
Thank you :)

I continue to be amazed at the quality of the writing you are producing given these short time constraints. I am not sure I am understanding the process correctly - you spend 5 minutes writing on each prompt, and there are three prompts here (15 minutes total)? Or is there only the 1 prompt, "I put tulips under all the pillows, and then I set fire to the house" and this entire thing is the result of just 5 minutes?

I am a big fan of yours, you have a very vivid writing style with a nice eye for the little details that place a reader in the scene. Much love - Carl

Wow! Thank you :) I have always loved creative writing, but I've been off my game for years and years. My husband says that I just "verbally vomit genius" when I write, because I never know what's going to come out, but once I start, it's just BAM!

The usual prompts are just one prompt and you set the time for 5 minutes and write until it's done. Those are really a struggle for me, because I've never been great at short stories. I enjoy the challenge, though!

The weekend prompt is 3 parts. You get the first prompt, write for five minutes and stop. Then you go get the second prompt, add 5 more minutes to your story and stop again. Get the third prompt and finish the story with one last burst of five minutes of writing.

@carlgnash from the @humanbot Human Certified Original Works Initiative has manually determined this post to be the original and truly creative work of the post author.

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Thanks for being an original and creative content creator! You rock!

Thank you so much!

This is great short story. Has a definite beginning middle and end--you're not left hanging. I'm also super impressed you can write this much in 5 minutes. I've been trying to do a post all day and I've got about 20 words so far. 😁

Thank you!!!

When I get stuck, I feel like I just write the same sentence fifty times (like on the longer story I'm trying to work on this week!!!) With these challenges, I just don't let myself think and I just write whatever comes out. I will admit that one day I couldn't get it together and I ended up erasing everything I'd typed for the challenge and started over. If I force it, it just seems awful. If I just let it be what it is, it will flow... but I'm also learning that when I do that, I'm kind of morbid sometimes!!! :)

You continue to amaze me on so many levels! If you weren't my wife, and if I hadn't physically watched you write this and other things like it over the course of a few minutes with no planning, no preparation, and no hesitation... Yeah. I'd be calling bullshit.

It's no wonder that our conversations frequently leave me so far behind. :)

It inspired me to finally work on that magical bag from the narcoleptic priest story. I added 5k words to that today as well!

yay!! you got a curie vote on this one!!! Congrats!!! So happy for you!!! So cool!! And no apologies - this is a freewrite which take you all over the place :)

Thank you! I didn't know about the Curie vote, so I went and looked it up. :)

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