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RE: Alternative Lives: What If? (Part 1)

in #freewrite6 years ago

I dreamed two nights ago about what my life would have been if my folks hadn't moved us to WI from Seattle. I think I would have been friends with Julia Crouch still throughout our growing up. I would have become a stage hand in high school... That's as far as my dream got me. At a piece of High School Theatre, shyly avoiding the spotlight, but happy and fulfilled with my part in it all.


I've done the dreaming of 'what ifs' before, too. I usually come back to the fact that although I'm not really proud of all of my choices, there aren't many things I would change because I wouldn't want to lose any of the good things I have in my life now.

@eroticabian Yep. It's impossible to compare what is with what might have been in any meaningful way. Except... what if I had bought btc when it was only $2/coin. ;P

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