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RE: PART 2.1: Disconnection: Transhumanism, A.I & Synthetic Reality

in #freedom7 years ago

I missed these posts when you made them, I but I have upvoted anyway. These topics are clearly among the most important we can explore presently and it is imperative that those who choose life learn to understand their multi-dimensional energy body and how to keep it clear of interference from disharmonic and synthetic interference.
The unspoken aim of these technologies and groups is the total overpowering of the will and the emotions, since it is our feminine self which they hate and which is the main part of us that keeps us free, mobile and fully awake.
Becoming 'god like' in the context of technology is to become 'male dominated' and thus heartless - it is a path of total annihilation that some are already well traveled on.
I recommend the book 'Soldiers of Reason' About the Rand Corporation for more information and insight into their background and rational. :/


Great post and thank you so much for the mention.

Thanks my friend, to know you appreciate them is reward in itself and so I thank you greatly for the upvote. Yes I completely agree, it's the understanding that despite all this technology it's actually ourselves and the way we resonate within reality that's the cutting edge. In fact we must have a moment of synchronicity as I wrote a post about this last night (attached below).

Yes I completely agree with your perception of the feminine self, it's just a shame that the majority of women (in positions of power) are content to exthol the worst virtues of masculinity,again throwing society out of balance. Post:

You are welcome again, thankyou for your synchronicity about synchronicity ;)
In actuality, the entire universe is skewed towards the masculine and is out of balance in totality - which is demonstrated in many ways on earth, including the pattern you highlighted of women being overly masculine. True femininity is almost completely missing!

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