Community Building is Not Communism! Is A Fear of 'Communism' Trapping Us Into Corporate Enslavement?

in #freedom6 years ago

Politics and government must surely be the most fertile ground for the growth of genuine conspiracy and crimes committed against large numbers of people. What we often don't see, though, is the way that these structures are used to deliberately psychologically manipulate in ways that are not so different to the way that con artists and even computer hackers do to us...

debt slaves

If I were someone seeking to dominate and control most other humans, I might use money as a tool to do that. If I have more money than everyone else, then I can stand a good chance of dominating them. If they actually don't have enough to live, then I really can dictate to them on a daily basis if I want (as long as they keep to the rules of society and keep using money in their daily lives). Therefore, it makes sense that I would do whatever was necessary to keep myself in that position and since I cannot physically control everyone, I would need to take action to have them control themselves and each other - I would need to somehow control their thinking and mental attitudes about themselves and life.

Politics, schools and the media networks are the main way in which such mental control is inserted into the mass consciousness - so we need to be very conscious of what we are told via these systems.

It is no secret that America and many other places have (and still do have to some extent) a tendency to become hysterically terrified of political movements that appear to oppose their capitalist ideology. Just look at Sasha Barron Cohen's recent show called 'Who is America', where he managed to get politicians to completely lose all reasoning simply because they thought they were going to learn how to protect themselves from radical Islamic terrorists (One even had to resign from government because of his insane actions on TV). This illogical response has also been seen in the past with communism, such as the witch hunt trials in the last century in Hollywood, for example.

In short, people have been conditioned to:

a) Be overly reactive.
b) Think in terms of judgements that put people in boxes and then don't define those boxes accurately.
c) Believe what they are told without doing due diligence analysis and research.
d) Not question 'authority'.

This is very similar to the way people are conditioned in authoritarian regimes, such as extreme communist ones - and yet those in the US often don't see the similarity and their own extreme imbalances. Honest, self awareness is needed.

Community Building

Following my recent posts about Monsanto, the massive chemical corporation, firstly being successfully sued for hundreds of millions of dollars for causing cancer through their products and, secondly, having been exposed as likely being behind massive destruction in Mexico (and beyond) - it was highlighted by @cryptopie that we need to come together to grow our own food.

Having participated in the compassionate anarchy group on facebook for years, I have seen repeatedly how people who claim to be 'pro human liberation' will sit and fight all day with others who claim the same and they are fighting over the capitalist/communist line. Often, I have seen/felt that whenever anyone suggests ideas that involve a unity between people in a community to work together for their shared benefit, many will jump to the knee-jerk position that such ideas are somehow 'communist'. This is obviously untrue, since working together is both an idea that predates both communism and organised capitalism - plus it is entirely possible to work together in a community with no form of hierarchy or any kind of communist manifest/intentions/agenda.

poverty is scripted

This got me thinking, though, about how much potential is being lost currently by humanity due to the obsession with competition in place of co-operation. Is it really too much of a stretch of the imagination to think that maybe the communist/capitalist battle lines have been deliberately engineered by those who intend to dominate the planet, just to ensure that:

a) The idea of community is ran through through the dirt, meaning that group movements struggle and it is simpler for dominators to dominate.

b) Fear of communism leads people to run to capitalism, wherein they are well within the engineered arena that the dominators most control by way of their ability to print limitless 'money' and through other related methods.

Unprocessed fear has a way of controlling us from our own shadows

As I have written about many times, our own shadow and unprocessed emotions affect our thinking constantly until we heal them. Even a fear from our early childhood can change our thoughts as adults. If we hold such fears about political ideologies, but perhaps have never really studied the details of what we have been told to fear, it is quite likely we might associated that fear with anything that even looks a bit like what we believe the ideology to be.

Since 'communism' sounds like 'community', can you see how the rejection of community in the modern 'western' world might be related to a rejection and fear of 'communism'? Even though the two are not the same at all?

In any case, without some form of community and communal food growing method, we will be doomed to continued exploitation by corrupt corporations and their government cronies who themselves have no intention for real, heart felt community. It's up to us all to make the called for changes here.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Our modern life in a way gives us ease but in the other hand gives us disease because some things are left unchecked and becomes a monster that hunts us. I think greed is one of the main reasons why some group of people will sacrifice the good of the many for their own self-interests and it is happening all over and I also think that it won't stop until a divine intervention occurs. @ura-soul

ease n disease
man i like da rhyme potential there :)

Oh yes, we always need divinity since true divinity is the balance that comes with total self acceptance. As far as I am concerned, the divine intervention is underway, but it is not so well understood by most at present. I expect this to be more obvious in the next 15 years!

yo bro great article i just resteem it

Interesting to see that nations were built on communes to later be rejected in favor of privatization. I.M.I. is such an example started on a Kibbutz.

Hundreds of years ago we lived in villages of some 20 - 30 households and we did not need money, we needed each other.

There appears to have generally always been a mixture of individuals who know the value of co-operation and those 'hungry ghosts' for whom nothing is ever enough. Those who lack self acceptance often seek to 'best the best' and 'win' - but this satiates very little since what is needed is love and not idolisation or 'prize money'!

Highly rEsteemed!

Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 10.08.12 AM.png

Very good - I only read good things from him, maybe I will seek out some of his books. :)

I see this in my life more and more everyday. It feels as if my life is not my own. I have given it out in exchange for convenience and comfort.
that being said I an determined like never before to pay off my debts. I gave up alcohol and buying myself anything other then the a book here and there. This is easy for me but I also have a wife and son who do not always share my interest in a more minimalist live style. :-) maybe someday, but for now i am doing what I can day by day to rid myself from those heavy chains of debt which keep me at a job I hate... I better end this comment here before I go off on a self induced regret rant. Keep up the good posts @ura-soul

Convenience and comfort are pretty great though.

Thanks! You might also like to read my previous post on cancelling alleged 'debts' just by challenging the alleged 'creditor' to prove the 'debt' is real and that they really had the 'money' they claimed to have 'loaned.

How to cancel alleged debts

Fear is big business. That is the true reality of our world. We are run by this fear. Throughout history you can see it. Whenever they wanted someone dead, they spread propaganda against them to get people to fear them (think witchcraft, or in today's world, terrorism). They then killed their opposition. Striking fear into anyone that even thinks of following in their path. The church is guilty of this. But then again, all religions are owned by the bankers that run the rest of the world...
What can we do but keep trying to spread the truth? Hopefully people keep waking up and join in this fight for the truth. I'm not going to hold my breath though. The elites' mental grip goes back generations and will be hard to break.
But alas, we must still try for the sake of all of humanity. I thank you for your time as well as your words. I wish you the best of days!

Greetings! Many people are run by fear, yes and many are exploiting that. Fear distorts thoughts, actions and destiny paths - which can then be used to overpower those involved.. So it is essential that we understand fear and accept it's presence within us so as to evolve it.

When humanity understands denial - then we will really be able to progress!

yo i think farms should be taken away from corporations n given to da people to da workers in there

So very true that our worst enemy is our own indebtedness to society. Talk about the chains that bind us. Self sufficiency is the only way to protect ourselves from the corruption of financial institutions that would like nothing better than to see us fail. 🐓🐓

Hmm.. I tend to think of the debt as being mostly fake and being 'owed' to a tiny number of people, so I don't tend to think of it as a debt to society, but a 'debt' to criminals. A real debt to society is an odd concept to me since I aim not to judge or control people - I can't see how it can be a genuinely good thing in any situation!

But we don't have to do what they want, we can take their money and use it for our benefit. You can look at a zero percent credit card as a trap or an opportunity.

You can check out this post for more on this.

the 'credit' 'loaned' by such companies does not actually exist until you sign the contract - your signature is used to create a promissory note that you are not privy to. The assumption is that the company has a pile of money that you are borrowing, but that is not how it works. The reality is that when loans are made, the fractional reserve system results in more interest being charged than the total amount of money in circulation allows for - meaning that it is 100% guaranteed that not everyone will be able to 'repay' their 'loan' - this is technically criminal as far as I am aware, yet it is the foundation of 'our' system.

there are a lot of reasons people have but there is not anyone who does not pay their credit card bill because there is not enough money in circulation to allow them to do so. They don't pay because they don't have the money, not because it does not exist.

The system is built on people borrowing more than they can easily repay but that does not mean you can't use it to your advantage. I use credit cards for everything all the time, I have had several zero percent cards over the years. I pay on time and as I result I never pay a dime in interest, I get miles and points and cash rewards and discounts and free tickets and all sorts of crap, the credit card companies call people like me "deadbeats". They are giving away free money, you can choose to take it or not, you can also choose to put yourself into debts you can't easily repay and be the one of the people paying the credit card companies so there can be the free money for me.

I also used interest free cards for a few years a long time ago. Then I learned that the 'credit' is not a valid loan in law and that actually the entire industry is an elaborate form of fraud.

and yet here I am sitting on a couch I purchased interest free. ;)

yo i rather sit on da floor than to owe sum mofing bank nothing

but if you were paying attention you would see that I didn't pay the bank one cent and that I don't owe them anything for the free money they gave me.

The bogeyman of the Soviet Union is conjured whenever the word "communism" surfaces among knee-jerk, zealous capitalists.
They have no idea that communism, as envisioned by Karl Marx, has never advanced beyond the dictatorship of the proletariat to realize its egalitarian potential.
Marx was spot on when he wrote that capitalism contains the seeds of is own destruction.
Unfortunately, it seems increasingly likely that capitalism will destroy the planet and the Human Race before it gasps its last money-grubbing breath.

I have only studied Marx to a shallow level - but I can see there are correct statements made in his thinking - however, at the same time I know that he and the other thinkers of the day (and many of today) lacked the metaphysical depths needed to correctly evolve the planet in a balanced way. Capitalism clearly also doesn't represent such understandings - our natural selves do not overpower anyone.

I just discovered your blog by following a thread on Discord (Philosophy Trail). The first blog I read (by you) was about the relationship between violence and capitalism. It seemed there were some strong (though perhaps not violent) reactions to your notion. I can see some people are threatened by the notion of having to part with "stuff".

In my youth I was very attracted to Utopianism--both literary expressions of it and philosophical treatises. And as I read your blog Rousseau's cry rang in my ears: Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.

I'm no more likely to resolve the issues you raise in my own head than I was those years ago when I was fascinated with Utopianism, but I do appreciate having the subject brought forth in a serious way. It is our obligation as human beings to question. We can't live like automatons and accept what we were told as children. We have to challenge and reassess.

Greetings! hehe, yes, people like stuff :)
Yes, through the light of understanding and honest investigation, with intent to improve - healing, balancing and evolving - we can gradually open new doors that lead us to the right path for us.. Everything changes, so we need to be willing to change too. :)

Great article. I have some friends involved with permaculture and pretty much any such alternatives. Resteemed.

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