Free Write Entry Way

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

What is your Entry Way into the kind of life you have always wanted? You may have to travel through a HEM, which is Vietnamese for a small alley street, and your entry way is out there at the end of the yellow brick road. The big bad wolf told Goldy Locks to get off. Wait, no it was little red riding hood.

Take life one step at a time as you go after entry ways, the broad way, the Hollywood avenue. Oh, I was thinking about breaking into Hollywood back in the 1990's in America but I am fine now. I think I am better off in some ways for having not ventured into the dark scary world of Hollywood. You can find opportunities other ways. Steemit has an entry way to the Internet, through the blockchain system and it is amazing. We did it. We found new entry ways which makes life more magical like a chocolate candy bar which I no longer eat. I eat from gardens now which is an entry way to better life.

Color Challenge - Yellow Wednesday - Flower

2014-12-22 Long Thanh.jpg

2014-12-22: Long Thanh VN: JA: Students

Free Write Entry Way

2018-05-02 Wednesday 10:07 AM LMS: Free Write Entry Way
Published at 10:36 AM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My experience - (Web-Designer) @Small Music Store in Shelton, WA,(Film-Maker) @Arnold Attic,Camp-Counselor, English-Teacher in Vietnam, carpenter, musician, dishwasher, artist, journalist, creator, & more... (See More)

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howdy Oatmeal! when do you find time to sleep? lol. great selection of eye-opening videos again. Say, does Vietnam have English as their second language and you were there because they need teachers?

Sleeping is tough when you are like a Man in Black. I love black people like Will Smith. I love movies like the Matrix and V For Vendetta. Yeah, English is the second most valued language in Vietnam, and the Vietnamese language borrow Chinese words and you can find Chinese Vietnamese, like China Towns.

I always wanted to travel, learn, meet new people, teach, share, experience, and everything, and I was meeting people on social networks since about 1998, and randomly found a school in Vietnam that asked me to come and I went to Vietnam to teach English in 2012. Then they said they didn't want me because they already hired too many teachers and forgot to tell me that until I came. I was talking to them for about a year before finally going to Vietnam. So, they basically fired me during my sixth day in Vietnam and then I thought about going back to the USA after only six days. But then a restaurant owner let me live at his restaurant. So, I was there sweeping, working, helping them, and began teaching some of them English and was looking for work. This was in Bac Ninh City near Hanoi. So, I then was looking for work in Hanoi for 2 weeks and people told me Saigon was better. So, I went to Saigon and found work teaching at schools, centers, houses, coffee shops, all over Saigon City, would ride my bike around teaching here and there for about 5 years in Saigon.

And yeah, they always say they need teachers and teachers come and go. Some may teach for many years and some teach for only like a month or so. They tend to say they want to learn English in order to find higher paying jobs with like international companies or working abroad.

I understand, thanks for the great explanation. do they offer good pay or no, what are wages like there?


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