Detox -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Detoxification vacation.

The truth about detoxes is that there's no such thing. Sure, there's plenty of things that claim to cleanse or detox, but the problem with your body isn't that it's full of toxins. The problem with your body is that it's worn out. There's less cartilage where there should be cartilage. You have tiny tears in your tendons, and your teeth. Well, your teeth are like swiss cheese and smell like limburger.

Mmmm limburger.

The point is, no one thinks like you do.

That's not the point. Lots of people think like you do. That if they only eat celery, kale, lemon juice, and cayenne, that their aches and pains will go away. Well, c'mon.

Now eating more veggies? Sure. That's good for sure. I think we could all do with a green salad or two or three per days. And for those of us worried about our weights, well, sure, we should cut out some of the high calorie, low-nutrition foods, like heart attack potatoes (which I made a few days ago... made 20 pounds of them and they all got eaten. This is true and real, and something I'm proud of. There were 8 sticks of butter and 40 oz of sour cream and 3 pounds of cheese in those.

So, you know, half fat and half potato.

Also cornflakes.

The point is. Those were delicious. What was I saying?

This is a picture of the fat, before I added it to the potatoes.



I loved this yummy post so much. I'll be back tomorrow night to upvote it. I also included it in my favorite #freewrites post @improv. 👍

"The truth about detoxes is that there's no such thing." This is not true!

I came to this post because of your recommendation @wonderwop. I hope you will read my most recent to get another opinion. And I would eat this dish if organic. It sound and looks yum!

I sure will @fitinfun, I'm glad you came over. 🙏

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. I have the science to back up my statement, and I posted a link on your post. Have a good day, and while we're disagreeing again, have you had a chance to look at how VP works again, and have you yet realized I was right about that, too?

Smiles to show friendliness in the face of disagreeing

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't remember a conversation about vp, but just remember that all "science" is funded by our overlords and they have a stake in keeping us sick and fat.

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