Modern Day SHTF Survival Tip #1. Water Filtration and Purification.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

This is the introduction of my new series called "Modern Day SHTF Survival"

I wanted to share some content that I'm passionate about and I haven't seen a lot of on Steemit yet. This is also a community based project and everyone is welcome to participate and share their own tips and experiences. I'm hoping to grow preparedness content on steemit to shed a more positive light on the topic of prepping as it will not only help steemit grow as a community but also help others become more involved and prepared for emergencies. Preparedness isn't just about surviving the worst case scenarios. It can also be about learning new skills and having fun. If you resonate with this type of information please feel free to resteem, follow, upvote, and participate in the comment section.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna push any doom and gloom or fear mongering in this post lol. Most of you have probably seen an episode or two of Doomsday Preppers where people seem to be focused on preparing for one specific catastrophic event. While shows like that are entertaining and sometimes informative I feel there's more logical and forward thinking ways to go about being prepared. In a world that's filled with so many uncertainties its better to be well diversified with a variety of different things in life. Especially when it comes to our most important and essential preparedness items and skills.

Since the world is definitely changing at a faster rate as we go further into future it leads me to believe there could be some serious disruptions and major changes coming as we shift out of the old fiat monetary debt based system. As much as I see most of this as an opportunity and remain positive and optimistic that things will improve for humanity overtime I feel its important to be prepared for the unexpected. Its very easy to have some simple preparations put together just in case. I feel that now is a perfect time to use Steemit to take things to the next level with the topic of preparedness. When it comes to our financial preparedness and simply having gold, silver, and guns will not cut it. Sometimes we need to go back to the basics. While I admit I enjoy talking about Cryptos and Guns more than basic survival skills I do find its always a good idea to practice what we preach while we refresh and sharpen our skills.

Lets also be honest that it can be easy to overlook some of the most basic necessities and become engrossed and obsessed with investing, hobbies, and work as things only seem to be accelerating into the digital age. I do plan on discussing other forms of investing like into Bitcoin and crtpyo-currencies but those will be covered later in separate topics. But just like a well rounded crypto portfolio the same thing applies to being prepared.

My motivation and goal is to help and connect with others to become more prepared while also sharing knowledge and tips that I've gained over the years to create a comprehensive and well rounded guide for being prepared. This will be a brief overview covering one of my topics and tips and I will be adding more comprehensive guides in the near future covering each item and topic individually and sometimes jointly. So lets get started talking about the basics of Water.


Modern Day SHTF Survival Tip #1. Water Filtration and Purification.
The Most Important Item and Skill to have for Any Survival Situation.

Having a Plan - Before accumulating a bunch of water bottles and jugs its a good idea to get organized and assess your own environment. Become familiar with your nearest water sources is common sense but not all of us are lucky enough to live near an unlimited water source. I feel that knowing any available water sources in your immediate area by printing out maps is a good idea. Also combined with having overall filtration and purification knowledge before a disaster is far more important than simply storing large quantities of water in your home. That being said, I would suggest putting together some type of kit that contains information, print outs, water filters, purification drops, and other items for water filtration and purification. Printing out information from the internet to reference later can be extremely helpful especially if the power grid goes down.

Preparing based on Location - Of course how we prepare also depends on the environment we live in. I live in Las Vegas Nevada so having additional water has become a major priority for me. Having extra water on hand is always good but also knowing how to purify and filter water is probably one of the most basic yet most overlooked survival skill in my opinion.
After getting organized and assessing your environment its important to have a few 5 gallon jugs to store extra water at home. There's stackable water containers and BPA free Jugs that can be good options. Keeping the bottles away from the sun is important to avoid leaching and degradation.

Although it can be difficult for some to haul water jugs to refill to and from the store but it is definitely one excellent and cost effective option. There are many water delivery services but I've found it to be rather expensive but still a good option for those not willing to fill their own. There's also the Big Berkey Water filter that you can simply pour tap or rain water into and have clean filtered water ready to drink. The Big Berkey Water filter can be a tad expensive. I don't even own one yet so in the meantime there are other smaller and cost effective options for water filters like the lifestraw and sawyer mini. Both filters are perfect for keeping in a vehicle or backpack. I don't work for any of these companies but I do use both the lifestraw and sawyer mini and know these are some of the top brands in the industry.

The video I post at the end of this post will go over some of these filters.

There are other methods to filter and purify water that can be used in an emergency and easily save your life in a grid down situation that everyone should have in their preparedness kits. Boiling water isn't always an options so simply having a bottle of bleach around the house and knowing the correct dilutions to add to water can save your life. If water is contaminated simply filtering it may not be an option so I suggest having a print out or writing it down and taping the correct dilutions to the side of the bleach bottle or having it somewhere in your survival kit. This link contains some helpful information that's worth printing out and keeping with your water emergency kit.

An excellent little book that I plan on going over in my other posts that I think is a must have for anyone especially those just getting into preparedness is the SAS Survival Guide. It covers a variety of survival information and water filtration tips. You can also download it on your phone but an actual copy would be idea.

I created this short video awhile back that covers some filter options and other methods of storing and purifying water.

Please comment with any extra tips you feel I may have missed or if you would simply like to add anything. It would be nice to have a simple guide to reference covering some preparedness topics that can help anyone be ready for just about anything.

Please be sure to Follow and Upvote if you would like to see more content cause that really helps me out and I will do the same for you so we can grow together on steemit :)

Just for the fun of it I'll share a couple videos of my girlfriend and I at the range. One of our many hobbies :)



Great information there - looking forward to seeing more in your Modern Day SHTF Survival Tip series.

I actually got the Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide the other day - most useful little book to have to hand.

Would it be okay if I add you to my list of Preppers & Homesteaders on steemit? You would be in version 4.

You might find the current list useful for networking and getting more followers :

Good Morning and thank you. Thanks for the info on the preppers and homesteaders. I would love to join. Followed.

That's great. You are now on the list - 84 so far.

Awesome. Thank you. I will look forward to supporting and sharing content.

Online you can buy this giant 65 gallon water bladder that hook up to our tub. If shtf, that's a good first step. It's only like $17 and it has a spigot for easy pouring into cups. Thank you for your information. Having a good filtration system is definitely important when drinking water from unknown sources.

Excellent recommendation. I believe its called "the water bob" I actually talk about it briefly in the video :) Thank you for commenting and checking it out. I'll be sure to follow you. Have a good weekend!

You can also drain the hot water tank and the water tank of toilets in a desperate situation.

True. Good tip. I have a tankless heater so I'm screwed there. Lol

Awesome piece, this day and age there is nothing wrong with a little preparedness. As i have gotten older, more and more things seem to be changing for the worse sadly.

Thank you! For me preparedness isn't only logical its a fun hobby so it works out great. I'm hoping things will get better for me also brother. Just have to keep evolving and visualize success and make it happen. Have a good weekend!

So true, we live in a very interesting time in life it's very hard to decipher what's truth and what's falsehood

No doubt man. Not a bad idea to be prepared for any eventuality. Water, food, shelter, beer. You know. The necessities.

Beer is a must for any occasion but would definitely be nice for SHTF.

Is distilling considered a survival skill? Post Apocalyptic Moonshining! Asking for a friend.......
Good times, bad times, people still gotta drink.

Any skill that actually creates something from the land will be beneficial for the most part :) Of course some more than others. Think about what would happen if the power grid went down.. Hardly anyone would know what to do compared to the times of the great depression.

Good post. Keep up the good work.

Thank You! :)

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