Epilogue - 5 minute Freewrite Day 258

in #freewrite6 years ago

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There was a man who wrote only epilogues,
as a sort of reverse Queneau,
a Uaeneuq.
Many writers are prolific of beginnings,
the stories are all beautiful when they bloom
in the mind like a flower of firecrackers,
but then they lose flavor when fatigue
gets serious on the fingertips
and make the keys of a silent keyboard hollow.
The white screen looks questioningly
What will those characters, now boring, do?
how to extract them from the swamp of the spotless sheet
and make them still vivid as just thought?
Instead, UaeneuQ wrote only finals.
"They lived happily ever after", yes, but who?
"Frankly I do not care"
he answered, and then "we went out to see the stars"
of a sky that had never been described to us
The one guilty?
"The butler", of course.

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This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

This is also done with The Most Dangerous Writing App and only a little editing for typos.

All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

The House of all the Freewriters!


Seems we were thinking along the same lines on this one. What endings and what beginnings will we write. Perhaps, those with good starts ought to team up with those with fabulous endings?

Good idea...now we only have to find those able to write a lot of things in the middle! :P

I'm going to read your freewrite right now! ;)

jajjajajajajaja. Esercizio interessante, @marco. E 'certamente molto difficile per qualsiasi scrittore di iniziare una storia. Conosco qualcuno che fa molto bene in finale, ma come gli inizi sono cattivi, quasi nessuno arriva a leggerli. hahahahaha. Pericolo professionale! Saluti

Io ho scritto molti inizi, ma poi mi annoio e non proseguo... sono poco costante! Grazie per essere passata, Nancy!

Very nice use of the prompt. Here is Thursday's prompt: Day 259: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: sell-out.

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