Archie Kelly - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


Chicken and chips.jpg

Here they come, the hungry masses... The pubs and bars of Liverpool empty out and they file into the little chipper in two and threes.

They scan the board overhead with warering mouths.

Snack boxes, burgers, onion rings and fried chicken wrapped carefully in yesterdays headlines. The ketchup, perfectly juxtapositioned on the head of the latest victim of the drug feud that had gripped the city.

His name was Archie Kelly, and as the journalists often forget, he had a mother, a father, a family. They like to sit on their pedestal in Fleet street and judge these kids. When you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth, it is easy to cast assertions. Archie was pulled into the murky under world while trying to protect his brother, who became indebted to the local crime boss. He took on the debt, a debt he could never pay off, and so the story goes for so many young kids in tough neighbourhoods.

As the last of the fried chicken is scagenged from above his head, spare a thought for Archie.

He gave up his life, so his brother could keep his.


For those not familiar with the freewrite, you basically have 5 minutes to write a story, beginning to end. Then post it to your page.

Thanks to @mariannewest for this outlet, I've really enjoyed taking part so far.

This weeks prompt was "Fried Chicken" and the post can be found here

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Wow, that was quite a take on fried chicken. Nice freewrite!

Indeed, it was a strange one actually, I planned on just writing about the peoples comings and goings from the chipper when I began to write, but when I pictured the food wrapped up in newspaper, as it is in my local chipper, I thought of the tangent, and off I went... Really glad you enjoyed it

I truly did! And I can see how it could spring board in this fashion!

Enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you enjoyed in @metzli :)

Gut-wrenching story!

A sad truth for some people, there are of course deplorable people who are criminals also, who have no moral compass, but like every walk of life, they are not all bad.. and even the really bad ones have some good in there someplace I think... I suppose the moral is the age old expression to not judge a book by its cover

Very nice take. It reminds us not to judge others, we never know their whole story. Good job!

Thanks @zen-art.. Yes exactly that's the point I was trying to get across, when the angle of the newspaper article popped into my head... My train of thought was fried chicken, chipper, chips, wrapped in newspaper, headline, ketchup, blood, killing, judgement, reasoning... Funny the way the mind works in these 5 minute bursts! These freewrites are great! Thanks for reading :)

WOW!!! Loved reading this!!!

Today I'm tired, my wings are slow, going but over the hills, dropping today freewrite prompt. Enjoy!

Thanks for the thoughtful words @snook and for letting me know the next prompt, I will give it a go in a while.. Hope you got some rest and are not too tired now :)

Wow. That was quite deep!!

Thanks @mariannewest, looking forward to seeing what today's prompt holds :)

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