I notice @bloom is defending it's religion.

in #freespeech5 years ago (edited)

For certain topics you may notice that @bloom flags with no comment. It appears to be a bot being used to police the religion of some. I am not offended. I do think it is kind of sad. I mainly wanted to note that yes I noticed it. I can get this flagged by mentioning science, global warming, climate change, etc. Like I said. Protecting a religion.

Silencing, and censoring those that disagree or happen to be skeptics is definitely not part of the scientific method. It is how people protect their religions and dogmas though.

Prominent Dutch Scientist Declares his dissent: ‘You can’t stop climate change by simply turning a CO2 button’ – ‘Doomsday scenario became a kind of religion’

EDIT: The article above is a good read and the comments at the end are pure gold as well.


I have encountered Bloom's flags. I note that there is an actual human that can comment on the account, as I have read comment from them. However, comments can be flagged, so the account simply does not comment or post, as it seems to be intended simply to censor, rather than spread propaganda.

Haven't been there recently, but their self-description at one time pointed out that they were paid off chain to flag for pay.


While it is within his "Freedom of Stake", I find myself really annoyed by it.

I just find myself sad. The only people I truly dislike are the willfully ignorant. Those who plant their feet, know the answers, and slam their hands over their ears saying "nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you." Though what he is doing is worse. He is saying "nah, nah, nah, no one should be able to hear you."

I actually welcome such flags, as they confirm my posts are on target. Absent the input from those offended, I am shooting at a moving target in the dark. Only when I am flagged by verminous would be overlords can I be sure that I am doing God's work.


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Silencing and censoring is not a part of the scientific method, but it is a part of the scientific consensus, which has priority over the method in question.

Scientific method does not apply to religion, or it would be called religious method. You apply to religion a method that hardly even applies to science, as I have already proven to you, to religion, which has nothing to do with it. Actually do study religion. Every religion have other methods. You wouldn't apply Christian method or Wiccan method to science (not even scientific method for reasons I enumerated above), why do you insist on applying scientific method to religion?

You told me once you had no interest in creating a new religion. (Even thought you did attempt it once, but you failed to state what it was about). Some people greater than you do study theory of religion (also called comparative religion) and are able to draw conclusions from it that are not suppressed by scientific consensus.

I do not understand the picture you paste under the article. I thing you even failed to state its source, which is against Steemit's rules. Is the man a scientist or a priest? If a scientists, it doesn't really matter who that is, as science is driven by consensus, not reason, but if it is a priest, which religion it is? I do not recognise their attire. Is it any particular religion? Is the man a flat-Earther or a Star Trek fan? The picture does not help to clarify which religion you are against.

No, no, no, science is about having everyone agree with you!

They say a professor lives and dies by his writings.
Its publish or die.

And, papers are published in 'peer reviewed journals'.
Meaning that you have to get them to agree with you.
You can't just write anything supported by facts and evidence,
you have to write meaningful sounding tripe that the peers enjoy to read and publish.

So, science is about having everyone agree with you.
( no matter about truth, or facts, or evidence, or data...)

Love the sarcasm.

You and I both know that is not science at all. It is simply the hijacking of the science and wrapping it up in appeal to authority, and appeal to popularity fallacies.

And yes... your sarcasm is correct.

Yet that is not science. They are not practicing science no matter how much they may throw labels around.

In the words of Einstein, chapter 5 verse 3, "Thusly, nothing shall travel faster than the speed that light doth travel. Not the birds in the sky, nor the rocks that fall from heaven, nor anything else." Amen.

Haha. I thought about saying "Amen" after a lot of people speak these days.

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