Free Write - Flea

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time lived a Flea named Tick.

Yes, Tick was a cartoon super hero on television in America in the 90's.

This was back in the era of Saturday Morning Golden Years Cartoons back when we had Biker Mice From Mars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the animated Aladdin series, the animated Batman series, Wishbone, and Arthur. Oh wait, maybe Tick was not a Flea. Because Ticks are small like fleas.

But maybe ticks are smaller or different.

Are you different?

Did Tick ever go to a Flea Market?

What is a Flea Market? It may not be a Saturday farmer's market. It may actually be more like a garage yard sale style farmer's market. What did they always say when you were kids? What, girls have bugs? Some kids said I might have had lice. What are lice? Maybe like fleas and ticks. They must like hair.

Fleas might be vampire ants since they like to suck blood.

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be and why?

What animates you?

What are your favorite cartoons?

The Karate Kid is Back.

Found the 2018 ten episodes Cobra Kai series on YouTube Red which came out 2018 May 2nd. I watched the first 2 episodes but that was the end of the free trial on the regular YouTube version. You can also try YouTube Red for free but am not sure how long that trial may last. Eventually, the trial will end and you will need to pay for premium service for YouTube Red. Luckily for me, I went to to download through Bit Torrent and an app on my Ubuntu operating system laptop the remaining 8 episodes.

@Cheetah commented below with a link to YouTube Red because I mentioned YouTube Red. The Karate Kid was a film series about a master and his apprentice. Cobra Kai is a sequel series based on them but 34 or so years later. Now, the apprentice is the master. But he has kids and has his own car dealership.

His opponent opens up a karate place.

Cobra Kai is 34 Years Later

Wax On, Wax Off.

2013-12-10 Me Kool English.jpg

2013-12-10: Kool English Club: HCM: Oatmeal

2013-12 FYG 01.jpg

2013-12-XX - Fellowship Youth Group (FYG): Q1 HCM: English Class

Free Write - Flea

2018-05-05 Saturday 03:33 PM LMS: Free Write - Flea
Published at 04:11 PM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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