A we- write Short Story- The lost weapon Part 2: Eat the Invaders! - with @sarez

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

We-Write Partner Up! | Prompt: bulb

Thank you, Stacie D., all the Freewrite House staff, and @sarez for this! He started the story here:

A we- write Short Story- The lost weapon Part1 by @sarez


Hello dear reader!

I am Hugh (yeah! not a very savvy name but there it is) I may not be alive when you get to read this post. I am in the Mexico City headquarters of the Department of Natural resources. I am forced to write this as the company guys have traced the bulb here. They are ruthless about wiping all of them from the face of this earth. You Steemians may be the earths last hope.
Wait! Let me explain. How many times have you heard the phrase "The rich corporates are sucking the lifeblood of the masses." Well it is TRUE the head honchos are Vampires. Why do you think they went into GMO and farming? Who do you think owns Nonsando and Forkacola.? 99% of the world's garlic is extinct- replaced by a Genetically Modified duplicate. All true Rowan wood has been destroyed, may be some furniture or Rowan exists but that's it! And silver bullion is being cornered every day- though it is not as powerful against them as Rowan and Garlic
OK now back to why I am in Mexico City. Mayans, the ancient civilization had cultivated a particularly potent ( deadly for the vamps) garlic. The professor who discovered that the crop still grew sent out a sample to the Ministry. Since then the professor has disappeared. I have manged to get my hands on the sample- a single bulb of garlic - white with a pinkish hue about as big as a ping pong ball. But the Company is here in this building. I am using the archive room computer to get this message out in case I get killed and the company burns this bulb.
Bye for now, I may yet survive.

The story will be continued @carolkean


Hello dear reader!

My name is not Hugh, but I have read Hugh’s impassioned plea for help with the last garlic bulb on earth.

Hugh is a good man, make no mistake about it, and Mexico’s DNR (Department of Natural Resources) is staffed by a few good souls.

“End of the World” scare tactics are dime a dozen. While everyone is rushing about trying to protect the “last” garlic bulb on earth, millions of Midwesterners are decimating a potent, invasive, evil form of garlic, the dreaded GARLIC MUSTARD, which is so awful, deer will not eat it. Herds of goats are being hired out for $300 per visit to residences across the United States, because goats will eat anything, even poison ivy and garlic mustard.

Unfortunately for the woodlands and forest understory, there are not enough goats for hire to stem the invasion of the dreaded garlic mustard. Fortunately for Hugh and his cohorts at the Mexican DNR, there is still PLENTY of this vile, non-native species in America’s heartland.

My name is Alliara, and I have been blogging about this for years. Luckily, Nonsando and Forkacola weren’t paying attention. And now, come, help yourself, please. Not even Nonsando and Forkacola have enough henchmen or goats to wipe out the dreaded garlic mustard!

The lost weapon is no loss, dear,

because I --we! we here in the Midwest! --have a weapon that is unstoppable. How many legions of goats, how many years will it take, before the springtime ephemerals, the woodlands, the understory of our forests, are safe?

Hang in there, Hugh,

I'm coming, in cognito, to the rescue. Most of Mexico is sunny and dry, conditions that are not conducive to the rapid spread of the dreaded ... well, see, watch for a woman who goes by the name of Alliaria Petiolata. She will be adorned in goat tattoos. (Temporary, of course; I hate needles, and vampires, and I'd never make a permanent fashion statement on my body.)

Sleep well, my friend, and don't let the bed bugs bite, nor the vampires. Also, be warned: if you partake of the garlic mustard, your breath will ward off more than vampires. Ladies like me will also flee.

But you will not imbibe, I know. Only those addled Europeans who brought their nasty garlic mustard with them to the New World would cook with this stuff. While 21st Century Americans desperately try to find ways to eat the invaders, the better solution is to use it on vampires.

Love you, Hugh!

Your saviorette,
Garlic Mustard - Eat The Invaders by "Wildman" Steve Brill


Invasion of alien species vs woodland wildflowers by Carol Kean at wordpress
Images my own, Samsung 5 phone, more at my blog

Alliaria petiolata

Alliaria petiolata is a biennial flowering plant in the mustard family, Brassicaceae. In the first year of growth, plants form clumps of round shaped, slightly wrinkled leaves, that when crushed smell like garlic. All parts of the plant, including the roots, give off a strong odor.

Garlic mustard identification and control

Introduced from Europe originally as a food plant, this species is now a serious concern in forests across North America. Garlic mustard is an invasive non-native biennial herb that spreads by seed. Although edible for people, it is not eaten by local wildlife or insects.

About the Invasive Garlic Mustard | The Nature Conservancy

Garlic mustard (Alliara petiolata)
A native plant of Europe, garlic mustard is self-fertile and is very difficult to eradicate once it is established in an area.

Goat Grazing Service used to combat Garlic Mustard and Dame's Rocket

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


the dreaded GARLIC MUSTARD, which is so awful, deer will not eat it. Herds of goats are being hired out for $300 per visit to residences across the United States, because goats will eat anything, even poison ivy and garlic mustard.

How do you do it!

LOL! I just steal from real life, @sarez.
Garlic to ward off vampires -- never understood that one. Garlic BREATH to ward them off - now that would make sense!

Oh no!!! the garlic Mustard! Now I know why there aren't any vampires in the Midwest LOL

I added to it a little- an ending of sorts.

I posted the update at @freewritehouse. Thank You and Good Night

Hello @carolkean, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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