'The Trolley Problem' - a Micro-Play - Freewrite #8

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Reflected Door


A single chair sits in the middle of the stage. Beside it is a large, metal lever. The seats for the audience are grouped into two sections, both aligned in neat columns. Group One should contain around eighty percent of the seats, and Group Two the remaining twenty. The two groups are clearly separated by an aisle.

The voice of the OPERATOR is played over a speaker system. It has been created using text-to-speech software.

Stage lights up.

Test Subject Number 102, step forward please.

The TEST SUBJECT is pushed on-stage, squinting into the light.

Hello? What’s going on?

Take a seat, 102.

Who’s there?

There’s nothing to be afraid of. Please, take a seat.

I’m not doing anything until you tell me where I am. I’ve got rights! I’ll have you know I’m the senior vice president of a very important cardboard manufacturing company in Southwest Bakersfield, and when the sheriff’s department hears about this-

Sit down, 102. The quicker you cooperate, the quicker your assessment can begin.

I will not! You hear me? I will not! I will NOT!


The stage lights go out instantly. The sound of a taser can be heard, followed by the thump of a body hitting the floor. After a few moments the lights start to come up again, slowly. The TEST SUBJECT is sitting in the chair at the centre of the stage.

Are you sitting comfortably, 102?

(staring at the floor) Yes.

Do you agree to cooperate with the remainder of the test?

(after a pause) Yes.

Good. Then we can begin. Tell me, 102, are you familiar with the Trolley Problem?

(looking up) Like at the supermarket?

No. Not like that at all.

The stage lights go out again, and at the same time, separate floodlights positioned above Groups One and Two of the audience come on.

No doubt you will recognise some of these people. All of them were aboard flight sixteen-twelve to Los Angeles yesterday morning, as, perhaps you now recall, were you. But that’s irrelevant for our purposes. Don’t worry, they can’t hear you, or see you even - the glass is one way. And shock proof. For good reason.

The floodlights go out, and the stage lights come up again. The TEST SUBJECT has risen from their chair and is standing near the front of the stage, a hand held over their mouth.

SIT DOWN, 102.

The TEST SUBJECT rushes back to the chair.

Pay attention. This is important. Taped underneath the seats of each of your fellow travellers is a small parcel of C4. In one minute, the parcels underneath the group to your left (the floodlight over Group Two comes on) will be detonated.

Fucking hell - what?!

Beside you is a lever. Should you choose to pull the lever, this group will be spared, and instead the group to your right (the floodlights alternate to Group One) will have their parcels detonated.

This has to be a joke...

The floodlights go out.

This is no joke, 102. You have fifty seconds remaining.

So that’s it? Where’s the choice in that? It’s simple math.

We were hoping you would ask. Please consider that every member of the larger group has been infected with an incurable, undetectable virus. They will all be dead within six months. Make your choice, 102.

(rising to their feet) You’re a bunch of fucking lunatics, you know that? (they pause, waiting for a response) Hello? (they pause again) No, no, no, no, no - you can’t make me do this! Alright, calm down, deep breaths, that’s it. Ok, let’s be logical.

The TEST SUBJECT walks over to the lever, and places a hand on it.

Come on... come on...

They look questioningly at Group One.

Six months versus twenty seconds. Simple math.

Their grip tightens on the lever.

Alright, after three. One, two, three... three and a half... christ.

Their hand slips from the lever.

I can’t do it. (turning, shouting at the ceiling) I won’t do it! You hear me?

Five seconds, 102.

I don’t care.

Three seconds.

Get bent. I am Not. Your. Psychopath.

The lights go out.


Two figures appear in the darkness and take the TEST SUBJECT by the arms.

Wait! Can I try again? Please, stop!


Test Subject Number 103, step forward please.

My eighth entry to the daily freewrite project kindly hosted by @mariannewest,
with the prompt, "trolley".

Thanks for reading.
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Your thrilling narrative had my eyes glued to my screen overlooking the fear that your brought out with such a dark piece. It's sounds like something that will definitely happen when machinery takes over the earth! Awesome writing :)

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words - glad to hear it had such an effect. Although I didn't realise at first, there's definitely some technological anxiety baked in there between the lines - your added analysis is most welcome!

They actually simulated such an experiment with people in the 1960 and 1980's they did not really hurt the other people but the test subjects didi not know that. Sadly only a minimal percentage resisted. Unlike your hero almost every single subject opted to hurt their peers even when they played a tape of pain screams. They even opted to up the torture level to a faked death ...

Yes that rings a bell actually, wasn't it something to do with testing out the validity of Game Theory? That's quite depressing - I guess my underlying optimism in people is somewhat misplaced haha. I wasn't sure when I started writing this which way it would go in the end but it just felt like the natural conclusion. Thank you for the read!

It was sold as memory testactually (the 1960's one I don't remember what the 1980's one was for ). And it speaks for you as person that you want to believe in humanity :)

Wow, this is frightening and so well crafted. What a horrible experiment. My son works with c4 at a local munitians plant. I'm praying he gets the new job he applied for today and gets out.

Lol. Seriously! He needs to get out, quick

Yikes, that sounds pretty risky - I hope he makes it out too! Thank you for your feedback as always Janelle :)

I'll love to make a venezuelan version for this fantastic play and to try to stage it here. wow! We should talk!

Hey Vadim, that sounds great! I'm still quite new to using discord but I think you could drop me a line on there if you like? My username is the same, and I'm connected with @isleofwrite and @poetsunited at the moment.

Nice! Think I'll be publishing some of my short screenplays in the next few days. I dig this!

Awesome! I think screen/stage writing is unfortunately a little underrepresented on steemit at the moment, so the more the merrier :)

First of all, congratulations!!! I'm so glad you finally got properly rewarded, you surely deserve it, Lazarus!
Ummm... don't even know what I like more, your poems or your micro-plays, as I mentioned before, you have a talent to make us feel participating in what's happening in your pieces, I was there, felt the mixture of Test Subject's feelings, it was intense although you gave us breaks, I mean the hilarious line "like in the supermarket" )) it fits so well showing the complete frustration of them.
They couldn't gather their thoughts to finally make a decision - the line of counting to three and a half... What has prevented them from making a decision? An evil act never justifies a greater good, huh?
An interesting thing is that we don't know if it's a man or a woman, I think in was intended, this gives your reader more freedom and more involvement as well.

I'm familiar with the Trolley Problem, it was shown in a series called "The good place" with some alternative conditiones and outcomes, notably, a guy who had to make his choice was a person who can't even choose a flavour of ice cream)

Thank you so much - it sure was a nice surprise to wake up to! Yes, I always try and make my characters gender neutral when I write these scripts, a habit I picked up when I wrote for my friend's theatre company. It makes them a lot easier to cast, but as you also point out, a lot easier for readers to place themselves inside it :)

I loved reading your screen play. My poor heart got a cardio work out though, I must say!

Very well written and crafted!!!

Haha, thank you, glad it had the desired effect ;)

Hi @lazarus-wist ,

Such a great story. I would absolutely love to see it done as a micro-play. Perhaps someday it will happen.

This post was nominated by a @curie curator to be featured in an upcoming Author Showcase that will be posted early Monday (U.S. time) on the @curie blog. If you agree to be featured in this way, please reply and:

  • Let us know if we can quote text and/or feature images from your post.
  • If you would like to provide a brief statement about your posting, your life or anything else to be included in the article, you can do so in reply here or look me up on Discord chat (@randomwanderings#9929 ) or even through email to randomwanderingsgene at gmail .com

You can check out our previous Author Showcase to get an idea of what we are doing with these posts.

Thanks for your time and for creating great content.
Gene (@curie curator)

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Hi Gene, sorry, only just seen this reply! That's wonderful news - yes, I'd love to be featured on the showcase. You're more than welcome to use text and the image from this post, although the latter isn't mine but rather a CC0 image found on pixabay. Probably better off not using my profile picture though as it is not credited for general use.

A brief statement:

I started writing these 'one scene' plays after getting the chance to produce for my friend's independent theatre company back in 2014. On a minuscule budget, and with limited space to perform in, the challenge was always to pack as much power and significance as we could into just a few pages of dialogue. I feel these experiences ultimately shaped my writing for the better, whether it be poetry, short fiction, or performable scripts. I'm thrilled that they have all finally found a home here on Steemit!

Nicely done, dramatic version of a game theory scenario. The most frightening thing for most people that are approached by these types of games is that their biggest fear isn't for the people, but that THEY have to make the decision. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. I found you on the #payitforward contest. You were featured by @tygertyger. Congratulations.

Thanks mate. Indeed, I'm not sure myself how I would act in such a scenario... glad you enjoyed it at any rate! Thanks also for letting me know about the mention elsewhere, I'll have to go check it out :)

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