Flat Earth, The Dome Firmament

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


If you believe that you live on a spinning globe, think again. The spinning globe Earth paradigm is a 500 years and running conspiracy perpetrated by the Jesuits, the Vatican, Zionist Jews and the Freemasons. There is no observable curvature on this Earth and motion has never once been detected. NASA has never been passed low Earth "orbit" and the moon landing was obviously staged. Once you understand the consequences of living on a Flat Earth, you'll start to see why this information is so important. Note: We are not the FlatEarthSociety. They are controlled opposition to keep people away from Flat Earth truth.

The Flat Earth is not a theory and it has not been debunked. Though we are forced to theorize on what an accurate map of the earth may look like, at least we don't make wild claims such as Earth is spinning, Earth is orbiting the sun, gravity, etc. Earth is a flat and stationary plane just as it appears and just like our senses tell us. NASA lies and is basically spearheading the campaign to deceive you and the rest of the world. Even SpaceX and other "aerospace" companies are a part of the deception, at least the owners and employees at the highest echelons. (To clarify, not every scientist, pilot, school teacher or NASA employee is in on this ordeal). Don't let these fake space programs and mainstream science fool you. Think critically, logically and do YOUR OWN research before blindly believing that you live on a spinning, pear shaped oblate spheroid darting through infinite space at ridiculous speeds that have never been proven. Research Flat Earth.


Moreover, to be exact, the Earth is not round but rather patatoide. In effect, being in rotation, the Earth undergoes the centrifugal force which tends to widen the globe at the level of the equator.

OK globalist troll which you obviously are, how do you explain NASA's composite fake Images and CGI. The Images show a clear spherical Earth, so we have been fed complete lies, so how do liars cover their tracks, they tell more lies, that the Earth Is a different shape to what they've been showing and brainwashing children to believe for years. NASA and the education system are proven liars and can now never be trusted by anyone who thinks critically.

Truth Bomb!!! Ka-BOOOOOOOM!!!

Why are you spamming this under money or space? It denies space and has nothing to do with money.

If only Antarctica wasn't forbidden...

I love the idea about having a proof of fact based discourse/discussion about these topics, but in my experience most of the "globe-heads" will just come flying out of the woodwork with their name calling. So hopefully by me calling them "globe-heads" strikes first blood, and or gets the more educated ones to actually want to have a discussion. This topic is actually mind blowing right now, and the mandela effect too . To the people that scoff, or marginalize these two issues right now. Are from the current time line. Those of us with open minds, and the ability to think abstractly about it seem to be from the previous time lines. As crazy as it all sounds. Do research these topics for a few months, and get back to me .

I accepted the current model all my life so this has been a hard thing to rap my head around, we are programmed to accept the globe model.
I've already done research, for the past two months, everything I've found shows no evidence for the current model.

So hopefully by me calling them "globe-heads" strikes first blood, and or gets the more educated ones to actually want to have a discussion.

Yeah I get it, extend blood for respectful conversation with more educated ones.

The Flat Earth is not a theory and it has not been debunked. Though we are forced to theorize on what an accurate map of the earth may look like, at least we don't make wild claims such as Earth is spinning, earth is orbiting the sun, gravity, Earth is a flat and stationary plane etc."

"just as it appears and just like our senses tell us."

Then explain the horizon on a flat plane, explain lunar eclipse on a flat plane, explain sunset sunrise, navigation by stars, the omega 3-6-9 ratios, the satellites spotted from earth, the floating ball A, the moon, and floating ball b, the sun, and all these "appearing to look like a globe, and our senses tells us it's a globe" that people have had for over 2000 years. There's representations of planets and solar systems going back to the sumarians. Even more explain the numerous data, pure pixels that get photographed and have been photographed of crafts leaving the atmosphere, of ufos, to the numerous moons and planets that have been photographed, that you claim are all in on this same story, without a WHY, why is it so important that all these people collide in their efforts to keep this lie alive, to what purpose?

There is curvature, it's been confirmed by my senses when I flew, it was obvious that the horizon was falling off at either end, this is proven even in videos you posted and I drew a straight line in paint after exemplifying how small in terms of a the earth, 36 miles is, barely above the surface, demonstrating that there and then at either end of the frame the horizon curved from the center.

I dont understand the flat Earth explanation for this...

The idea that the sun rotates over the flat Earth does not hold up. The shape of the sun on the horizon should debunk that part of flat Earth theory.

This Is just perspective and Is clearly explained by the below video. The Earth Is flat, I've only realized this for about two months.

If the earth is actually flat. Why would they spend billions of $ making us believe it is a sphere?

What is their purpose in deceiving us?

They the Rothschild's and the Vatican Jesuits control US, UK, all western governments through the FED, UN and IMF, they are the Deep State they control CIA, NASA and the majority of the US.

NASA's money comes from the US tax payers so they, the Cabal, don't spend anything on this, the US citizens, who are also classed as Corporations when their Birth Certificates are Issued and sold as Bonds on the security's exchange, pay the very people that are spreading this disinformation. This all started around 15, 1600 when the Roman Jesuits conquered Europe and later when the missionaries went to China and Indoctrinated them. All NASA Involved countries have a Rothschild central bank In their countries.

I agree with most of what you typed but you didn't answer the question. Let me repeat.

What is their purpose in deceiving us?

And don't link me to any more poorly produced clickbait crap from youtube. I work with expensive cameras on a daily basic so I'm fully aware of how lenses work. I'm not going to waste my time explaining the fundamentals of optics to you. But I suggest you teach yourself them.

I also suggest going and hiring a $40,000 camera and operator and go take some shots. Should only cost you $500 a day. Looking forward to the video.


You really need to wake up, the Earth Is not a ball. The videos I linked are peoples videos filming the real world, yes you know a lot more about lenses than I do and the fact you had to point that out shows your arrogance. I studied a subject for a decade and reached a very high level of knowledge and skill, but I don't go around broadcasting It. Your knowledge of optics doesn't mean anything the Truth Is the Truth. There Is no curvature and the motion of the Earth has never been proven once. Our perspective Is what gives us the Illusion something has gone over the horizon. The reason they hide the real Truth about the Earth Is simply about control and to hide Jesus the light of the world. We are all Pure Consciousness, we are all very special, this Is the Truth.


I studied a subject for a decade and reached a very high level of knowledge and skill,

What was that? creative writing?

Good luck convincing me it's flat.

No It Is not writing, It's not something I will talk about, but with the greatest respect to you please go and actually look at this subject.

I remember watching Info Wars about 8 months ago and Alex Jones saying well we want to get to the Truth, but we don't want to go too far and start thinking the Earth Is flat. My reaction was no that's stupid It can't be, the problem Is when you look In to this subject and look at the evidence for a heliocentric Earth, the current model looks more and more like a deception.

I'm still struggling with the why they would want to lie to us about the earth being round. You still haven't provided me with an proper answer.

I have done enough research on the subject to be able to have my opinion the world is not flat. The most plausible theory I found was one that was based on procedural generated game development.

You are forgetting that there is a ton of evidence to disprove your theory also. I suggest stop watching clickbait youtube videos and go and teach yourself the basic theory of general relativity and how lenses work. Then we can have a proper discussion if you want this conversation to continue.

Good luck

I understand general relativity and some parts of It are correct. Like an object that's In motion stays In motion untill acted on by an opposing force. Gravity Is just a theory and has not been proven. The apple falls from a tree due to density, the helium balloon rises because It's less dense.

I'm still studying this subject and I think the odds of the Earth being a ball at this point are very very low. There Is no curvature, most things that most people have assumed means curvature, are proven perception and the limits of our eye sight, even the star trails can be explained via the Dome. You just don't want anyone to take your ball away. If you were a true truth seeker you wouldn't dismiss genuine peoples videos, the majority of videos I use are from truth seekers, genuine truth seekers. I, unlike you, could admit I may be wrong but the current model Is completely flawed. Whether the Earth is Flat or If there Is another explanation to the flatness we see for hundreds of miles time will tell.

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