Frank Bacon - Prison, Perspective and Prosperity in Earth School | A Prince With a Magic Crown (12/12) MOVING CLIP

in #frankbacon6 years ago

I think this describes the artist's melancholy. They feel trapped within the systematic jail of normalcy and like the Prince they are robbed of their voice (they way they express themselves)...

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 11.25.34 AM.png

"The Presidential Alert System Goes LIVE" (

Their aLErt is the sound made by the banging of the crown against the bars. Its so beautiful to hearer that they can't see its a cry for help they're so distracted by the beauty. AleRTISTS are like imprisoned princes b/c society doesn't know what 2 do w/them, whether or not they shuld be praised or ridiculed ~Tasha Shields - 6 years ago


Jean Michel basQUiat (Jeffrey Wright) tells a dream about a locked-up prince who wore a magic crown which produced the most beautiful sound that could be heard when he banged his head against the iron bars.


showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.
"an insouciant shrug"
synonyms: nonchalant, untroubled, unworried, unruffled, unconcerned, indifferent, blasé, heedless, careless; More





"What turns me on is trying to wake people up from sleeping awake and raising their consciousness in a way that allows them to grasp the game that we're in so that they can play it and actually enjoy playing it, rather than resist it and bitch about the adversity that shows up in it, and not have a context for how to play the game."
Peter Sage in the video

  • In a nutshell: "The stuff of your life is less important than the colour of your glass!"

  • "Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the MEME." source

  • "Map of Consciousness" - David Hawkins:

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