Freedom Is Going Mainstream! So Get In Quick Before It Becomes illegal!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


For the last five years we have been travelling
this world in search of freedom
and a better way of life!


Each year, we have noticed an increase
in the amount of people who are doing the same
thing, This is great! but can it last?

How long will it take before the powers
that be put a stop to the this growing trend?


We have been doing this for a while now and we are starting to notice something very encouraging. People have had enough of the living in misery, slaving away for the system that is designed to bring us all down, but with the emergence of crypto and decentralisation, it is no longer necessary to be a part of this warped, and at best, highly dysfunction way of paying through our noses just to have a roof over our heads. Just ask @jeffberwick if you don't believe me!


We are not saying you have to sell it all and hit the road like we did, this is just one way you can taste freedom but there are lots of alternatives out there that can help you get back to reality.

Please take 3 minutes out of your busy day to watch this short clip of me sharing my thoughts on this trend.

Sorry I still keep getting errors when trying to upload on dtube so you'll have to make do with Pootube for now. ;)



This trend will likely continue because the corrupt fiat system with its thieving, under-reported inflation is eating away at the purchasing power of everyone's savings!

The life styles most of the so-called middle class is accustomed to are become less sustainable with every passing year.

Yeah right! Very well said!

I hope crypto is that answer to that problem, but there is a chance that wall street will game that too, if they haven't already.

People are waking up though, which means there is a glimmer of hope.

Thanks for you input @techwizardry

Way to go Mark and family! You are definitely not alone, and more and more will be joining in detaching themselves from the systems one brick at a time.

Our family did the same thing about 4 years ago, sold everything got in our trailer and travelled across Canada 2 times while homeschooling our 3 sons, finding our perfect place to live. You're at a beautiful spot by the ocean there and it looks so warm <3 <3 <3 Enjoy the day!!

Ahhhh! Thanks Lyndsay!

It's great to hear that it all started by hitting the road with the family, I'm very pleased you found your little piece of paradise and we hope to also find ours soon! But there is no rush when we keep finding places like this!

Thank's for your input @lyndsaybowes, you are proof that it works and that people should just pack up and leave if they are not happy!


Thats what so good about being nomadic and your home having wheels is that you can move on. We left Ireland in our bus, because it was getting too hard to find places to park up, people were getting suspicious and unfortunately Irish Travellers get such a hard time and have been forced to settle over there. But we left, cos we could. Us humans are so adaptable, once you get a taste of life on the road or being mobile it's hard to not be. So if we were forced off the road we'd find another way, by water maybe. Nice video keep them up.

There is quite the propaganda war against the Irish travellers and it works. I worked in a pub years ago in England and was actually scared about how to deal with them when we had a group come in. My policy is always to treat everyone with respect no matter what I've been told about them, and it's always served me well. Those travellers were more respectful than some of our locals. I've been wary of propaganda ever since.

Yeah, it is such a shame as they are being forced to give up their way of life. And like with all groups of people there are some who may cause some trouble but just a small % at that. They liked to play that up so that more pressure was put on them to settle.

Thank you Aishlinn!

It's funny I was thinking the other day, "what would we do if it did become illegal" and my first thought was, buy a boat!

Thanks for your input!


40k to 140k peeps ? sounds like you are talking crypto mate. the more we get self-sufficient the more we'll move from bosses/salaries they are there to keep you there stay and earn your wage, be still! the more we can sustain our lives throughout solutions like the steem blockchain the better and the more we we'll be n the road enjoying nature/life/others!

Such a wonderful convergence of individuals and families reclaiming their freedom!

You mentioned alternatives to truck or camper life. I've been thinking of one in particular a lot lately. In many countries, it is possible to establish a good relationship with a landlord, stay in a rental house or apartment for a while, and then hold onto that rental while you go off and travel to other places. You can sublet your rental out as a vacation home, and make residual income, while always having a home to stay in when you return to that place. I think this is the route I'll go--having several apartments set up in different countries, earning me several streams of passive income!

Totally! In fact before we had a big house we used to have an apartment that we would rent out for 6 months and go traveling, we also have lots of friends that do the same thing!

There are so many ways! We just have to find the one the fits us best.

The main thing is getting over the fear factor, and as you've seen in Mexico this week, fear is a waste of imagination!

Thanks for swinging by @lesliestarrohara

By all means, please do not stop with the video updates. You are an encouragement to many, especially me. It's so great to see you living the free life with your family. Thanks. :)

freedom is the gift from the treasure of God. freedom is most important thing in life like you life.

Beautifully said!

Thanks my friend

Well soon enough we will have to go on the high seas, that's my plan anyway,a floating earth ship kind of thing,powered and propelled but the energy from the salt water!

Hmmm! You have my full attention! In fact if you haven't already you should definitely do a post about that!

Haha so much to post about! I just started my travel blog from when i left UK in a van, 80 quid and some marlboro cigarettes to trade- that was 8 years ago! Life works.
Anyone reading Marks great posts here and then thinking, "oh i need to save first" or whatever- WRONG ! Fucking GO FOR IT! You find that really the world wants you to live the life and will take you on a mad one, not just a journey as in driving..

Yes that sounds awesome.

Looks Boootiful where you are Mark.

Personally, I think this is one where humanity will win through. Even now, we are seeing some of the order followers questioning their blind authority. I'm thinking for example of the police chiefs in the UK saying enough to criminalizing small time cannabis users etc.

Yes, there are plenty who will blindly follow, but at what point do they just say enough - we aren't doing that?

I guess we'll find out as the powers that were become more draconian and desperate, while more and more of us awaken to what's possible.

Enjoy your journey :D

Thank you Sam!

The tides are a changing, we can all feel it too! unless your only worry is what's happening in the next episode of the Kardashians! And in that case you deserve what coming your way.

I just hope the state doesn't make to much noise on their way down.

Cheers Buddy!

I think there are varying degrees or levels of freedom.
Thanks for sharing your travels and heart @markwhittam

Oh yes! I'm pretty sure you could feel free in prison as long as you had the right mind set!

Thank you @enjoywithtroy


Yea,I agree with you @markwhittam, this makes me think more about freedom.

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