
Yeah I like it! I will definitely try it at some point and let you know. :)

Sweet! By the way I think your blog is great! What came first,the decision to go off grid,or your Steemit account?!

Hey thanks. I am glad you like my blog.

To answer your question...I went 'off grid' five hundred and ninety-six days ago and have only been using Steemit for thirty-two days. So I guess 'off grid' long before I even knew Steemit existed.

It is kind of funny how the going 'off-grid' occurred because it was more of a bi-product of taking a caretaking gig at a place where there was no infrastructure in place.

Could you sen me a link to a post from your blog? the one that explain how it happened? would love to read it!

I don't know if I really explain 'how it happened' but I do have a pretty good post about how it started. It was my first post on here actually.

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