Frank Bacon - Don't be a [BLOCK] Sucker! Part 2

in #cryptography7 years ago

On THIS day in 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of France by the French Senate

For part 1....
Frank Bacon - Don't be a [BLOCK] Sucker! OR How I Trolled my Nemesis into SteemIt.

The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of the world in an unrestricted domain — free of political, religious, and geographical boundaries — to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. To operate in humanity’s best interest, our authority supersedes that of individual governments, making decisions that your queens, presidents, emperors, and other leaders may be unable to decree on their own, but are required to carry out.


Our symbols permeate human society as subtle directions to the truth.

Many of your fellow humans have noticed our symbology in artwork, architecture, and visual media. Such displays of loyalty are highly appreciated. However our symbols are not placed in your world for our own glorification, but instead serve as gentle instructions for those who look up from the rocks of Earth and choose to follow the Light.

Perhaps it was one of these directions that brought you here, or maybe a hundred of them scattered throughout your streets and buildings and glowing screens since your childhood. An invisible chain reaction of events in your life, paired with similar events in the lives of those around you, have all fallen in perfect place like the toppling of countless dominoes that meet in the center. While you pushed the dominoes, it was us who laid them in a line.


Your life's journey has led you to this moment.

Hope is in the distance. The age of War is coming to an end. Terrors that have plagued humanity for millennia will soon be obsolete and forgotten. Every year is a thread in a rich and glorious tapestry that is approaching its completion. Your ancestors lived through the darkness of night but your descendants will live in the Abundance of the new dawn.

Brought to you by Scientific Fiction.
No need to worry about the Truth when everything is a Lie!
A Frank Bacon Crypto Fiction 4 the Crypto Faction.


  • Three tips from TL for "improving your life" (19 min 30 secs):
    1 - most people don't know what they're talking about so don't listen to them. Only listen to qualified people and most people aren't qualified
    2 - search the whole planet till you find someone who knows what they are talking about. Find the person, or find a few people, and listen to whatever they say
    3 - you can get anything you want but it usually takes a little longer than you expect

  • image.png [link]

  • "The world would be a better place if there were more Tais out there" sez a fan on a homemade 'wikipedia' page, 'debunking' the 'scam myth', and then potentially offering one of his own at the end of a 4 min vid :)

  • Meanwhile, h3h3Productions of course do not have their own wikipedia page LOL2.


Great!!! I used to have no idea about these things. I, by chance, came across David Icke on internet and then the legends like Eustace Mullins. Then I read a couple of their books and saw other related material on internet. Now, I have started to understand, only a little though, how the world runs.
Gotta upvote your post.

Imposters are everywhere.
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