200 Days FreeWriteHouseParty Contest (Day 7): Five Habits

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

A high-five from my little man!

Successful people have a lot to say about routines and habits. In fact the most successful people have routines and habits that run their lives. While most of us wake up and wonder what to do, successful people wake up and do what they have always done day after day, week after week and year after year. Here is list of 5 habits that I would like to share. I am working hard at cultivating them so here goes!

#1 Wake up early

Most successful people start their mornings as early as 4.30 am. Some say that the early morning quiet helps them to focus on the day and the things that they have to get done. They would go through their schedule, decide on priorities, pray, meditate, read a book or even journal. Others spend time speaking positive declaration over themselves and review the goals that they have set. Hmm...I wonder what time they sleep though? 😛

#2 Exercise

Sweating and increased heart rates helps the body function at it's best. It also help to detox your body and enables one to sleep better at night. When you exercise, endorphins are released and you immediately feel happier and more positive. Just exercising for 10 to 20 minutes at least 3 times a week keeps you alert and able to problem solve faster. Do you known that exercising is also a great way to meet the opposite sex if you are single!

#3 Adequate Sleep

I read somewhere that getting enough sleep ensures that your body is able to do the necessary repairs to your heart and blood vessels in order to stay healthy. Lack of sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes and even stroke. By the way ladies, if you don't sleep enough you basically get fatter! Not to mention dull and tired skin. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing girls!

#4 Set goals for yourself

Always set big hairy audacious goals (BHAG) and then set smaller more achievable ones that bring you closer to your BHAG. You stay motivated when you see that things are happening and it makes you want to continue to achieve. After all, goals help you in achieving your purpose.

#5 Review and reflect on your progress

Don't be afraid to change things up a bit if things are not working out. Sometimes, we just have to take a step back and evaluate the things that we are doing and even the goals that we have set. I have never been one to constantly review goals hence I have taken a lot longer to get where I am today. Just like driving a car, course corrections get you to your destination earlier!

Here is a hi-five to success and great habits!

Day 7 of the competition! I learn something new everyday! Thank you @elizacheng I can now post using my mobile phone! There is a first time for everything!
Check out @marrianewest and @freewritehouse to know more about freewrite! For more interesting reads about today's prompt, you just need to high-FIVE some of your BFFs!

Khim Pic for signature.jpg





Hi-5 to you too!!! ;) gosh it would be difficult for me to be successful if need to follow the 5 habits since my lifestyle now is random and messy. Anyway still high-5 to you babe and strong mummy! high-5 to your little man too. ;)

Jade we all have our own challenges and it is best that you have routines and habits that suit you and where you are at in life. You are an awesome Mum however random and messy! :)

High 5! Great post! Wake up early is not something I can practice now. I love my sleep! I love my pillows! Exercise... Hmmm... Another habit that I need to get myself into. I am climbing up and down stairs 3 storeys every weekday. I park my car at the basement in my office block. Walk up to ground floor then only take the lift to my office.

Thanks @elizacheng you are always so super kind and encouraging! Love you long time!! I love my sleep too but I also love the feel of the early early mornings! So quiet and peaceful and cooling! Try sleeping super early one day and wake up like at 5 am and go outside!

High-5 @khimgoh! Is that what your practice? Cos you sound like a successful person to me! This whole list takes so much discipline and yeah I guess I have to start somewhere. I would love to start with the adequate sleep.... LOL! oh wait... how to do that? But yeah I do feel a difference when I am more well rested :P Now there's the exercise part and waking up early! God help me!

Hahahaha! @happycrazycon I wish I could say I do all of the. I am learning to some but the waking up very early and exercise is tough now with kids. Sigh..

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