If you have any thoughts please let me know - Freewrite
I was in the business of buying and selling.
Sometimes people call it arbitrage.
You want to find a good deal.
That means buying something at one place and selling it to another place. Rebuying...... reselling.
Source: Giphy.com
Over and over.
The year is 2287 and the world is controlled by a pseudo government entity called Orthonx.
Orthonx decides what people should do and what people shouldn't do.
A machine created from a thousand different brains taken from a thousand different prisoners on a thousand different planets.
Somewhere along the way when they were creating this vast entity it was noticed that an occasional thought would escape the entrapped brain in question.
A bystander would suddenly be feeling sad or hungry or angry.
The scientists connecting the brain to the giant machine realized that these thoughts could not only be transmitted to living people but also trapped and stored.
That's where I come in.
It's called thought transmogrify.
You don't have to change how you're feeling. I can change it for you with a simple thought.
That thought can even be cloned and sold...... and rebought and resold.
The problem is that the same thoughts being sold over and over again tend to get old. What we're looking for is new thoughts.
I don't care what kind of thought it is.
It can be love, or sorrow, or even abject horror.
I want it.
I pay good money.
Much more than the other vendors around here.
If you have any thoughts please let me know
This contest is hosted by mariannewest
Wow! This is an awesome futuristic #freewrite. I love the concept that you came up with. Definitely keep up the good work!
I did a #freewrite on "Thoughts" as well and would love if you checked it out! Thanks and let me know what you think in the comments! =)
wow... thats an amazing sci fi plot.... there should be a movie like this... i once read a book closer to that
that would be an interesting time to live in, you have a great imagination there and this is great writing, fiction at its best
Puts the expression "Penny for your thoughts" in a whole new light (although hopefully more than a mere penny). Your story is thought provoking (but I won't sell them to you 😉). In a way, isn't that what the internet (and Steemit) is looking for? New thoughts?
Today I'm stepping in for Marianne.
powerful and chilling very well written
This good, I might take the idea and write a story out of it~
Wait, who'd be the person who'd buy a sad thought with high value... Wait!! maybe the same people who play Horror games that scare them?
Auction: Thoughts for sale to the highest bidder.
It scares me! Will it affect the quality? Or doesn't this matter?
Will the creators of the new thoughts be able to resist tuning their imagination to please the paymasters?
Am I right to be cynical?
And the valuable thoughts are very high valued.. It's interesting concept but very harsh world to live in. Imagine how poor people will live sad by being poor and more sad because they can't buy happy thoughts.
Imagine how rich a person who is normally optimistic would be. Wait, that person would probably be abused by the actual rich people and they exctract his thoughts from him. Wow!! Ideas Never End!!
Yup, me too.
So does Retail Arbitrage lead to transmogrify??? Retail Arbitrage is changing alot of lives for the better these days! Intresting post!
AH-MAZING!!! One of the best things I've read today. What a creative use of a prompt and a start of a fantastic story! I myself could use some really happy thoughts lately, if you have any to spare! :)
Wow that really makes me feel good. I'll try to send you some happy thoughts later tonight once I get to feeling in a bit of a better place.
Thats really interesting story, i really enjoy this story @jeezzle