My Last Ever Freewrite Story Part 1

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Prompt: quit provided by @mariannewest

5 Minute Freewrite Task

It is a sad evening. The prompt has been delivered for tonight's story. Ironically, it does feel like the right time to stop my creative writing.

Sometimes you know there is a storm coming.

I can't go without leaving you one last story. Let's make it a good one.

Here it is but I haven't got a name for it yet.

Here goes.

“What is this?” asked The Emperor.

“It is 4 weeks notice, as per Empire policy,” replied the dark lord.

The Emperor is not sure what to do with this. Yes, staff come and go all the time. But to lose the person who is effectively your right hand man has come as quite a shock.

“My friend. Why do you wish to leave The Empire?”

“It is time for a new challenge. We all need them. There are also some things I would like to do in life, before I get old “

“But who will replace you? There is no one left that we can turn to the dark side. You killed them all.”

“Yes, my master. I killed them all and now there is nothing challenging me. I'm bored of Force choking some incompetent commander.”

“So what you like to do instead?” asked The Emperor.

“I would like to go somewhere quiet and write some stories. Maybe join Steemit and publish some of them.”

The Emperor is quiet. Too quiet.


Lord Vader laughs.

“Hahaha. I'm just pulling your leg. Happy birthday, my master.”

The Emperor joins in the laughter.

“I'll get you back, Lord Vader.”

“How will you manage that?” asks Vader, still chuckling. “I've got no legs left to pull.”

They are both rolling around in laughter.

“......and they say that Sith lords have no sense of humour,” said The Emperor. “How wrong they are.”

“How shall we celebrate your birthday?” asked Vader.

“Let's blow up a planet,” replied The Emperor.

He wasted no time. He orders the strike immediately and the nearest planet is destroyed.

“What planet did we blow up?” asked Vader.

“Earth,” said The Emperor. “You have no chance of joining Steemit now.”

…...and with that, they continue the laughter, fun and celebrations.

Happy birthday to The Emperor.

However, Earth is no more which means no more freewrite stories from me.

It's been a pleasure.


5 Minute Freewrite task conceived by @mariannewest and @improv

Banner created by @ameliabartlett.

Image was a copyright free from Pixabay.

If you want more then here is a Part 2


You are too . funny!!!

Thank you. I have to admit that I've read this back to myself a few times. Will there be a Part 2? Or is this really my last ever story?

I may need it. I may not. You never know. I've come home late, so I'll decide over breakfast.

Very funny. .......and I hope you're only pulling our legs about it being your last freewrite!

We'll see

exactly my humor, great one!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed. I can't promise that I'll stop.

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