State - 5 minute Freewrite Day 257

in #freewrite6 years ago

freewrite mio.jpg

Marco's state of mind was precarious. Perhaps the blame was on the sultry heat, or the fact that in recent days had traveled many miles and had rest badly, or some unidentified torpor.
While he was wandering about his room, with walls painted with a psychedelic toads fantasy, he stopped occasionally murmuring to the flat shapes, as if he considered them guilty of keeping the faucet of fantasy in check.
Time often ran away like sand from a broken hourglass, and without realizing it he found himself in the evening not having been able to focus on a single really creative act or writing.
He often felt slow, late, not capable of true originality.
The feeling of being a secondary character of his own life accompanied him.
The words in the app faded easily, like his imaginary flaming crest, projection of his imagination on his dull skull, shaved in the realistic and trivial dimension.
The five minutes were now exhausted... with a gesture of annoyance, Marco decided to cheat...
There was one thing he had to say, after wasting all the time to chase a meaning: Wikipedia was in "strike" since two days in his country.
The European Parliament was about to ratify an extremely punitive copyright directive for internet freedom. A bunch of mostly elderly and poorly-computerized politicians was about to make life difficult for anyone who simply wanted to share a newspaper article on a social network or index it on a search engine.
A bureaucratic bush of barriers, filters and restrictions, that in theory had to serve to protect copyright, was about to make Wikipedia itself risk closing in Europe.
Marco didn't know how to survive without his crazy research on the natural predators of some funny semi-aquatic rodent, or on the changes in the formation of that Dutch prog-rock group...
Marco was a master in wasting time acquiring almost useless information, and now all this was going to end up because of that damned and badly written copyright law!
His Steem-friends around the world had to know!

Check this:

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

This is also done with The Most Dangerous Writing App and only a little editing for typos.

All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

The House of all the Freewriters!


lol, This is a very well written rant

Thank you! Thoughts didn't want to emerge for this freewrite, then I decided to talk about this bad new ;)

That bunch of elderly and vastly overpaid politicians are forever hatching some dastardly plan to make our lives even more impossible

It’s the Wednesday prompt deliver service here with the latest challenge:

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

They keep on pretending to rule things they know nothing about!

Thank you for the happens that I got 5 minutes spare time right now!

The directive has been voted down! Cheers! 🍻

This time the young and talented politicians faction has won over the elderly overpaid bunch.

Yes! Cheers! This time the directive wasn't approved.
In September, there will be another try...

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