, what madness people come to believe? greetings friend keep going forever

I thank you for stopping by, reading and commenting. We all would feel better and way healthier if we are what we are and stop trying to "be good". All the scaring does not pay. Who lives in fear needs something to hold on, believe in, hope for. Strangely enough these are not the healthiest and happiest people around. All energy to fight, survive left them. That makes one wonder. Who benefits most of a feared, sick nation?
Merry days and stay you. 💕

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Very creative writing with lots of interesting inputs. Thank you so much for sharing 😇

Thank you for stopping by, reading and commenting. I appreciate it. Happy day. 💕

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Thank you for the cuddle @steemkitten 😍

Yes, @puncakbukit upvoted and resteemed your post to thousand followers.. Many thanks to vote us as witness and curator.

Thank you. I appreciate it. Good luck and a great 2020./💕

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Thanks for your post. Every word is true. It gets tiresome being good all the time for appearances sake. And you can't say or act how you really feel, at least not in public. Makes for lots of inner turmoil building up slowly.

I wish I could curate you, but our level limit is 65. Keep writing the soul's truth.

Ypu can always curate someone. Try to do so in the 5th minute. It might give you a great extra earning and the possibility to grow.

For your own health: speak up. There is a Dutch saying "don't turn your heart into a murder pit". Perhaps that is one of the reasons we are so straight, too straight.

A good friend, real family accept you the way you are. Religion, other opinions are no reason for not being friends.

You know... if people do not like you for who you are they are not worth your energy. I know many do appreciate it if you do at times you only scare them because you dare.

Ask yourself who is more impirtant, who's life it is and has to develop in this life. How you feel and think about yourself.

Happy day 💕

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Thanks for your kind words of advice, support, and encouragement. I like that Dutch saying because when you told things in, no matter how small, it festers until the small word or action can send you into a tailspin.

Will heed it in the coming year as I make lots of changes to mind and body. You know my mom always used to say that people only talk about you when you're doing things.

Hope your new year is a good one also.

@justclickindiva It is partly true what your mom says. At times people speak about you, remember you too if you are there. For a friendly look or smile. Good luck with all the achievements you set! Happy 2020..❤️

Im of those faking my happiness but no matter what it is,I have no choice to choose what is better for me. Many unreasonable reason I can't figure it out. Just follow where my foot goes through.
Beautiful blog my seat @wakeupkitty.

Many of us fake. We are raised like that and it is part of being accepted.
Sometimes it is also a good way to be left alone. If you "fit in" you can think what you like.

There is nothing wrong with admitting to yourself, say, life does not make you happy. It might not be the solution but make you feel better.

It is not wrong to say you feel bad if someone asks you how you are doing.

You are right my dear @wakeupkitty.Just keep on positive.

Cuanto dolor en tu escritura. Lamento decirte que, no estoy de acuerdo contigo en cuanto a religión se trata. "La palabra" no prohíbe ni castiga. Solo instruye. Es el hombre quien debe escoger y escoge, pues ejerce su libre albedrío. El perdón, el odio, la reconciliación, la envidia, la maldad, es escogencia de cada quien. Vivir en paz, te da tranquilidad. Tener odio y venganza, solo da un peso muy grande a tu corazón. Solo debes escoger, entre tener paz o no. Es algo difícil pero no imposible de lograr. En el tiempo que tengo congregándome, nunca me prohíben nada. Es la gente, es el hombre quien acusa, quien prohíbe. Me confieso y nunca me dicen, lo volviste a hacer? Porque es el propio ser quien decide la vida que quiere seguir.
Amiga te aprecio mucho, y deseo que puedas calmar tus dolores, desde lo más profundo de mi corazón. Un fuerte abrazo a ti y a tus niños.

How much pain in your writing. I am sorry to tell you that I do not agree with you as far as religion is concerned. "The word" does not prohibit or punish. Just instruct. It is the man who must choose and choose, because he exercises his free will. Forgiveness, hatred, reconciliation, envy, evil, is everyone's choice. Living in peace gives you peace of mind. Having hatred and revenge, just give your heart a very heavy weight. You just have to choose, whether to have peace or not. It is something difficult but not impossible to achieve. In the time that I have gathered, they never forbid me. It is the people, it is the man who accuses, who forbids. I confess and they never tell me, did you do it again? Because it is the being itself who decides the life he wants to follow.
Friend I appreciate you very much, and I wish you can calm your pains, from the depths of my heart. A big hug to you and your children.

Gracias por leer y comentar. No hay odio en mi vida o venganza, así que si se trata de eso, vivo en paz. En paz conmigo En parte, veo contigo que los hombres ponen restricciones, pero también lo hace la Biblia. Dios seguramente no era un viejo y amigable Santa. Envió plagas y castigó e hizo diferencias. Si el ser humano fue su creación, se tomó a sí mismo como un ejemplo que explica mucho.

Puedes cerrar los ojos ante la realidad, pero la realidad es que la gente se está volviendo más loca, estresada, jodida. Los calentadores de pago y los médicos obtienen grandes ingresos porque a todas esas personas no se les permite ser quienes son. Este artículo trata sobre fingir que la vida es buena. Fingiendo que eres feliz mientras mueres por dentro. No tienes permitido hablar. No hay libertad de expresión. No debes pensar o creer lo que te gusta. Este artículo trata sobre naciones enteras criadas por gobiernos y religiones que cuentan a través de las edades lo que está bien o mal.

Thank you for reading and commenting. There is no hate in my life or revenge so if it comes to that I live in peace. In peace with me. I partly ageee with you that men put restrictions but so does the Bible. God was for sure not a friendly old Santa. He sent plagues and punished and made differences. If human being was his creation, he took himself as an example that explains a lot.

You can close your eyes for the reality but the reality is that people are getting more crazy, stressed out, screwed up. Pay heaters and doctors make a huge income because all those people are not allowed to be who they are. This article is about pretending life is good. Pretending you are happy while you die inside. Your are not allowed to speak. There is no freedom of speech. Your are not to think or believe what you like. This article is about whole nations raised by governments and religions who tell through to ages what is right or wrong.

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Si es cierto, es una publicación que trata sobre muchas cosas, que son elección de la persona. Si no queremos ser como somos, lo escogemos. Y luego nos frustramos. La apariencia atrae solo lo que quieres y no lo realmente necesario. Vivo mi propio sistema, sigo reglas implementadas por otros, cuando es necesario. Pero en mi vida, trato de ser lo más feliz posible. Mis amigos, mi comida, mi familia, lo que escribo, lo que leo. La vida es corta, se vive como queremos con lo que tenemos. Y luchamos por ser felices, lo más que podamos. Un abrazo amiga.

If it is true, it is a publication that deals with many things, which are the person's choice. If we don't want to be the way we are, we choose it. And then we get frustrated. Appearance attracts only what you want and not really necessary. I live my own system, I follow rules implemented by others, when necessary. But in my life, I try to be as happy as possible. My friends, my food, my family, what I write, what I read. Life is short, you live as we want with what we have. And we fight to be happy, as much as we can. One friend hug.

@gertu I can only agree with that. 💕

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