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RE: Marissa Mayer is the Poster Child for “Bitches In Tech”

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

@‍CoinCube wrote:

The article misses the broader picture and discuss ways to return to more primitive social structures…

Even though I am too sleepy to write coherently, I remind CoinCube of his “I viewed the religious as foolish holding quaint but outdated and untrue views … and it was I with my smug intellectual superiority that had adopted the untenable position”.

The combination K and R strategy is the most competitive currently but the article is too focused on traditional reproductive strategies that are becoming less relevant.

The reality is global sperm bank demand and use is growing exponentially.

Apparently he didn’t read what I wrote, which is precisely about being a sperm donor:

One radical way around the dilemma (at least until the government has a DNA matching database on all males on earth) is to employ deception so as to not produce offspring with your DNA in the relationships which are known to anyone in or around those relationships.

My point above is that when the State can match everyone’s DNA in a computer database, then sperm banks will no longer be viable for the reason he stated as quoted below.

@‍CoinCube wrote:

For the male having multiple wives is not competive or viable currently due to a variety of social and economic forces only one of which is the state and child support.

It would be more satisfying though if man could impregnate women he physically charmed into sex. Because that mating hunt is an integral part of nature’s optimization, which is not present with the sperm bank approach.

So in this case what is required is that women not be able to remember or identify the man who impregnated them. Clever wealthy men can figure out how to accomplish this. In fact, he can sex a dozen women per day, if he so chooses. He can even arrange to only sex ovulating females, so he maximizes the volume of offspring he creates with this R strategy.

He can then set up a virtual monitoring system if he so chooses where he sends anonymous child support only if certain procedures he demands are being fulfilled. He can basically run his harem as a virtual game from his computer keyboard, but there are real lives involved.

Out of all those, he may discover a few that are trustworthy and suitable enough that he wants to promote them to physically present wives (without the marriage certificate), and he provides non-anonymous parenting, love, and support. So then he has both K and R strategy.

This is an incredibly loving strategy because it gives women what their hindbrain demands, while also offering them the best genetics (from those who are manly enough to do this) and thus promotes a very prosperous society with economically rewarded behavior and results. And it offers the women the chance to be promoted to full polygamous wives if they have the best female characteristics that are reliable enough. And it subverts all the defection that the women and the State are otherwise doing which is totally destroying society.

For those men who are fortunate enough to find a female who is willing to raise the offspring in way that is agreeable to him, and who do not defect or otherwise indoctrinate the kids with propaganda which is disagreeable, then I congratulate them. However, I simply couldn’t myself accept this, because I could not accept raising kids in society at it is now where I am obligated to accept all the crap society forces. Not even the society that @‍CoinCube belongs to is acceptable to me. I know of no religion on earth today that raises children in a way that is acceptable to me. I don’t agree with the way @‍CoinCube is raising his kids, at least what has been explained to me. I would have no interest whatsoever in raising kids in the location and culture he is in. I would feel my entire life quest was destroyed. I know @‍CoinCube is proud of his life, religion, family, and strategy. And it is so weird, because I view it like I view a clown. And he I am sure has the similar appraisal of my life. No disrespect intended, we just have totally different personalities and quests.

Thus at this time, from my perspective society has put females in the worst possible situation where men can’t raise offspring properly in a K strategy. Thus men (who aren’t clowns) have no choice but to avoid K strategy. So the R strategy with K promotion, is the only one that I think might work for me.

More bluntly, religion which does not subjugate women, is fake and doomed. True religion is always patriarchy, because women prioritize feelings over logic and thus fall into the defection of what is written in bold at the end of this paragraph. And that is one of the reasons I could not agree to CoinCube’s emasculated modern form of Judaism, where females are not subjugated. When I say subjugate, I mean females should be free to defect, but attain no enforced support from society for doing so. No theft from husbands when they disobey and decide to do it their way. Out the door they go, and then they are free to suffer the consequences of being free. James A. Donald is 100% correct to imply that females in our modern society want the benefits of being free and charge the costs to collective. Which is exactly what the banksters do also. Society doesn’t enforce the ability of white men to steal from the collective. That privilege is exclusively for those in society who are less productive, i.e. females and minorities. Again reference the different IQ distribution of whites and the logical, productive, non-shit testing nature of men.

I think 99.9% of the females will raise the offspring in a way that is disagreeable to me. Thus I would need an R strategy that can impregnate 1000 females in hopes of finding one that is suitable to me in a K strategy. I can’t determine in advance whether a female will raise the offspring in a way that I agree to. I would have to observe her behavior with the child. Without the ability to control females, their flaws can’t be acceptable because those flaws can go far beyond what could in the past been stopped with a some discipline from the man. Thus it makes the K strategy impossible except in some very rare instances. As James A Donald correctly points out that without female subjugation, men have no choice but to defect to R strategy unless they prefer to be clowns. Clowns may think their society is working, until it isn’t. Because clown societies always end up like circuses eventually. Only manly directed societies prosper. Emasculated societies crumble to dust.

But to be honest the above is unsatisfying to me. I wanted K strategy. I do enjoy caring for people. But unfortunately society destroyed everything. I can’t have the control I must have because I am not a clown. So I am forced to R strategy, because anything else turns me into a clown which I instinctively detest. Because nature doesn’t want me to be a clown. We are what we are.

Being serious about this, I really focus most of my time on my work. Females as adorable as they are, are secondary. And it must remain that way.

Current challenge is how to give my gf what she needs without forcing myself into a clown situation.

James A. Donald wrote:

Chastity should be imposed on women, not men. A key that opens many locks is an awesome key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is a crappy lock.

The problem is that women are hypergamous, while men are polygynous. A man wants to possess many women, while a woman wants to be possessed by the best possible man. Which means that if we let nature take its course, a few men will have most of the women. Notice surveys in which many women report having boyfriends, and considerably fewer men report having girlfriends, even though we would expect the lying to go in the opposite direction.

Of course each of the top male’s many girlfriends will be causing much drama, as each seeks to get a higher position in his booty call list, with the result that they keep shifting from one alpha male to the next. So though they are only sleeping with one male at a time, they have numerous male orbiters, and are continually shifting from one male to the next to get a better deal. The male defects by being a jerk, by never being available, by never providing resources, the female defects by dumping him. So though in this system women do not particularly want to be serially monogamous, defect/defect equilibrium means that in practice they are serially monogamous.

Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. Therefore we should guard eggs, not sperm. What this means is that it only needs a small number of badboys to render a very large number of women unmarriageable. Thus curtailing male badboy behavior is not going to succeed. And if we restrain prosocial well behaved upper class men from being badboys, the girls are going to get their kicks with Jeremy Meeks and Muslim rapeugees.

The problem is that law and society strengthens shit tests against well behaved, respectable, affluent men, but has limited success in strengthening shit tests against Jeremy Meeks. She fucks men against whom rape charges, underage sex charges, child support orders, and domestic violence restraining orders have limited effect, because they can pass her shit tests, and you, even if you have a nicer car and a nicer hotel room than Jeremy Meeks, cannot. Plus the police and the courts just don’t seem to be pursuing rape charges against rapeugees, perhaps because of disparate impact.

All these laws have the effect of holding men responsible for female bad behavior. It is a lot more effective to hold women responsible for male bad behavior, because women, not men are the gate keepers to sex, romance, and reproduction. If you stop some men from behaving badly, women will just find men you cannot or dare not deter.

The problem is that we need to guard what is precious, guard eggs, not sperm. We need to restrain female sexual behavior, not male sexual behavior.


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