The Other Dimension- A Radio Skit Written for Steemstar After Dark! Live Tonight!

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

The Other Dimension- "The Blackout"- Presented on Steemstar After Dark!



I had a chance to write a very creepy script for @carrieallen's new radio show Steemstar After Dark last week and I am hear to present yet another short skit titled, "The Blackout". Tonight will be her third episode on the Steemstar Network! If you have not had a chance to see this show, you are missing out on a special treat!

Check out this post for the Steemstar After Dark Episode 1 to find the original recording of the show and get informed!


Tonight's Steemit After Dark show, @carrieallen is bound to bring us more laughs and fun times! I tried my hand at voice acting last Friday and it was determined I was more of a serious actor because I can't stop from laughing during the funny skits!

That's okay. I will work on it!

In the meantime, you can check out this post and listen to what happened last Friday night... in case you missed it!

😎Steemstar After Dark😎 - E2 - Sketch Archive - May 4, 2018

If you listen to the recording of the Steemstar After Dark, you will hear many different voices. This is because @carrieallen pulls her cast from the radio audience to partcipate in each of the skits. If you have ever wanted to do any voice acting, this may be your chance to try! Just be sure to attend the audience chat on the Steemstar discord channel and then let her know you'd like to read.

@carrieallen is still looking for more scripts to be written for these Friday night shows. She is also looking for Steemians to entertain on the show. If you have any funny stories, jokes or antidotes, she asks you join the show live and give us your best.


This idea behind The Other Dimension is loosely based off of the older television shows like The Twilight Zone where the person finds themselves in a world in which they can not explain what is happening to them.

It is created to be an ongoing saga that anyone can continue. Each episode will include a new story about a person or persons who will face situations in the Other Dimension, that either solve a problem in their current life, or shine light on the contradictions.

I can't wait to see other writer's dive deep into the depths of their twisted psyche to bring us new tales from The Other Dimension....

You can also find tonight's script on google docs here-


The Other Dimension-"The Blackout" Short Skit written for Steemstar After Dark by: @simgirl

The Other Dimension- The Blackout

Are you a blackout drunk? Or don’t you remember? - 28 Days

Father O’Neil

(Intro- Prerecorded)

Travel if you dare to the Other Dimension; where happy endings often turn into nightmares.
A realm in which your reality is not the reality you know now.
Here, nothing’s predictable and things are not always what they seem.
What would you do if you woke up one morning to find you were living in an alternate universe?
What changes would you expect to find?
Let’s find out what happens to Guy Perkins, as he awakens in The Other Dimension…

(Phone rings)

(sleepy and hung over)

Dude, where are you? The meeting started twenty minutes ago.

I guess my alarm didn’t go off. I’ll be there.

I know I sound like a broken record, but you need to slow down drinking. At least on work days.

I hear you. I’m sorry. I swear I’ll slow down. I’ll be there in a half hour.

Despite his friend’s warning Guy stepped out of the shower, dressed in a suit and tie, and then headed straight to his half-empty bottle of Bourbon. Filling his glass to the brim he swigged the brown liquid and headed to work.

(too friendly)
Guy’s here! Finally. We’ve been waiting for you. Come in; have a seat. We’ve been talking all morning about some seriously boring shit. We need your input.

Really? Well, I am happy to help.

(slurring drunk)
I’m not sure how much longer this meeting is going to take. But I seriously have a headache and I need to like, lay down or something…

That’s what I’m talking about. How long does it take to figure out why these people aren’t buying our cereal? Steemstar Corn Flakes are not reaching as many folks as we need.
(gets aggressive and bangs fist on table)
We need more customers Guy! What do we do!??

(still confused)
Calm down Walter.
Is Linda going to be alright?

Linda is fine. What’s not fine are these numbers Guy.

(thump of Linda falling out her chair to the floor)

(seriously slurring)

What’s that Joanne? I can’t understand you.

(continues to slur)

She said that the Steemstar brand is a well-known product, so we can’t comprehend this decline in sales… Are you feeling okay Guy? Have you been drinking again? (sighs)
Maybe we should postpone this meeting for another day when you are more equipped to handle it.

After the morning meeting Guy headed to the office bathroom. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his flask of whiskey. He swallowed the bitter drink, instantly feeling more as ease.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he heard a commotion in the office hallway.

(commotion in the hallway- Linda and Walter arguing)

What seems to be the problem?

I’ve had enough of his shit! That is the problem.

She’s out of her fucking mind. I told her the reports needed to be in the blue binders! Not the red binders. Not the green binders. But the blue ones. She refuses to listen.

I don’t see the need for fifteen different colored binders! I quit!!

Whoh now Linda. There’s no reason to quit. I’m sure we can come to some sort of verbal resolution…

Guy there's no need for that sort of language. You’ve been drinking, again haven’t you?

I was just trying to help…

I think you need to go home and come back when you sober up.

Guy Perkins left the office feeling more confused than when he got there. He took the final drink from his flask and wondered why everyone around him was acting strangely. On the drive home, he saw people on the streets swaying as they walked and vomiting on the sidewalks. He finally stopped at the local Catholic church to seek advice.

Father O’Neil
Guy Perkins. I haven’t seen you walk through those church doors in a long time. It’s good to see you.

Father O’Neil, I don’t know what’s going on. The more I drink, the more other people act different around me. Normally it is the other way around. Am I going crazy?

Father O’Neil
You’re not crazy Guy. The more you drink, the soberer you become. If you continue to drink, you will remain sober, and you will see the effects of your drinking in others.

But… I drink because I don’t want to be sober.

Father O’Neil
The choice is yours. You can continue to drink and be sober around others…
Or, you can quit drinking.

Will Guy Perkins ever learn that his drinking is becoming a problem for him and those around him?
Is life sober worth living?
Will the Steemstar brand of Corn Flakes ever reach peak sales?
We don’t know. But join us next time, as we search for answers in… The Other Dimension.

The End


Let me know what you think about the skit in the comments below. If you would like to participate in the interactive radio broadcast, be sure to be in the Steemstar Discord by 8pm EST.

If you don't know where that is travel through to their future dimension by clicking this LINK

Have a wonderful Weekend!!!!

The Other Dimension- A Radio Skit Written for Steemstar After Dark! Live Tonight!







Thanks to @snook for this very cool gif!!!


Just listened to the recording. Good script!

Thank you very much!

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