The Drawer That Has Been Stuck For Ages

in #freewrite5 years ago


"When did we move here?"

"Ages ago," I replied.

"The Drawer was stuck when we first got here. It is still stuck today. We've got so used to it being stuck, we haven't bothered to fix it."

"In fairness, we were only going to be here a short time," I replied. "I didn't expect that we would still be living here after 3 years."

"Also, we're not sure if we're going to move anytime soon. We are settled with our jobs. There is a bus stop around the corner which can take us anywhere and there are supermarkets close by."

I have fallen asleep.

That's what happens when you write stories late at night. Maybe, I'll continue in the morning.

I'm a little hungry and I feel like a bowl of cornflakes. I walk to the kitchen, grab a bowl from the cupboard and a spoon from the drawer. This time, it seems to be opening and closing just fine.

*I don't know what the fuss is about," I thought to myself. "The drawer is fine right now."

I then get the box of cornflakes from the pantry, before going to the fridge for milk, where notice a bright green post-it sticker.

It reads;

"If the drawer is ok, it means you are dreaming."

I'm glad I write messages to myself. I now know that I am dreaming. I'm not really going to the kitchen to eat cornflakes.

I may as well end the dream and go back to bed, but I don't know how to end it. Shall I pinch myself?

I don't need to, my alarm has gone off. Time to get up for work. I won't become human until I eat those cornflakes. Before I do anything, I'll check the drawer to see if it really is morning.

It is stuck.

I grab a bowl from the cupboard and a spoon from the drawer. I take the box of cornflakes from the pantry and milk from the fridge.

I make myself a nice bowl of cornflakes and get ready to eat it. I then notice a sticker on the kettle

It reads;

"If the drawer is stiff, you might still be dreaming."

This is going to be a strange night.


A freewrite exercise with prompts delivered by @mariannewest

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And I think you haven't woken up from sleep yet and haven't been able to eat your corn flakes. Excellent writing friend @mr-neil.

Thank you, it was a fun one to write

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Haha! I was amused ^_^

I'm glad, thank you for the nomination. It was a real fun one to write.

I like those stickers & notes! How can I stick it for my next dream? 😊

Maybe you could dream about making the notes. :-) Thank you for reading.

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