5 Minute Freewrite Challenge Day 276 Potbellied

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

freewrite Potbellied fitinfun.jpg

I’m thinking about weight loss today. Potbellied is a way obese people describe themselves, and sometimes it comes as an insult from others. I had many insults come my way and also labeled myself with a number of derogatory names when I was obese.

It’s almost protective. If you are potbellied, it’s kind of cute, and kind of funny, so you can just use the word and go back to the bad food and the tv, knowing that you are never going to change, and who cares, because you are potbellied anyway.

I have lost “half my size.” I have actually lost more than that right now as I have not been eating enough lately. But I still have my “big fat stomach” as my mother used to refer to it.

When I see photos of myself I always look to my stomach first, and yes, there it is – big and fat. It doesn't matter that other people now exclaim about how thin I am. I still see the fat gut.

I try to get people to get past the labels. But here I am, still labeling myself.

My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Freewrite is a great way to post on steemit when you do not think you have the time or talent or anything to say. Give it a try and you might like it too.

Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. Maybe you can enter too.

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I am blogging about weight loss to help others get thin and healthy like I did. If you or anyone you know is struggling to beat obesity, please follow along and you can do this too.

Let's Pretend to Lose Weight - Deciding to track your weight and face reality
Yes, You CAN Lose Weight! - Finding out your BMI and getting over excuses
Weight Loss - Let’s Get Started Today - First steps to successful weight loss
Portion Sizes and Nutrition How big is a portion of food?
Weight Loss Bad Ideas Don't try these!
Easy Exercise - Stretching and Walking If you are fitness walking, stretching before and after will help you in many ways.
Weight Loss Food Fixes Start here for some ideas about improving your food.

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before and after stomach poster fitinfun.jpg

(Just guess what I am laughing about as I took the photo on the right.)


So what did you do different ? and i do not see the belly but then we with eating disorders never see ourselves as we are :(

I finally started eating real, healthy food and exercising daily. It was a lot of work to figure out the best steps to take, but now they are second nature. Thank you so much for your kind words.

When I got sick i moved into the fridge ....gained an excessive amount of weight ...lost some but am now stagnant. Being in the wheelchair does not help ...i need to come up with a plan to get this crap weight off ... :(

I will be glad to help you if I can. The plan that worked for me is to:

  • boost nutrition in my food
  • reduce toxins in my food
  • exercise within my limits daily.

There is more to it, but that is the bare bones. It was a lot of small and effective changes over time - not one big overnight wake up.

I have rheumatoid arthritis and exercise in bed or in water. I have a lot of limitations, but I still succeeded in weight loss. I eat very well now. But I sure know what you mean about going to the fridge. That is how I used to be. But my food had little nutrition, so I was "stuffed yet starving."

Why are you in a wheelchair? Is it temporary or permanent?

Oh, I am so sorry that you see a stomach. But I also can relate. It is so sad when we are set up not to love ourselves :(

It's a big problem in weight loss, and I assume so for many other issues. I hope to overcome it soon.

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