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RE: Day 99: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: sunset

in #freewrite6 years ago

I can feel the pain in the story.
But forgive I'd like to give you my honest opinion:
I dont think it's a good idea to make suicide look like a relief, I know it's not your intention, but that can promote the idea and make it look like a possible solution. No matter how hard the world is and crual the life is, suicide is nothing but even more pain and a big waste of ones life.


Hey thanks for stopping by and writing this meaningful comment. Means a lot :)

And I am glad you gave your honest two cents on it. I am always happy about honest feedback and insight. I did not make suicide look like a relief. It was for the character, but not for anyone else. I do not support suicide in any way and for a long time, I used to believe that those who do commit suicide are cowards. However, the 'coward' viewpoint changed some time back when I realized that taking your life is a very courageous thing to do. I don't support of it and I don't think that's beneficial but it requires some serious guts so I cannot label those who commit suicide as cowards. Nonetheless, I believe people should consider moving back towards life and not ending it. That requires even more courage I believe and is not easy especially if there aren't any supportive people around you. As for this story, I was just thinking about the character. When writing stories, you do come up with different characters and each one of them has its own story and feelings so I think you need to follow that. I have written another mostly sad story, but its ending was different. You can read that here to see for yourself. But do get what you were trying to say and I appreciate that. :)

It is interesting to me that I missed the whole aspect of suicide being part of the ending. I had to go back and reread it to figure out what was being talked about here. I was thinking more about transcending or transforming suffering and letting go of all aspects of self and belief that cause it. In a way it feels to me that it is only when we have fully let go of our suffering and are willing in a sense to die each day, that we can truly begin to live.

In a way it feels to me that it is only when we have fully let go of our suffering and are willing in a sense to die each day, that we can truly begin to live.

These profound thoughts are why I am so in love with your work. I am speechless right now. Will ponder more on it and then give a proper reply.

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