Did People Really Think Governments Weren’t Going to Try Crushing Crypto?

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

You trusted the institution that brings death, destruction, and degradation to billions of people on a regular basis...to not mess with your money?

I don’t understand the major panic sell-off of crypto after South Korea started “regulating” (read “crushing”) it and India came out swinging against it.

Did people truly buy crypto without already factoring in the concept that it was only ignored because it wasn’t a threat to State hegemony until it started to gain popularity?

How did anyone think that this was just going to be something about which States would shrug and go, “Meh. Whatevs.”

All States are variations of an apparatus specifically built to benefit the ruling caste and ensure that they can maintain their wealth and power forever.

Some States are better at making it seem they are letting regular individual people decide their own fates, by creating ridiculous tautological ideologies and gibberish like “democracy” or “bills of rights.” But that doesn’t change a States’ true purpose to keep everyone else down so a small elite can stay on top of wealth, power, and control over the destiny of the world.

Cryptocurrency could change all that. It gets around States. It makes them obviously superfluous.

States are already unnecessary, but Crypto is a simple way to show everyone how much so, by letting people control their own complex financial affairs without some guy with a gun, or some guy win a notebook who has a guy with a gun in reserve, looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re doing what they want you to do.

And now that the people pulling the levers of the States and their cronies are seeing that crypto is being widely accepted, they are using the State to do what States were built to do: Crush the hopes and aspirations of regular people in order to protect the goals of the self-important elite.

(I should note right now that none of this is code for “Jews.” You’re aware that’s a picture of Martin Buber up in my profile right? Anti-semites and people who think Jews are the “real powers” in the world are out of their minds and tiresome to be around. Like, yeah, you may dislike the State, and that’s cool, but you only accidentally stumbled onto the right opinion on that one, because otherwise your Jew hatred is illogical, annoying, silly and completely misses the whole point about the problem of the State. Every time you spew your crazy vomitus about [insert scary 'dun-dun-dun' noise] "THE JOOS," you are helping Statists more than any totalitarian-communist could in a lifetime. Yuck, you’re awful).

People really bought a decentralized currency without understanding all this at the outset? They invested in the “anti-fiat” without having any idea why a currency that is the opposite of “fiat” is even needed or exists as an alternative to fiat in the first place?


I’m really dumb and and even I knew this stuff.

These are not stocks. The panic sellers get that right?

And it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. And the “better” might not happen in our lifetimes.

The State, in all its iterations, is going to try to crush this. And the State won’t stop trying.

It can’t stop trying.

Crypto is antithetical to the State as a concept.

Governments will try to shut crypto down or co-opt it, until either they win, or there is no more State.

Your “hodling” for investment purposes won’t be enough.

Hold onto your crypto if you care about human dignity. Human freedom. Human equality. Love. Empathy.

Crypto can make the world safe for those ideas someday.

Until then, the State will continue to try to crush crypto and everyone and everything involved with it.

“HODLers” I’m talking to you.

Be strong for humanity’s sake.



Nice post.

Great!! English is not my native language but i will try my best to write my reply down. It was a joy reading your article and agree on the many things you are pointing out. This community can be so much more. Me i am a new (Steemit) user since yesterday and did not even post my introduction or so. This is actually my first post. I did visited this community already months ago, Have also readed many blogs from people. What seems to me is that most people are just in it for the quick money but will dump crypto and the blockchain in panic losing their earnings. Blockchain can and hopefully will be big in the future and help humanity in many ways. I do believe in person to person transfers without all manipulation or third party. Many stuff is happening right now. I do feel sad for people having an introduction into crypto and who bought @ the very top. Manipulated ? Volatility! and many traders (fast money in and out) seems to me the biggest issues of crypto. Traders all over you tube promoting 'coins' without talking about the coin itself... Or what it stands for and what it can do for people. Thx.

First, I absolutely commend your effort to write something so dense and abstract even though you admit it is difficult for you. This leads me to believe that we’re this taken by place in your native tongue, what you would have to say would be much more profound than what I’m putting out in the Kings English.

Similarly, I’m honored to have a comment on my blog be your very first steemit post. I feel a moral obligation now, to ensure that your first post is a memorable experience.

On Steemit, I’m not wealthy, and I don’t have much voting power to spread around, so what I’d like to do, as a thank you for the honor of this being your first post, is to make you a promise (and I take those very seriously) that in the nearly impossible, unlikely event my writing puts me up to a certain level that I would unfortunately be referres to as a “whale,” then at that time, I will take whatever pending post of mine is scheduled to receive the most upvotes, and give you 75% of the profits received (I would do 100% but I have other kindnesses to repay as well :)

I hope this small thing can substitute in some way for a real true memorable welcome to the community, and a thanks for the honor you’ve granted me as post on which you made your ever first post in the comments.

I am flattered.

Your work will be a value to the community, especially if you are as tenacious in everything you do as you are with parsing our complex English just so we all have the opportunity to engage and interact with you. Thanks!

Waauw. Thank you so much for your kind words. This is much appreciated! One can recognize your talent in what you are writing down. That is why i did reply on your post. I do know i am not able to express my toughts written in your native language. Maybe one day i will? This first welcome i got from you will be indeed a memorable welcome! I do hope to encounter many more people to share toughts with. You're not wealthy and you do not have the voting power... It's about the power to learn and (being able) give people a different view of things / other perspectives. That is what i appreciate in what you are writing down my friend. Your pen HAS that power. I will be looking out to your future posts. I wish you many luck with it. You also encouraged me to write stuff down, i'm afraid if i write into my native language (dutch)... I simply cannot share my toughts with the community. (for now) I do hope my work will be a value to the community. But i'm also looking forward to learn from others as well...

that was incredibly cool to witness that. i'm looking now and your post has 10 votes (if mine would stop swirling and actually go through) and has 85 views. Out of them, i would imagine very few people take the time to read through the comments. so... I know that you didn't do what you did for an audience. which is what makes it so genuine.

the other day I was driving down the highway - getting on the off ramp - and i happened to see a man take off his coat and give it to a homeless man. it was so fast - i think only my daughter and I saw it.

it was one of the most heart-wrenching moments that i've been able to witness. the guy who gave up his coat kinda looked like a tough guy too. hahaha maybe that made it sweeter. i don't know.

point is - you touched a real person. and i got to see it. (actually you touched two! the money for the beer above! hahaha)

i've spent way too much time today reading all your posts. (i think i actually missed two. lol but i'm not going back now. only going forward. hahaha) but I'm so glad your posts are going to come up on my feed. love the laughter, (still laughing about the ransom money your family needs to pay) love the intelligence (half of what you say goes completely over my head) and especially love the genuine-ness (is that a word?) of your spirit. smiling a ridiculous smile right now. my friend is gonna love you - i can't wait to turn him onto your posts. he is also a brilliant, creative mind! :)

Great article.
You highlight the same concerns that I initially had when I considered could this be a way to topple the current scam that we're forced to live in.
Personally though, I think that the state and governments have no power of their own while they are in debt to their Reserve Banks, that are loaning the said fiat currency to them.

I think we need to go a little deeper than the state itself, to see where the artillery, from this assault will be placed.
I really think that you might like a similar article that I wrote yesterday in regards to a possible solution for the scenario that you describe.
If you do check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
Crypt o-currencies and the International Banking Cabal

Edited: I have edited out references that are overly mean-spirited as they were uncalled for. I apologize on the front end for any offense or nastiness, it was inappropriate and mean spirited

I’m appreciate your kind words but have to apologize in advance regarding the fact that largely disagree with the theories in your post.

For example, to address your article, the Third Reich (besides being anti-freedom in every other way) was completely and utterly in the pocket of elitist corporate interests, many of which supported the National Socialists because the appropriation of property from Jewish businesses and the businesses of their political opponents was a major financial windfall to those private companies. Similarly, the Third Reich didn’t “wrestle Germany out of the control of the money printers,” but, rather, destroyed what was left of the small, almost already dead Weimar German economy by using fraudulent Mefo bills (i.e. Nazi IOU’s) to pay for weapons to fight Germany’s pointless, economically disastrous wars and industrialized murder facilities.

The Weimar Republic put the German economy on the brink of death and the Third Reich finished the job, destroying the lives of millions of its citizens in the process.

And notice that all of what I just said is an economic critique. This was all just in addition to the fact that the Third Reich was governed by a bunch of socialist thugs and gangsters who seemed almost titillated by murder and destruction of their own country, gay people, people who believe in liberty, and, of course, Jews.

Your article also seems to have a theory about moneh creation and fiat currency that I believe is incorrect, insofar as you write that “all existing currency within any country is simply the principal of a loan to the government that needs to be paid back with interest.”

That’s not how currency works. That’s not how money works. That’s not how banking works. That’s not how interest works. That’s not how the State works.

Fiat is created by the State declaring something to be the only official currency, backed by nothing other than the State’s threat of force, violence and murder.

They don’t NEED to take a loan from anyback or anyone else, because the State has all the weapons needed to cause death and destruction. The banks and big businesses become complicit with the State in their awful fiat currency creation and enforcement because (1) it’s to their benefit, and (2) the State and Big Business (including banks) are largely the same group of people and their cronies, many of whom revolve in and out of
the State and the Corporate world.

There’s no secret banking cabal or some kind of “deeper conspiracy.”

The ruling caste control the wealth and power and they use the State and large corporations (which includes banks) to mutually reinforce their power and wealth by keeping it away from everyone else. Whenever someone new figures out how to get some of that power and wealth they just co-opt them or get rid of them.

Thanks for taking the time to provide such a detailed reply to my comment. Please don't feel that it's necessary though to apologise for disagreeing with me. That's the great thing about this type of platform, as long as discussion remains respectful and doesn't decline into ad hominem, then I find that I generally learn more from people who disagree with me, than from those who do agree with me. At the end of the day, agree or disagree, it's through discussion and sharing that we can each take away an additional perspective (growth) than we started with.

this post is like legitimate journalism without the journals and oh yeah i always thought 'the Joos' was an awesome mohito

Daeem...I really need to promote the fcuk out of this Steemian

Yes people really are this dumb. We are talking about people after all. This crypto volatility is being brought on by people alone, buying and selling and going all batshit. It's giving me diabetes to be honest.

Ahaha I wish I had some kind of super-upvote because your diabetes quip is something I’ve read about 5 times over the last day, and I lose my shit every time, because it really is that funny.

Hope you’re feeling better after that car wreck. If we were friends in some real world scenario I would buy you a beer—ya know, that whole get well gesture and all—but this being Steemit, I just transferred you some SBD that’s the equivalent of $1.20 USD, so you can buy yourself a discounted Tuesday Afternoon happy hour can of Natural Ice or something equivalent.

That was really super sweet. You didn't have to do that! Thank you though.

Natural Ice, bahaha. Maybe some Keystone Light instead? Or some Zima...

Upvotes purely for keystone.

Keystone and Natty...takes me back

Thank you ilt-yodith for making a transfer to me for an upvote of 1.88% on this post!

Half of your bid goes to @budgets which funds growth projects for Steem like our top 25 posts on Steem!

The other half helps holders of Steem power earn about 60% APR on a delegation to me!

For help, will you please visit https://jerrybanfield.com/contact/ because I check my discord server daily?

To learn more about Steem, will you please use http://steem.guide/ because this URL forwards to my most recently updated complete Steem tutorial?

@creatr, meet @ilt-yodith. i hope you enjoy his posts as much as i have. before i didn't know if it was a him/her .... but i'm pretty sure it's a him because he mentioned going to the bathroom standing up in an earlier post. LOLOL

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