Records - Bah!

in #freewrite6 years ago

Okay, I thought in my moment of glory, I can do this freewrite. Look at I've got a bunch of grandpa's old records sitting over there - under the dust - I think. Ah, maybe I need to go check. No, I'm not sure what they are. They seem to be just a bunch of old crunched cereal boxes. I'd heard you can get music out of these things. I turned it around and this big black plastic thing fell out.
I'd better record this, he shouted. I'll bet this is like some archeological site with strange things from the past. I recorded the picture on the front: some picture of an army band for the Sergeant Pepper militia. Damn, but they dressed weird. I took the black thing over to my dusty CD player and figured out really quick it did not go anywhere in there. Not that I didn't try.
I put it up to my ear - no sound. I got out my headphone jack and put it in the hole in the middle. No sound.
I recorded, "I discovered why old people are so crazy. That just sat around looking at pictures with headphones plugged into black discs." I tried it for an hour or two and actually discovered it to be quite satisfying.
"I'm going to put this on YouTube!" I declared. I think I did, but with my huge headphones on - I'm really not sure.


I have a bunch of those things. not sure why anymore, but I actually still have the thing that plays them also. :)

Cool dude! You have like, you know, a headphone jack for the hole in the middle? I don't know... Maybe you have to drink a bunch of beer first! :-))

I have found drinking a bunch of beer never hurts in most endeavors. But it is an archaic technology that requires you to place the disc on a large rotating plate and place this arm with a very tiny needle and music magically emits from the device. Pretty amazing

I know. It's still fun tho upon occasion. Heading to a novel writing class. Thanks for the chat & see you next round. :-))

On that note... I hope the beersaturday keeps going. Everything keeps slowing down. I like all the beer posts. And, of course, an excellent reason to try more beer.

good point, I haven't seen anything about last weeks contest results. I have slowed down on drinking because of this cold/cough thing I have had for 2 weeks. I hope to resurrect my drinking and posting about beer.

HaHa! But now you have made me feel so old because those were my records! : )

You and me both. But I look at them every day on the shelf. Oddly enough, I don't feel quite so old if I refer to them as albums. :-))

Just very wise...You probably even know where to plug in your headphones. :-))

I'm sure this was the experience of some young whipper snapper!
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