Dream / Sogno - The Spirit Dust Bowl part 3 (Freewrite Day 111) [ENG/ITA]

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

SteemHome Tales: The Spirit Dust Bowl - part 3

This isn't a 5 minute freewrite, but it does follow the prompt for day 111
This is part 3 of a Old Steemian Home story. -- Part 1 -- Part 2

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During the long days spent resting in their coffins, vampires dream a lot. Unless they’re vampires with insomnia, of course. At least one in the world is known to have this problem, there could be others, but it’s not the case of the vampires resident in the Old Steemians Home. @brisby and @f3nix make some daytime slumber that half would be enough, and in this sleep they dream a lot, in the most unbridled ways. That's why now, with the Spirit Dust Bowl raging out of the house, their freewrite flow quickly and without limits like a river of words and images with daring and acrobatic combinations.

Another athlete of the extreme freewrite is @byn, at the other end of the vast library. Drawing upon her witchcraft powers, the spirits express themselves through her as in a gospel, pouring out the ancestral dreams and memories into a flow that changes skin, mood and style like a chameleon.

At the piano, sitting next to each other, @snook and @simgirl play four hands a fairy melody, accompanying the stories and the edifying fables that Snook churns out continuously, many of which come from her mental novel, the masterpiece entitled WOOTering Heights.

Simgirl performs a magical melodic variation, a solo during which, at every note played, stupendous multicoloured fish, able to fly and to imitate the song of the whales, come out of the harmonic chest of the piano. Some ducks are mixed to the fish, but they beckon not to look after them.

@omra-Sky, the founder of the House, carried a mysterious wooden crate in the library. Now, with the help of @improv, opens it and the two extract an amazing invention to which they worked for weeks in the garden shed: the Pun-O-Matic, a typewriter capable of churning out 1000 puns caliber .50 per minute. Improv cracks his fingers and starts typing like a madman.

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@simgirl, @snook, @mariannewest, @whatisnew, @omra-sky, @f3nix, @deaconlee, @brisby

The volley of jokes awakens the memories of @deaconlee, who begins to narrate with seasoned wisdom the memories of the voyages and the comradely experiences of billions of soldiers of millions of armies, navies, aviations, stellar fleets, chthonic corps, of thousands of worlds scattered throughout the galaxy (but everybody, just everybody, as the first task, they skinned potatoes).

In a corner, @marcoriccardi sits on the floor in the lotus posture, swaying and murmuring Vogon (and Klingon) poetry to himself. In fact, he's appealing to his demons to suggest stories from the Unlikely dimension. His demons have the appearance of big psychedelic toads like those painted on the walls of his room.

And here is @svashta, the alien resident of the House who, as an excellent playwright, sets up a theatrical play typical of his planet EastWest: a lashing dialogue between two cowboys who drive asteroid herds.

@mariannewest, at the exact center of the circle, like a traffic officer of the dictionary, like a sixteen thousand colors traffic light of the literary highway junction, declaims the prompts and moves the threads of this battle for the survival of the Fantasy.

The Spirit Dust Bowl blows with unprecedented violence. From the windows, even if sealed with turbo-graphene sheets and gigantitanium staples, puffs of grey powder enter. A very thin powder, able to reach everywhere. The House creaks eerily. It’s necessary to invent stories faster!

A nod of Marianne, and F3nix extracts his bananafish light saber. He throws it with a fluid movement to Omra-sky, who quickly modifies the setting, using a sonic screwdriver, a gift by Doctor Why, the six year old nephew of Doctor Who.

After a few moments, the bananafish light saber is configured in a new mode: it’s now able to write at the speed of thought everything that the freewriters imagine. In this way, their imagination flows faster and smoother.

To be continued...

Bonus: the inspiration for this story comes from the historical Dust Bowl

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@Svashta, @Marcoriccardi, Lilly, @Byn, @Improv

[versione italiana]

Le Storie della SteemHome: La Spirit Dust Bowl – parte 3

Questo non è un freewrite di 5 minuti, ma segue ugualmente il prompt per il giorno 111
Questa è la parte 3 di una storia della Casa dei Vecchi Steemiani. -- Parte 1 -- Parte 2

Durante i lunghi giorni passati a riposare nelle loro bare, i vampiri sognano moltissimo. Questo sempre che non siano vampiri affetti da insonnia, beninteso. Ne è noto almeno uno al mondo con questo problema, potrebbero essercene altri, ma non è il caso dei vampiri residenti nella Casa dei Vecchi Steemiani. @brisby e @f3nix si fanno di quelle ronfate diurne che metà basta, e in queste dormite sognano moltissimo, nei modi più sfrenati. È per questo che ora, con la Spirit Dust Bowl che infuria fuori dalla Casa, i loro freewrite fluiscono rapidi e senza limiti come un fiume di parole e immagini dagli accostamenti arditi e funambolici.

Un’altra atleta del freewrite estremo è @byn, all’altro capo della vasta biblioteca. Attingendo ai suoi poteri stregoneschi, gli spiriti si esprimono attraverso di lei come in un gospel, riversando i sogni e le memorie ancestrali in un flusso che cambia camaleonticamente pelle, umore e stile.

Al pianoforte, sedute una accanto all’altra, @snook e @simgirl suonano a quattro mani una melodia fatata di accompagnamento per le storie e le favole edificanti che Snook sforna in continuazione, molte delle quali provengono dal suo romanzo mentale, il capolavoro intitolato WOOTering Heights.

Simgirl si produce in una variazione melodica magica, un assolo durante il quale ad ogni nota suonata escono dalla cassa armonica del pianoforte stupendi pesci multicolori, in grado di volare e di imitare il canto delle balene. Alcune anatre a reazione sono frammiste ai pesci, ma fanno cenno di non badare a loro.

@omra-sky, il fondatore della Casa, ha trasportato una misteriosa cassa di legno nella biblioteca. Ora, con l’aiuto di @improv, la apre e i due estraggono una mirabolante invenzione a cui hanno lavorato per settimane nel capanno in giardino: la Pun-o-matic, una macchina per scrivere in grado di sfornare 1000 giochi di parole calibro .50 al minuto. Improv si scrocchia le dita e comincia a digitare come un pazzo.

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La scarica di battute risveglia le memorie di @deaconlee, che comincia a narrare con navigata sapienza i ricordi dei viaggi e delle esperienze cameratesche di miliardi di soldati di milioni di eserciti, marine, aviazioni, flotte stellari, armate ctonie, di migliaia di mondi sparsi per tutta la galassia (ma tutti, ma proprio tutti, come primo incarico hanno pelato patate).

In un angolo, @marcoriccardi sta seduto sul pavimento nella posizione del loto, ondeggiando e mormorando poesia Vogon (e Klingon) tra sé. In realtà, sta facendo appello ai suoi demoni perché gli suggeriscano storie dalla dimensione dell’Improbabile. I suoi demoni hanno l’aspetto di grossi rospi psichedelici come quelli dipinti sulle pareti della sua stanza.

Ed ecco @svashta, il residente alieno della casa che, da ottimo drammaturgo qual è, mette in piedi una pièce teatrale tipica del suo pianeta EastWest: un dialogo sferzante tra due cowboy che guidano mandrie di asteroidi.

@mariannewest, al centro esatto del cerchio, come un vigile urbano del dizionario, come un semaforo a sedicimila colori dello svincolo autostradale letterario, declama gli spunti e muove i fili di questa battaglia per la sopravvivenza della Fantasia.

La Spirit Dust Bowl soffia con violenza inaudita. Dalle finestre, seppure sigillate con fogli di turbo-grafene e puntine di gigantitanio, entrano sbuffi di polvere grigia, sottilissima, in grado di arrivare dappertutto. La Casa scricchiola paurosamente. Bisogna inventare storie più velocemente.

Un cenno di Marianne, e F3nix estrae la sua spada-pescebanana laser. La lancia con un movimento fluido a Omra-sky, che rapidamente ne modifica il settaggio, servendosi di un cacciavite sonico regalatogli dal Doctor Why, il nipote seienne del Doctor Who.

Dopo pochi istanti, la spada-pescebanana è configurata in una nuova modalità: è ora in grado di scrivere alla velocità del pensiero tutto ciò che i freewriters immaginano. In questo modo, la loro immaginazione scorre più veloce e fluida.


Bonus: l'ispirazione per questa storia viene dalla Dust Bowl storica

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

All Sims 4 screenshots are by @snook. All other images are my own.

Thanks for reading! If you liked, please let an upvote, a comment or a resteem.

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How many things I've to write in this!
First of all.. tip!
Then..It is EPIC beyond!
Then: how the heck did wootering heights come in your mind? Hahaha very riccardian trait to be so good in playing with words.. Then the Vogon and Klingon, the Dr. Why.. the simily of Marianne .. the banana light saber (and we all know what it really is 😂) .. i think that @brisby made a drawing of it time ago btw. Well, everything is so flamboiant and full of creativity and pure fun.. masterpiece!

You know...I just wanna have fun! 😂
Speaking of the light saber, in the first draft F3nix "la tirava fuori". In the final version "la estrae"... I did a little self censorship.
Now I want to see the drawing. @brisby, I choose you!

Marco holds out the Poke-ball, flourishes it for the audience, then pulls back his arm and throws it! Anime music queues up and with a brilliant flash of light.....

(As much as I'd like to take the credit for this drawing, I have to admit that I found it online. It's by nedesem for Darth Chimp Rises.) If I had drawn a banana light-saber, this comment would need a NSFW tag! 😉

Ahahahah! Wow!

Thank you for everything! First of all, for the picture you gave to @mariannewest for the prompt ;)

This is absolutely outstanding! So many delightful nuggets here. A pleasure to read.

Thank you! My goal is to make you all smile :D

I'm working now on your photo's you asked for :D I had to make our newest member to the housenewest.PNG first.

Thank you very much! Your dedication to the House and its strange dwellers is unstoppable! Hugs!
PS. I like the new member rendition, I hope she likes it too😉

You are very welcome :D

Hi @marcoriccardi! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.03 SBD @tipU from @f3nix :)

@f3nix wrote lately about: Children - 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt: Yard Sale. Feel free to follow @f3nix if you like it :)

Hi @marcoriccardi! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @brisby!

Check out @brisby blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!! and I know it's not easy to write in English but you did perfectly!!!!!!!! I'm loving your ongoing dustbowl story!!!

If you need more photo's let me know hugs

Maybe if you are so kind to provide me of a photo of the library, better with some Sims inside of it, I would be very happy!
Thank you for tons of inspiration your stories and your games give to me. Hugs!

If I had any less self control I would be squealing over the myriad of geeky references that you sprinkled through your story Marco! tip! (Doctor Who wishes he could frustrate people as well as Doctor Why! 😂)
I love how you have written our crazy group of freewriters !!

I'm quite geek Indeed! And Doctor Why woluld be extremely annoying! 😂

Lol, darn it I wish I had not read this till after the first two. Haha, that bananafish light saber made me crack up, and surprisingly try to picture it. Way to get my hooked. :-)

To be honest, bananafish is a @f3nix creation, and the bananafish light saber comes from a tale by @omra-sky.
Thank you for reading! It was very funny to write It too 😂

It seems like you had lots of fun writing. I better read the rest before you do more, lol.

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