The right to protest - the NFL, Kaepernick and LeBron

in #freedom7 years ago

I think everyone is pretty clear that Trump is a major ass/idiot/fill-in-the-blank and that obviously everyone has the freedom to do what they want during the U.S. National Anthem. It is obviously not a protest of the anthem or the flag itself, but to draw attention to many injustices in this country. Considering the NFL is probably about 75% African-American, it would be an injustice if black people didn't use their influence as star athletes and entertainers to draw attention to the plight of poor and minorities in the U.S. Everyone knows the class system in the U.S. is getting stretched to extremes, like a rubber-band about to break. Washington politicians have no interest in helping America, they are only interested in the corporate and military conquest of the world for their own elite. The people living, working, and dying everyday have no interest to them and they have proven that by allowing the health, education, food, and infrastructure systems of the U.S. to become some of the most degenerate and degrading in the world.

One of the best quotes about the whole situation is that using your right to protest to draw attention to an issue is not a problem. The problem is when someone tells you that your issue is not a problem and you have no right to protest. That is the height of hypocrisy and disrespect for everything the U.S. should stand for. Fascist idiots like Trump and his ilk are the ones with no respect for the enlightened ideas of the U.S., the liberty of the founders, or what the flag itself stands for.

Colin Kaepernick is an American hero for standing up and saying the economic situation and police state in minority communities is not right and is unacceptable. At this point their are about a billion studies showing lack of opportunity, increased health risks, institutional prejudices, educational deficits... you could go on and on, about communities of color and poverty. Everyone knows this, but people are afraid to really discuss it. Colin is now being blackballed by the NFL and effectively a martyr, but this week with our Chief Executive Jack-Ass weighing in, I can feel the tide of sentiment and understanding changing, and I believe within the next several weeks Mr. Kaepernick will be on an NFL roster.

Kudos also to LeBron and many others for standing united and communicating in a thoughtful and unifying manner. The idea that a simple protest during the national anthem can be so berated and lambasted in this country is absurd. The fear many have at discussing socio-economic truths and inequality is shocking. In this country if you protest violently you are a terrorist, if you protest peacefully you are a traitor. So we are told to believe to be an American is to be a conformist. I don't believe that for one disgusting second. That's not what I believe when I look at the flag, and God willingly neither should you.

Peace @ClumsySilverDad


I feel like this whole NFL scandal is a big psyop. It takes more effort to bend your knee then it does to place your hand over your heart. Taking the knee is what boxers do when they give up the fight. I think if they were really protesting they would be doing something like standing there looking as if they didn't care and couldn't wait for the stupid anthem/song to be over. Just my opinion

yeah, or maybe drinking a beer or scratching your ass like so many in the stands do anyways. it is totally a psyop, you are right, the powers-that-be can't stand any crack in the wall of the facade that shields any criticism of the state, the military, the police, the oligarchs, you name it. they are demonizing kaepernick but thankfully our potus is such an imbecile that he's empowering the people and sports/cultural leaders of this country thru his asinine attempt to humiliate them. the veil of power is falling down, people are losing their fear of speaking out about the broken U.S. establishment and communities.

@clumsysilverdad Its very interesting info.. Great post keep it up.

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Colin Kaepernick is an American hero for standing up and saying the economic situation and police state in minority communities is not right and is unacceptable.

When he wears a Che shirt while complaining about oppression in America, it shows he doesn't know the what the hell he is talking about.

He's not an American hero, he is anti-American.
Luckily, he is in America, where he can protest freely. Because if he was in Che's Cuba, Che would have murdered him, because that's what the racist murder Che did.

If you are looking for blood on people's hands, there is plenty of that to go around from every country in the world, don't worry about that. If you are looking for a country that is SUPPOSED to be about freedom of expression, than I think the U.S. is still the right place for you, despite current leadership and cultural trends. peace / P.S.- Anyone that is for discussion of social justice issues for improvement, I would consider that completely American. The only way to be Anti-American is to criticize someone for their freedom to speak peacefully and protest... i would cogitate on that.

Did I say he couldn't speak?

Telling someone that what they are saying is wrong, is not anti-American, that is free speech. He has his platform, you have yours, I have mine. Just because he is free to speak his mind, doesn't mean he is free from criticism. And he should be criticized for wearing a shirt honoring Che and talking about being oppressed.

Im with you man, fuck this multi-millionaire cry baby. He got benched because he sucked. The NFL is what, 80-90% black, he is just an angry loser. What a joke. A protest based on nothing... What is anyone doing about the 50%+ black abortion rate or the fatherless children? When you actually give a shit about humanity and what you support I'll care for your opinion.

Simple. BLM protests didn’t work well so Soros money and BLM probably pays players under the table to do this. They will probably try to get into Nascar next. It’s disgusting. Those millionaires thugs will get a pay cut soon don’t you worry.

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