Existential Crisis - 5 Minute Freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

Prompt of Day 90: children

I've now been adult for almost 2 years and one thing that has been on my mind, is if I ever want to have children of my own. And I really don't know. Well, firstly I'd have to be very stable and secure financially and emotionally. Not to forget a potential partner I'd have them with. Hard to predict if I ever come up with anyone I'd share my life with, or have children with. Think about this thought I had read in reddit sometime: "You could shut down the millions of years long chain of genes being passed to this point, just by not having children."


"Now I know whom I want to have children with!"
*Cries alone in bed*

Existential crisis warning!

Really hits when I think I could just die without passing my genes which are a result of millions of years of evolution and whatever shit that has happened on this Earth: multiple massacres of extinction by meteors and individual battles of survival of the fittest. Holy shit... My biological purpose would be to pass those genes further but I could do whatever I want as a human who can determine his/her own purpose, I have all the power to choose.

Existentialism intensifies...

But all this thinking I'll probably look upon like "What the hell was I thinking", if I ever fall in love with someone, which to be honest I haven't really planned out on my little life (like you could plan something like that; "Today I will fall in love", "Hmm... I wonder why it's not working, maybe it's because of my pants. Yeah I've had these for a while now, definitely the pants...").

Introduction to freewriting by @mariannewest

My previous freewrites:


Thought provoking post. I think some people don't want to be parents at all and some are desperate for it from a young age (like I was) and others don't know if they want children until they meet the right person and the choice becomes clear. I love that you've put this thought into it and I never really thought about the passing on of genes and all of that, really, at least not BEFORE I had kids!

Great post!

Today I am helping @mariannewest out and leaving the link to today’s #freewrite prompt! https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-91-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-board

Thank you @byn,

At least you don't have to think this stuff anymore, haha :D

Yeah, I'm on a whole 'nother level now! My kids are mostly grown, so it's just a whole new world for me.

You can show my freewrite to them and give them existential crisis, heh (kinda evil, I know), if they don't already have kids.

Hahahaha, I'll bring it up at the next family night for sure :)


I agree. It is the pants!!

And you are right - there are some things in life we can't plan, no matter how hard we try.

yeah im sure you will make a great dad! celestal

With love

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

Thank you @harj, if that ever happen I'll do my best.

Thank you! celestal would be great to get your interpretation on my last art post called "Kurtd Cobain" your insight would help us : )

With love

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

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