Free Write - Late

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Don't be Late for this Date.

Don't Hate the Rate.

Flow with your Honey and Money.
Go with the Sonny and your Gunny.

If Q is Splitting, then he aint Q.
If Q is Hitting, then she aint Q.

Don't be late for your BRAND NEW SMART CAR.
Don't be late for your brand new smart phone.

Cuz Heaven forbid you to be smart.
God forbid you from doing art.

The irony is apparent.
The irony is shocking.

We live in a Hot Potato World.
Full of TRIGGERS and full of funny things.

If you are late, then be FASHIONABLY LATE.
You can be LATE, but please don't HATE.

2015-11-30 JA N Girl Hood 23Park.jpg

2015-11-30: 23/9 Park Q1 HCM: Slap Girl: Oatmeal

Free Write - Late

2018-05-11 Friday 09:38 PM LMS: Free Write - Late
Published at 10:07 PM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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JFK was Shot in the front and in the back.




This is a "late" poem, very modern, very good, come on!


Yes, a Late "LATE" entry, pun intended, agreed. Thanks.

You're welcome, I hope you continue to cheer! !


Cheering is fun and is a philosophy worth living.

Yes, this is good


I loved it!!! Regards!

Great flow with your poem! It does seem that many are in a rush to have the latest "thing". Of course, that's what marketers want. So many advertisments have, Hurry! or Don't Miss Your Chance! and such phrases that are geared towards opening those wallets fast!

Today's prompts are brought to you by our new resident, a Kasa-Obake. Don't be startled by her long tongue, she's very friendly! Only, don't ask if you can use her if it starts to rain.😉

Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Single Prompt Option

Weekend Freewrite 5/12/18 - Part 1 - The First Sentence

Come celebrate with us in the Freewrite House!
There's a chance to win some amazing prizes!

Having new things is great if they are good things.

Boy it took me forever to get to the bottom of your post lol

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