
Just out of curiosity, have you looked at It's another view into the Steem blockchain.

I seen it but it doesn't change anything for me. I can still see all my censored stuff. its just the other 90+% of steemit users/followers that don't see my stuff. im lucky enough that gamer is upvoting me to make me visable. same thing will prolly happen day 3 wake up and everything flagged. lol

So now you think it's a wise move to harass me? I bet you'll pout if I flag you. You've done it before when others flagged you. As a matter of fact, your entire blog now is all about pouting after being flagged. That's your gimmick.

Stop wasting my time.

My response can be found on that thread. Skeptic has a bad habit of taking things out of context.

That link is to the conversation that this is a reply to. lol!

Don't you think that would help clear things up? I'm just adding some relevant context to your post. I mean, if you're going to bring up my name from a conversation we had nearly one month(one month!) ago, the least I could do is help you out a bit.

Now, down to brass tacks.

I'm not interested in having argument with you. Do you understand? You're wasting my time. Stop, wasting my time. We clear? It's a simple request.

Do not harass me any further. I'm not here to play your little games and I don't feel like being trolled today.

I do hope you understand.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

You weren't censored. You trolled, like you're doing now. Some people don't like that, so you were flagged. Each flag you receive lowers your reputation score. Your -7 reputation is a fancy way of telling everyone that you have a reputation of being a troll. You did it to yourself.

Look how you're speaking to me now. I'm not crying, I asked you politely to leave me alone. That doesn't seem to register in your brain. Your inability to understand the simple request NOW is the same as your inability to understand how you should have left others alone before. Since you didn't leave them alone and thought it would be wise to escalate the situation to new levels rather than walking away, your reputation score sits where it sits now.

Previously, you were flagged for bringing people up, writing posts like these where you single someone out. People don't like that. You're just trying to disturb the peace. I'm too smart to play your little games though. I won't flag you, so that way you have nothing to write about.

Even at the end of your comment you took it upon yourself to insult me. I never flagged you, not once, yet you still feel like calling me a flaggot. This is normal behavior for you. You sit around bothering people, trying to get under their skin, then cry when you get flagged. It happens all the time with you. Your blog is proof.

Anyway, stop bothering me. It's a simple request. Go away. You're not worth my time. I have better things to do.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

Here's more proof of how you troll. I'll leave it here so when you cry like a baby and act innocent, the evidence is everywhere, and you'll just look like, well, exactly what I said.

You shouldn't deny what you do in one space, and do what you deny in another. It makes you look bad.

like I said in the post. you cant argue that steemit is anti-censorship by trying to give "reasons" for my censorship. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and bring a link as evidence from before I was censored as a reason on why I was censored. but first you have to admit that steemit is not anti-censorship. again all you do is dodge the main point and tell more lies and when asked for evidence you repete. ima copy and paste this to all the other responces to you so it can be understood. im not playing ur game. you cry harassment then try to say others are playing the victim. you call everything trolling. fuck off. if you don't fully understand the point it is in the most recent post I made to you. either admit steemit is not anti-censorship and not pro free speech then come at me with an actual link to evidence before I was censored as a reason on why should be censored or shut the fuck up and move on. go back to your cave man shit of "this man thinks this" and "this man thinks that" and your finger paintings.
Cheers flaggot!

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