The business Man (Freewrite Challenge- Follow)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Herbert Stevens snarled at the girl teasing him on the play ground, showing his missing front teeth, which of course only made the girl laugh harder, causing the girl's two friend to join in on the fun and make fun of him.

"Gap tooth McGee," Shelly Swanson said, giggling.

"You could stick a quarter between his teeth, sideways," Kelly Mansfield said, her blond bouncing up and down as she laughed.

"Gap tooth McGee could stick a water hose between his teeth," Mary Ann Rothwell said, and the girl's pointed and laughed, and danced around him, throwing straws at him.

"You could rake the yard with his teeth," Shelly said, holding her stomach from laughter.

Herbert gritted his teeth, and exhaled out his nostrils. "One day I'll show you all, and you will follow me."

No one would had believe what he said would come true, and sure just as he predicted, years after high school he created a successful business in the technology sector. For the first five years he scrapped change from the couch to survive. Then it happened and his business boomed and he became filthy rich.

"So you are twenty second richest man in the world how do you feel?" his wife Samantha asked sitting at table at a high end restaurant in town.

"Good, I guess," Herbert said.

"High I'm your waitress this evening..." the voice stopped and Herbert spun around, and almost fail out of his chair, it was Shelly Swanson, who years ago made fun of his teeth. Shelly cleared her throat and continued, "My name is Shelly are you ready to order." (5 minute timer beeped. I reset it for another five minutes.)

Herbert remembered those days growing up, and the way the girls always made fun of him. He was nerdy and small in those days. He had lost his baby teeth late, and his adult were slow to grow in, but by the time he became a successful business man he had filled out and became a handsome man. And he wanted to humiliate Shelly, for the memories were painful, and thought of ways he could do it. It would be easy. He had the power to destroy her life, and he wanted to, but he didn't. He understand with power comes responsibility.

"Are you ready my dear?" his wife asked.

He looked at her and smiled. She was beautiful, possessing a narrow facial shape, full lips, high cheek bones, dark eyes, and dark hair.

"Yea," he said, and took his wives hand and as they were leaving he glanced over his shoulder, and saw Shelly look away from him, and noticed the girl she was talking to behind the register was Mary Ann Rothwell, and beside her pushing a cart was Kelly Mansfield. He smiled lightly, knowing he held the world and they had nothing but average.

"Hold on a sec," he said, letting of go of his wife hand, and ran back to the table, placed a hundred dollar bill, and took a business card from his inside coat pocket and scribbled something on the card, (Five minute bell rung again) then turned around left.

Shelly clenched her teeth as she watch Herbert leave with his beautiful wife, becoming everything she ever wanted. Swallowing her pride she found the hundred dollar bill on the table. Dam him, she thought, stuffing the bill in her pocket, truth was she needed the money. Then she found the business card and flipped it in her hand and on the back written in small letters were the words: I forgive you. Come to this address below at eight am Monday morning and I have a perfect job for you for an overseas project, pay is good. She wadded the business card in her hand and threw it in the trash.

Did she go? Of course she did, she has been working there for the last eight years, and she even managed to get her friends on as well. It was a good job with benefits. She had hated him and made fun of him as a kid, but now she would follow him to the ends of the earth

Once again I went further than attended, sometimes it is hard to stop. I like it when it is hard to stop.

Sometimes people are cruel to each other and say rude and mean things that hurt our feeling, and just as Herbert in the story could have gotten her back by getting her fired years later or destroy her life with his power, but he didn't. The best revenge is always massive success, and always will be. Instead of hating and fighting, forgive and love and try to bring people on your side. The benefits are so much more.

I made no corrections other than misspelled words. The sloppy structure I'm sorry. I couldn't think of a tittle for the story, so I called it The Business Man, sorry I couldn't be more original.

I want to thank @mariannewest for the freewrite challenge

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Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

-Mark Twain

Nice Short Story with a moral. Everyone doesn't have that a big heart to forgive, specially if being humiliated. In a parallel world if he had made the other choice, she would have probably gone into depression and lived the rest of her life miserably contemplating over her past actions.

Thanks for reading. I had actually thought about that showing what would have happened. It can be hard to forgive someone, it takes a big heart and a lot of courage. I just wish people would be nicer to each other. Instead wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

I like it too when the story wants to be told. And he turned out to be a good guy and forgive instead of dwell on their "averageness" with glee.

Thank you for taking the time to read. There is no better feeling when you set down to write something and ideas explode.

To some life will improve, there is a lot changed since the time people were bullying because of your teeth, glasses or red hair... who knows a nerd will be one day popular as well... but if it comes to it... self esteem is the key to everything. This story reminds me of Al Bundy...

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To some life will improve, there is a lot changed since the time people were bullying because of your teeth, glasses or red hair... who knows a nerd will be one day popular as well... but if it comes to it... self esteem is the key to everything. This story reminds me of Al Bundy...

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LOL! Love the that show. I agree times are different, nerd is the new cool in today world. But you correct self-esteem is the key.

Great story. If only it was a more common trait in human nature to forgive rather than to punish wouldn’t it be a wonderful world;
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Wow!. Um... I'm speechless. It is an honor. Thank You.

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Wow! Awesome. That is cool. Thanks.

I am not a great writer in English language, but I like reading, in particular to learn and improve the foreign language.

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I think everybody should be learning constantly, it only improves ourselves. Thanks for the comment.

You are welcome!😉👍

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