The Freewrite House Gets New Investment (From The Devil) Part 2

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Prompt: old maid

5 minute freewrite

In Part 1, there is a myth that the devil exists and is called Sam. He was Head Boy at his school and has a fantastic British accent. It appears that he has invited members of the Freewrite community to his house. He has a Spectre type table prepared, i.e. don’t annoy the devil or he’ll send you to hell at the touch of a button.

Link to Part 1 The Freewrite House Gets New Investment Part 1

Part 2: The Old Maid

“Who is your leader?”

Before anyone has a chance to answer, an old maid walks through the door.

“Don’t trust him. He is Sam, he is the devil!”

“Excuse me, I am not Sam and I am certainly not the devil. My name is Gary. However, I have managed to take care of her.”

“Her?” asked the old maid.

“Yes, why does everyone assume that the Devil is a bloke? Here is the proper story.”

Nobody is quite sure how she managed it, but she did. She has managed to become Head Girl of her school.

But there is one thing about children. Her peers may be young but they can also smell something very fishy. How did she become Head Girl? She just did not come across as Head Girl material.

One of things that raises the most suspicion is her fantastic British accent. As you know, if you have a fantastic British accent, you are born to be the bad girl.

She is called Sam.

Sam is a bad breed of human. That’s if she really is human. Some people think she could be the devil herself.


Some years later, there is a thing called Steemit. On Steemit there is a Freewrite House. 🏠

One day, the Freewrite House was given a letter about future investment. The sender had a fantastic British accent. Yes, it is Sam, a former Head Girl of her school, an accolade that she managed to obtain in the “fairest” of circumstances.

Sam has invited everyone to her grand house which overlooks the sea. She has arranged transport for them.

Of course, before guests arrive, you want everything to be ready. Good food cooked and the table polished. Especially this table. Because, as an avid watcher of James Bond movies, Sam has designed a table with chairs that send someone into a fiery pit if they annoy her.

She sits at the end of the table with her control pad.

“Let's test this.”

It works perfectly. She puts a dummy on the chair and presses the button. The chair moves backwards slightly before being pushed forward. The dummy falls down a chute which leads into the pit of fire. 🔥

“It is hot down there, my friend. Very hot.”

On her control panel, there is also a 1960s style speaker, just like in the James Bond movies. It buzzes.

“Madam, the first set of guests have arrived.”

“Good,” said Sam. “Make sure they are comfortable. Offer them a cigar each.”

Sam makes her way to greet them but unfortunately for her, Gary has appeared. He has come to take care of her and make sure no harm comes to anyone. He succeeds quickly in his mission which means that Sam has gone, for the time being.

Gary decides to meet the guests and appears to be the perfect host. He invites them all to dinner once they have had the chance to freshen up.

Within an hour, all of the guests are sat around the beautifully polished table.

“Please, help yourself to the food. We will discuss the matter of investment soon. I hope you like your food well cooked.”

“So who are you really?” asked the Old Maid.

“I’m just someone who likes to write a good story now and then,” replied Gary.


5 Minute Freewrite task conceived by @mariannewest and @improv

Banner created by @ameliabartlett.

Earlier today, I created my first freewrite read aloud. I chose the prompt with the picture (man with blue torch). It was called “Not Quite Scooby Doo Material.” Please watch by clicking on this link:
Not Quite Scooby Doo Material

I also (kind of) concluded my Mr X story. Here is Part 9. Here is the link:
Who Is Mr X And Who Is Mr Wallace

All pictures copyright free from Pixabay


It's Monday, so here I am with a new prompt from the one and only @mariannewest:

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

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Hello @mr-neil, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Yay! Gary to the rescue! But I don't like how you wrote that "Sam is gone , for the time being." Will she return? Can't wait to read more of this story Neil! : )

I suppose the devil, if Sam is the devil, will always be around. We need the bad guy (or girl), for entertainment purposes of course.

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