PART 4: Reconnection (The Resonating Dance Of Humanity & Reality)

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

This is part 4, parts One Two & Three are linked at the bottom of this post and it's best to read them in order

We are love (the great dance of humanity and reality)

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We Are The Cutting Edge

I keep hearing excited talk about the advancement of technology. And yes I suppose in many ways the quickening of these advancements has given me an understanding that the impossible is only defined by our perception. With a change of understanding the science fiction of yesteryear becomes the science fact of today.

But for today in this final chapter, running alongside my own perceptions I’m going to offer a different evolutionary perspective. One in which we’re all the cutting edge, one in which we are floating within a divine matrix but remain prisoners of the mind. The thing is, we seem to spend hours marvelling at technology whilst at the same time forgetting the humanity that created it. As a species we’re amazing and capable of incredible achievements, but for too long have been manipulated as prisoners of perception and puppets of emotion.

The Seekers Of Power

Those that seek power and dominion over the soul of humanity are unbalanced. They have turned civilisation into a physical manifestation of their unbalanced psyche. They have disrupted the natural order and in doing so have disrupted the balance within us all. Every unjust anger, hatred and cruelty is a physical manifestation of both inbalance and self loathing. In many ways we have been taught to loathe both ourselves and humanity, for without self loathing how could we ever allow the world to be the way that it is? The suffering and pain in this world is a mirror to a broken society, a running commentary on mankind’s fall from grace.

But I tell you this for I have come to believe that as sure as night becomes day, unjust cruelty and hatred does not go unnoticed. We all pay a price for the world we allow to be, for what we put out comes back to find us. It comes back to find us and unbalance us all, hanging like a lead weight upon the collective soul of humanity.

Cycles Within Cycles

One day our scientific understandings of the foundation of life and the nature of reality will be whispered in the same breath as the perceptions of stone age man. The world is changing, we’re changing, keep your eyes open for if you blink you may miss it. As I showed in the first part of this series the nature of reality, space and time is akin to a series of interlocking cycles. There are cycles of time, precession, energy, darknesss and light. We’re at the end of both a precessional and astronomical cycle, this is a time of great change and it’s how we react that will define both humanity and our place in the cosmos. This is the test of the ages and until we transcend the mistakes of the past we will not be able to live within the dream of the future.

I spent the second part of this series discussing the electronic prison wall I believe is being built around this world. But in reality we’re already prisoners, trapped within our minds and our self imposed perception of the possible. Indeed I have come to understand that every act, thought and idea all feed back into the collective consciousness of humanity and the cosmos, what we think we become.


Survival Of The Fittest?

It’s within this understanding that I’ve come to believe that the Darwinian perception of life as “the survival of the fittest” has led us down a dark path. In fact I’m going to be so bold as to state that I believe this to be wrong, indeed intelligence gives us the opportunity to transcend this concept because we’re stronger together. Even within the natural worlds dynamic of hunter & prey you can see a finely tuned cyclical balance of energy. The true path of intelligent evolution is co-operation, a worldwide collective of self empowered individuals each working in perfect synchronicity within the engine of life.

I believe the concept of “survival of the fittest” to be a rather simplistic, broad swipe approach to the wonder of life. Indeed new studies are beginning to suggest that the age old concepts of struggle and competition are not indicative in the success of evolution. In many ways it’s the avoidance of competition and the symbiotic nature of life and reality that have driven the success of eco-systems and biological diversity. Indeed it’s the perception of “survival of the fittest” that’s destroying many of eco-systems on this planet.

Slave To Our Genes?

Whilst I’m pulling down the dogmatic scientific perceptions we’ve been taught to hold as veritas I shall turn my attentions to Francis Crick. In his thesis “central dogma of programmed molecular biology” Crick enslaved us to the concept of pre-programmed DNA. Alongside modern advancements in quantum understanding I’m also beginning to question the validity of this claim. As I’ve already alluded to I’ve come to there is a strong basis for the idea that our minds and thought processes have a direct link to our physiology. Indeed the negative energy resonance of these thought processes could (I believe) be passed through the generations and manifest themselves both mentally and physically within our progeny.

Science teaches us that our thoughts and energy resonance have no effect outside of our own bodies, I have come to believe this to be untrue. I have also come to believe the lazy conceptions of empty space and junk DNA to be equally untrue, for nature abhors a vacuum. The perception of empty space fades into oblivion when we begin to understand that we’re all dancing and resonating within a field of beautiful vibrational energy. Our bodies and our minds are the materialisation and consciousness of this eternal field, indeed consciousness observing itself. The connectivity of life grows our understanding and makes us all stronger, but equally disconnection makes us weak, depressed and unbalanced.

The Water Of Life

Our feelings and the expression of these feelings can affect both the atoms and the molecules of ourselves and the world at large. This has been evidenced in Dr Masaru Emoto’s water experiments (video below). This concept has also been evidenced by macro/micro photographer Rose-Lynn Fishers book The Topography of tears (referenced at the end of this post). The human body contains 90% water and so if thoughts and ideas have the ability to change the composition and molecular structure of water then imagine what they can do to us?

We and the way our bodies, minds and thoughts synchronise and resonate with reality and natural law ensure that we’re the cutting edge! The agenda I’ve previously discussed is simply the false representation of the reality that already surrounds us. It surrounds us like a beautiful comfort blanket of love and wisdom.

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Shaky Foundations

Like the shaky foundations of a hastily built house what if the foundations of our perceptions are built upon dogmatic inconsistency and lies? If we’re quantum energy particles then these particles and indeed our thoughts can exist in both the visible and invisible realms, transcend time and death. Appear within the multiplicity of the space time continuum, within multiple energy particles and throughout the infinity of the universe. Indeed our minds are an internal representation of the infinity of this universe, for an open and conscious mind knows no boundaries. The inner universe of the mind is as real as the stars that glisten in the nights sky.

In ancient Greece Deplhi was the sanctuary and seat of the oracle of Delphia, Pythia. The Delphic oracle was the most powerful woman in the ancient world and revered for her knowlede and connection to the spirit of the god Apollo


I believe our minds have the infinite potential to liberate not only ourselves but the world we inhabit. But I have also come to the conclusion that our society is a facade, the illusion that holds us back from understanding the true nature of reality & the cosmos. But to hold back the truth is akin to holding back the sands of time and indeed “time waits for no man”.

Summer Of Dreams

As I wander through the fields and across the moors, the drenched blessings of Summer elevate my mind and lift my heart. On days like this life seems so simple, the cacophony of questions that invade my waking dreams fade in to obscurity. Because when all is said and done the love in our hearts is all that matters, but it’s the lack of it that’s leading to a crisis point for humanity.

Sometimes I feel I could close my eyes and simply let myself go. My soul blowing in a beautiful technicolor breeze of vibration and energy, at one with the resonance of life. But the insanity of this world keeps calling me back to speak my words. Holding my head in my hands at the folly of man and the madness of those which we hand the keys to our world.

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You are loved

And so I speak these words to all those that feel alone, feel their voices are not heard and their words don’t count. I write these words to tell you that your voice and opinion matters, you matter. Your thoughts, your love, hopes and dreams play throughout the cosmos like a delicate symphony of silence. You are the conductor in the music of life, your life. And if you’re the conductor then your also the controller, you’re strong and I’m strong but we’re stronger together. That’s why many of us have been forced apart, divided by reasons that have been lost and scattered by the sands of time.

When I watch this video and listen to this music it makes my heart both sink and rise in equal measure. For the magic we can acheive together is limited by the cruelty we commit against each other.

The Power Of Perception

I have come to the conclusion that we are far more than we have been led to believe, far more than we can currently collectively imagine. I hear talk of scientific cutting edge, well we’re the cutting edge my friends. You’re cutting edge and you’re here for a reason and a purpose, find that purpose and I promise you’ll be free to fly higher and be more than you ever thought you could. We’re loved because love is the fabric that binds this reality together, you’re loved because you are both love and infinite consciousness.

Humanity has been taught to hate, for a life based upon hate is not a natural state of being. We have been taught to hate for hate breeds hate and greed breeds greed. We need to rediscover our natural state of being, to free our minds and let the river of life lead us along the path less trod, our path. We need to follow our true destiny for this is not our way, until we understand this we’re resigned to never realise the untapped potential of our collective humanity. To never fully understand who we are and what we can achieve. Our perception of what can be is limited only by our understanding of what is, what the dance of life is. Sadly until we arrive at these moments of awareness we’re doomed to perpetually spin in cycles of time, frozen in the moment and a prisoner of both our minds and the world we’ve allowed to be built around us.

How did we ever allow this to happen? How can it be? Consumed by consumerism and defined by greed, you’re worth more than this, we’re worth more than this. The life of every child on this planet is worth more than this for they are limitless potential, they’re love that has yet to forget how to love. They are us and they are a glimpse at both our future and our past, within their eyes is the collective promise of every hope and dream we’ve ever had. I happen to think they’re worth fighting for!

The earth is worth fighting for!! It’s ours to lose, this is our test and it’s time to rise to the occasion. I’ve heard it said that the earth is our mother, well if that’s true we disrespect our mother on a daily basis. This can’t go on, it will end in one way and we all know it. Some of us can feel it, the collective guilt of humanity clawing at our soul begging us to remember who we are. To help other’s remember who they are, to answer the call of destiny and not repeat the mistakes of the past.



We don’t need a revolution we need an evolution of thought, understanding and consciousness. If only people realised that we hold the power of this world within each of our hands. Indeed in many ways we are the fuel in the engine of our own demise and so if we withdraw this fuel the engine will cough, splutter and die. Every man and woman (with a voice) has been given a collective responsibility to humanity. It's time to take responsibility for ourselves and all around us, live the change we want to happen. This is your life and your moment in time, if you grasp it with both hands your truth will echo in the consciouness of humanity until the dying age of man. This is the age of change, the line in the sand has been drawn and the future is but a perception away.

Thanks for reading
If you feel my words worthy of an upvote or resteem that will be humbly appreciated.

I've met some amazingly helpful, gracious, enlightened, generous and kind people since I joined Steemit and I want to take this opportunity to give a special shout to: @tremendospercy @ura-soul @itchykitten @gmuxx @ancientmystique @steemtruth @vibeof100monkeys .. Special appreciation to all of my amazing followers, all the amazing people I've missed and all new friends at discord truth room:

@tremendospercy, thanks for all the musical gifts .. it really inspires me.

Part One:
Part 2.0:
Part 2.1:
Part Three:



Written by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth
Quotes: Quote addicts & AZ Quotes
Videos: Youtube
Music: The Mission by Ennio Morricone

I'm proud to be both a member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - brought to you by the hard work of: @aggroed, @teamsteem, @canadian-coconut and @ausbitbank,
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I'm blown away buddy. An amazing piece of work.
I've had a problem with Darwinism for a while in respect to hominids. The planet worked in perfect synchronicity until the introduction of our species. There are too many missing links and suspicious (compared to all other species) incredible developments in our physical and mental capacity for Darwinism to be a viable theory.
Going back 6000 years to Sumeria and our oldest recorded words is an eye opener. The story of the Annunaki is incredible as it appears to allude to ancient genetic manipulation in the story of Adamu. A pre curser to the later biblical account of the creation of Adam.
Incredible information that is denigrated by mainstream academia as it doesn't fit the current narrative.
Take a look and read the book. Amazing.
Keep up the great work.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, support and leave such an epic comment! I'm really glad it resonated with you dude, so glad you appreciated it.

I agree with everything you're saying, there is far more going on here than we have been led to believe. Since the Spanish Armada invaded Maya the powers that be have been hell bent on either absorbing or destroying ancient knowledge and communities. The trouble is the truth can only be held back for so long and their quest to suppress is now revealing the hand of power. In many ways it reminds my of the little boy with his finger in the dam wall!

I certainly aware of Sumeria and the Annunaki but I haven't read that book. Thanks for pointing me in the direction, it's going right to the top of my reading list!! Again thank your for all your support, it's so appreciated.

Any time my friend.

Wow. What a series.
This should be a part of the 're-education' system.

Your level of research is OUTSTANDING and I am proud to call you a friend
I want to comment more, but I am going to re-read the series all together and then comment fully <3 <3 <3

@ancientmystique Thanks so much for your kind comments, it's really appreciated! and I'm so glad you were able to take something from it, that's all that matters to me really.

Likewise my friend, it's been a breath of fresh air to be able to meet enlightened, openminded and awake people like yourself. You don't know how long I've waited in the wilderness of ideas to share some of these thoughts. It's like a weight off my shoulders and to call you a great friend is the icing on the cake. Catch you soon!

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@gmuxx & @ocd thanks a million for this vote of confidence. I would be delighted to accept the offer. Thanks Dude!!

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Thank you for this. Yes, the correct path appears to be an evolution of consciousness.

@cosmicorder Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my friend, it's greatly appreciated. I'm really glad you enjoyed it and yes I really believe we're at a fork in the road and the choices we make now will change the entire course of human history.

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