Bowl - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 97 [ENG/ITA]

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

SteemHome Tales: The Spirit Dust Bowl – part 1  


“What's that?" @simgirl said in an alarmed tone, pointing the finger in front of her, over the wooden porch. 

A grayish cloud of immense size covered the entire horizon, to the west. There was no visible detachment of sky under the cloud, on the contrary, it was like it advanced rolling on the ground in a boiling mass that moved with a crazy speed, appreciable even at that distance. The height of the cloud must have been several hundred feet. 

@improv winced: "I'm afraid that my staples will not be enough for this storm, I hope at least that other whales don’t fall on our head!"

Behind the two, the firm, heavy steps of a pair of boots resounded on the boards. 

"That, my friends, is a Spirit Dust Bowl. I had not seen one of them for many years." @deaconlee stood in the doorway behind the other two, hands on hips in a proud pose. His face, however, was darkened. 

"Spirit Dust Bowls are collective storms of the soul. In my missions, I have seen their destructive effects more than once. They cover all with feet of gray dust: houses, cars, trees. What's worse, though, is that dust infiltrates people's minds and turns them off. It loads them, covers them and makes their dreams, their imagination, their creative spirit, wilt. Thus, the spirit of those affected also turns into gray dust that fuels new storms. " 

"It's terrible!" @simgirl exclaimed. "We have to protect ourselves, there must be a way ..." 

The gravity of her words was underlined by a group of purple squirrels, who crossed the courtyard in small leaps, fleeing desperately, entering the Home from all the open doors and windows they could find. 

"There’s a way to oppose it," the general said, "but we’ll have to do everything without wasting any more time!" 

"Yes, sir and commander!" @omra-sky, who had approached the trio, shrieked, and activated the bananafish light saber with a metallic buzz. 

"Put it away, it will not help, this time," the general said. "Run to gather everyone in the library." 

@omra-sky raised a corner of his mouth in a half smile: "I believe the saber will serve this purpose. I added a special feature just recently, see." 

Wielding it high above his head, he began to swirl with force. The buzzing arose, becoming like an alarm siren. All the Old Steemians recovered from their occupations hearing the call and began to rush. @omra-sky, still swirling his saber, entered the Home and went upstairs, heading for the library, followed by everyone, one after the other. 

@deaconlee was the last to return to the Home, after a last glance at the cloud, which in the meantime had grown so much as to occupy half the sky. 



[versione italiana]

Le Storie della SteemHome: La Spirit Dust Bowl – parte 1 

“Cos’è quella?” disse @simgirl con tono allarmato, puntando il dito di fronte a sé, oltre la veranda di legno.

Una nube grigiastra di dimensioni immani copriva tutto l’arco dell’orizzonte, a ovest. Non era visibile alcuno stacco di cielo sotto la nube, anzi sembrava che questa avanzasse rotolando al suolo in una massa ribollente che si muoveva con una velocità pazzesca, apprezzabile anche a quella distanza. L’altezza della nube doveva essere di varie centinaia di metri.

@improv sussultò: “Ho paura che per questa tempesta non basteranno le mie graffette, spero almeno che non ci cadano sulla testa altre balene!”

Alle spalle dei due risuonarono sull’assito i passi decisi e pesanti di un paio di stivali.

 “Quella, amici miei, è una Spirit Dust Bowl. Erano molti anni che non ne vedevo una.” @deaconlee si stagliava sulla soglia alle spalle degli altri due, con le mani sui fianchi in una posa fiera. Il suo volto, però, era rabbuiato.  

“Le Spirit Dust Bowl sono tempeste collettive dell’animo. Nelle mie missioni ne ho visti gli effetti distruttivi più di una volta. Coprono tutto di metri e metri di polvere grigia: case, automobili, alberi. Quello che è peggio, però, è che la polvere si infiltra nell’animo delle persone e lo…spegne. Grava su di esso, lo copre e ne fa avvizzire i sogni, la fantasia, lo spirito creativo. Così, lo spirito delle persone colpite si trasforma anch’esso in polvere grigia che alimenta nuove tempeste.”  

“È terribile!” esclamò @simgirl. “Dobbiamo metterci al riparo, ci sarà pure un modo…” 

La gravità delle sue parole fu sottolineata da una frotta di scoiattoli viola, che attraversarono il cortile a balzelli, in fuga disperata, entrando nella Casa da tutte le porte e le finestre aperte che poterono trovare. 

“Un modo per opporsi c’è” affermò il generale, “ma dovremo darci da fare tutti senza perdere altro tempo!” 

“Agli ordini, nostro comandante!” strillò @omra-sky, che si era avvicinato al terzetto, e con un ronzio metallico attivò la spada-pescebanana laser. 

“Mettila via, non servirà a nulla, stavolta” disse il generale. “Corri a radunare tutti nella bibilioteca.” 

@omra-sky alzò un angolo della bocca in un mezzo sorriso: “Io credo che la spada servirà proprio a questo scopo. Ho aggiunto una funzione speciale proprio di recente, sta’ a vedere.” 

Brandendola in alto sopra la testa, si mise a rotearla con forza. Il ronzio si alzò di tono, diventando simile a una sirena d’allarme. Tutti i Vecchi Steemiani si riscossero dalle loro occupazioni sentendo il richiamo e cominciarono ad accorrere. @omra-sky, sempre roteando la spada, entrò nella Casa e salì al piano superiore, dirigendosi verso  la biblioteca, seguito, da tutti, uno dopo l’altro. 

@deaconlee fu l’ultimo a rientrare nella Casa, dopo aver gettato uno sguardo alla nube, che nel frattempo era cresciuta tanto da occupare metà del cielo.


This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

Cloud pic by me.

Thanks for reading! If you liked, please let an upvote, a comment or a resteem.




Hi @marcoriccardi! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.03 SBD @tipU from @brisby :)

@brisby wrote lately about: Freewriting With Friends In Our Steemhome Feel free to follow @brisby if you like it :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)


I can not wait for part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bravo!! and will be back tomorrow when I have Voting Power!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh... I see some freewrite-lingo in there! Great visuals with the clouds and the storms. Love the bananafish saber :)

Also, I am visiting all of the freewriters who commented yesterday to help @mariannewest so here is the prompt for today!

#Freewrite Prompt Day 98

Yup! I tried to put the characters in a situation that fit with what emerged in the other SteemHome stories ;)

Thank you for the prompt!

😂 Okay, two questions...

  1. Am I a Jedi Knight?(if yes, proceed to question 2)
  2. Do I have the power of the Bananafish?
  1. You're a Steem Knight (Use the Steem, Luke! Use the Steem...)
  2. According to the official SteemHome lore, you created the saber but @f3nix created the bananafish, so I guess you share the power with him. Let's say you're the light side and f3nix the dark side, lol!

poor f3nix - he is getting put on the dark side a lot these days lol

Oh, but he likes it! :D

Anytime you see a scurry of purple squirrels hauling tail, run! Your Spirit Dust Bowl is a creative and menacing idea. Yet another trial for the Old Steemians to face! Good thing that we have Deaconlee to guide us! tip! Your idea to have the banana fish lightsaber used for an alarm opens up many possibilities as well, thank you!

Thank you @brisby! I've something for your squirrels to do in part 2 ;)

Check your Discord messages, please hugs

I checked! Thank you so much! I hope I can write down part 2 tomorrow...days are too short for everything!

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