Stranded on the sofa like whales - Spiaggiati sul divano come cetacei [ENG-ITA Freewrite day 88]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

eyeemfiltered1516138024359.jpg Original by @f3nix - There, at the counter's bottom, her majesty the "Fiorentina" / Ecco là, in fondo al bancone, sua maestà la Fiorentina

In honor of this prompt, picked by @mariannewest directly from my sick mind, I decided to use again the bloody Most Dangerous Writing App!

English Version

There in the almost total darkness of the great hall, in the Old Steemians Home, they were beating incessantly on the keyboards. The ticking was like a heavy rain or like millions of paws of hamsters running on worn-out treadmills. All the freewriters, once arrived at the prompt n. 5009 had decided that stopping writing between one prompt and another was only a loss of creative opportunity. Since then they were wired, special catheters had been applied to each of them along with several technologically advanced systems that allowed them to type even while sleeping. They all lay stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion. On the other hand now the freewriters - arranged in a circle in the great hall, with @Mariannewest in the middle dictating the prompts as if they were bingo numbers - were by now all very powerful. The name "Molochs" had been coined purposely for them, as it was no longer enough to call them "Whales". Too simplistic. One day, however, a serious accident happened that drastically changed their lives once again: @f3nix's catheter came off, the cannula could no longer drain and the liquids had leaked around him in a huge puddle that continued to expand. It was August 15th and the technicians who took care of the corporeal needs of the freewriters were on vacation.

Versione Italiana

Là nella quasi totale oscurità della grande sala, nella Old Steemians Home, loro battevano incessantemente sulle tastiere. Il ticchettio era come una pioggia fitta o come milioni di zampette di criceti che corrono su logori tapis roulant. I freewriters, una volta arrivati al prompt n. 5009 avevano deciso che smettere di scrivere fra un prompt e l'altro era solamente una perdita di opportunità creativa. Da allora si erano fatti cablare, cateteri speciali erano stati applicati ad ognuno di loro assieme a diversi impianti tecnologicamente avanzati che gli permettevano di stare distesi scrivendo anche mentre dormivano. Erano diventati come cetacei spiaggiati sopra le loro poltrone dopo un indigestione di plankton. D'altra parte ormai i freewriters, disposti a cerchio nella grande sala, con @Mariannewest in mezzo a dettare i prompt come numeri della tombola, erano ormai tutti potentissimi. Per loro era stato coniato il nome "Moloch", non essendo più sufficiente chiamarli "balene". Troppo riduttivo. Un giorno però successe un grave incidente che cambio drasticamente le loro vite ancora una volta: il catetere di @f3nix si staccó, la cannula non riusciva più a drenarlo e i liquidi erano fuoriusciti attorno a lui in un'immensa pozzanghera che continuava ad espandersi. Era il 15 di agosto e i tecnici che curavano i bisogni corporali dei freewriters erano in vacanza.

This is also an Old Steemians Home story. I am not entirely sure that my fellows will welcome positively my entry, which portrays them as huge blobs.. please consider that I had to stop after the 5 minutes ..right when the positive turn was going to begin!

Here you can find some other great ravings..err, I meant stories!

by @whatisnew
Day 77: 5 Minute Freewrite/Story- The Steemian Home- The Library

by @simgirl
The Steemians Home- The Fish Song

by @snook
The Old Steemians Home: Omra's Tale (Part 2?)

by @brisby
The Shed - An Old Steemians Home Story


I hope at that point we will have set a janitor-bot who can "plug the leak" ahahah!
Crazy, caricatural vision!

I'm sorry for using this idea for a 5 minutes freewrite..I think I will push the grotesque caricatural perspective in a longer and alienating novel :-P Poor guys..forgive me.. Plug it! Plug it now! XD

LOL this is delightful! I see @mariannewest plotting out the future for our tribe one prompt at a time.

I liked your story.

And it happens often that the ringer goes off as I’m about to take a turn in my story.

Thanks @metzli! Yes you nailed it.. this is the beauty and the pain of using the bloody dangerous writing app 😉

Ah, Ferragosto! I remember it well! No sense in trying to accomplish anything on August 15. All of Italy rolls up its lovely carpet. Great descriptive story! Brava!

Oh No! I have this image frozen in my brain now of us all wired up like in "The Matrix." So my mind has expanded this to the point where some corporate power has taken control of our lives and our output is supporting some new virtual reality "Fantasy Adventure" industry. We crank out the freewrites 24 hours a day while people all over the world pay the corporation to live out each fantasy. What a nightmare! The good news is that since I'm locked in my chair at the keyboard I don't have to worry about stepping in that growing puddle of liquid gold. The bad news is that I have to feel sad for some of the people that paid the corporation for an adventure and then ended up with PTSD or some other kind of mental disorder caused by the trauma.

You see from a nightmare comes a huger one! I'm sorry Deacon I exposed you to my twisted ravings :-P In my defence I can say that it's all fault of the bloody most dangerous writing app! However, I liked the development you took very much .. good material for another dystopic freewrite!

ah ah ah! non ci lasciare con il fiato sospeso..

Purtroppo stavo utilizzando la malefica Most dangerous Writing App ;-) Ma forse una sospensione non è poi così male vista la scena... grazie per essere passata @sardrt!

HaHa! I smiled, I laughed and I could picture everyone perfectly and hear the ticking sound from everyone typing! I especially love the circle with Marianne in the middle. We are all Freewriter Zombies now? And then when I read that there was a serious accident my smile dropped off and I said, "oh, no!" And then I said, "EW!" So much going on in just 5 minutes. Loved it! Tip!

Thank you dearest!! Sorry for the late know freewrites are so addictive for me because is such a great satisfaction to see that people can live the words that you create.. talking about freewrite zombies Im worried that I potentially could already stay the whole day on steemit. Luckily i've my job hahah.. what about you? 😉

Never feel you have to say "sorry" to me. I could easily stay on steemit the whole day and night, but that can't be done by me either. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. HaHa! : )

I would go for "good thing" .. ;-) I would just love to know you and the others more as "real people" other than in our freewrites

So would I; definitely so would I. Maybe one day? We can hope and dream.

Thank you for alerting me to this gem. It's been added to my post. Thanks for all of your awesome contributions.

Contributing is my joy 😉 I just wish I hadn't this interference called "work"!!

Bravo, I was wondering if you were going to tackle this prompt. Excellent work. Today's prompt is another tough one. My first picture prompt.

I'll check it asap, now it's midnight..I'm behind of one now and I don't know if I can make two in a row..thank you @wonderwop :-)

You better sleep on it...

That is too funny!! I think we better have the house in the States - nobody gets much vacation here lol

I'd also suggest a hot-line 24/7 for catheter unplugging emergencies 😜

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