People Suck: 5 Minute Freewrite (x3)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)



I've been really busy with an outside writing project these past few days, but I'd noted the prompts each day, thinking that I might still find time to write something for one of them.

Today I finally just took a break from everything else and sat down to write. I ended up doing 3 freewrites at once and used each of the prompts to spur on the next five minutes. So here is my blended '5 minute freewrite' combined into one slightly longer, weekendfreewrite length story. You can join me in these awesome writing challenges/prompts by visiting @mariannewest and her Daily Freewrite Prompts



I watched her lip curl into an ugly sneer as she took in my outfit. Her normally gorgeous face turned into something terrible as she scanned the length of me, taking in my crazy colorful shoes that I'd colored with sharpies, the jeans that I'd distressed and dyed myself and the top that I had actually designed and worked on all weekend. I had been so full of glee when I got dressed this morning, excited to show everyone my new creation. This girl in front of me was leaving me deflated with her disapproving look.

"You know that we only wear the name brands, right?" She gestured at my top, the ugly snarl still plastered to her perfectly made up face, "What is ... this... ridiculous bullshit you've got on?"

I groaned inwardly as her friends started gathering around, probably sensing a weakness in the herd, they all wanted to get their piece of making me feel like crap today. Great.

Beth was the first to jump in with a laugh, "Oh my GOD. What ARE you wearing? Did your grandma dress you today?"

They all laughed.

Gretchen broke in, "Why her grandma, is her grandma blind?"

More laughter, pointing... and of course MORE kids coming to poke their noses in. Crap. Where was MY friend? I needed backup, and fast. I tried to push through the crowd, but I felt someone push back at me and another person was grabbing the back of my shirt. I was jostled between one person and another.

My temper started to unravel, just a bit. I felt a sizzling in my gut as my anger rose. I just wanted to get THROUGH and get to school for heaven's sake. Why were these assholes even bothering with me? I wasn't even usually on their radar at all and now here they were, feeling the need to take me down because they didn't like my freaking OUTFIT? God. I hated these girls.

I know, I know, hate is a strong word, but STILL. I've seen that head bitch tormenting kids before and always stepped in to stop her when I could. I was at least as big as she was and I wasn't in the mood to take any of her shit. I guess maybe that's why she took aim at me today.

I felt someone yank my arm and my books scattered on the pavemnet in front of the school. Great. There went my papers, flying through the air. I groaned and leaned down to start gathering my things nad someone pushed me. Hard. I lost my balance and sent down, feeling my new shirt tear as someone grabbed it as I fell.

Tears stung my eyes. What was WRONG with these people? I hadn't done ANYTHING to them. I ignored the pain in my knees and gathered up my books, tucking each one into the crook of my arm. I felt someone take ahold of my arm and felt some relief. At last, someone was here to help, but as I looked up, I realized it was just another one of the assholes, this time one of the boys. He grabbed my arm and wrenched it back as someone else pulled on the back of my shirt, the front straining against me. The boy holding my arm yanked me forward and I stumbled, my shirt tearing right down the front, pulling apart and leaving me completely exposed. I dropped my books and threw my arms across my chest to hide my bra and the kids were in an uproar, laughing, screaming and I saw phones coming up to take photos.

I felt the energy coming on then. It was too much. Damn it. Why wouldn't they just leave well enough alone? I couldn't tamp down the rage inside of me as I felt people yanking on the shredded fabric of my shirt, trying to pull it from me. Why wouldn't someone HELP ME? I screamed in my head, screamed and screamed, trying to release the tension before something bad happened.

DAMN IT. I TOLD my mom that we shouldn't have come here! The psychic medium that we'd been to had warned us. She had told my mom not to bring me here, but would she listen? Nooooo... she didn't listen. She told me that this was our only chance at a normal life and that it would be 'fine' in the end.

Well the feelings bubbling up in, the tipping point was here. Someone pushed me backwards and I stumbled, tripping over someone as they put their foot out to catch me. The bully in front of me reached out and grabbed at me as I fell and I screamed. RAGE. A darkness fell over me, the blood boiling in my ears. I heard the phones clicking and knew that this would be all over the school in seconds. I screamed out, making even the bully jump back with the intensity of my screams. My arms waved across all of them as I continued to fall in what felt like slow motion. I watched the arc of my arm swinging and saw the phones flying out of people's hands as though I were actually touching them. I saw the people circled around me fall back as though they had been pushed even though no one was actually pushing them.

I hit the ground with a painful thud and the rage seemed to just intensify even more. I bellowed out a sound that didn't even sound human and pushed out with my mind.

Everything was silent. A dead calm descended over m. I noticed the dead silence and then everything went black.


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This makes me want to listen to music by Pink :) I have to work on releasing anger instead of holding it in as resentment. Your ending makes me want to know what happens next!

I LOOOOOVE P!nk so much. She's a badass hero of mine :)

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!

Yes! I got to see her recently during the Beautiful Trauma tour in Minneapolis. One of the BEST live performances I have ever witnessed. She is crazy-talented, creative, athletic, powerful... I could go on. Definitely a badass and hero!

She is definitely an amazing performer and puts on such a great show!

P.S. Here is a photo I took at the P!nk concert. I was given really great tickets as a gift. The best gift ever! I still want to write a longer blog post about her and connect with more of her fans. She is so inspiring!

She is stunning, but I had to forgo her recent concert (and she was RIGHT HERE IN MY TOWN!) because I just can't afford tickets. I won tickets way back in 2009 and that experience was amazing for me!

Absolutely brilliant stuff. Stephen King eat your heart out.
I think we’ve all been in the situation where we’ve wished for Carriesque telekinetic powers.
It’s myself again with today’s challenge:

Oh yeah, I remember reading Carrie when I was probably too young to be reading it and I fantastized about having those powers so much and devoured any books on the topic! Maybe that's where my 'horror-esque' writing comes from... all that childhood reading I used to do!

Thanks for the prompt.

Ha! This is an awesome one @byn. I love the description of her wreaking telekinetic havoc... so badass. The built up tension really breaks at that point.

I can relate to trying to write sequences involving characters with extranormal abilities, since I've had to do a lot of that with The Strangeling. I think it's kind of hard to do believably and not sure if I always succeed, but this definitely does. Awesome write!

I am stunned with the freewrite. How a baby girl could be ripped off her clothes! The feeling of the girl is raging and devastating. If someone falls in this situation then it will be very difficult for them to live a normal life. Outstanding...

Girls can be beyond cruel to each other. Sad to say.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

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