www.steemit.com SLASH AT Frank Bacon | Celebrate Diversity in PUSSYS by "Raising the FRINGE" | A Pho-Q post.
The history of POLITICAL-SLASHING, particularly as it relates to MUGs forced to adhere to unreasonable and somewhat arbitrary standards of TRUTH, is very, very long, and battles over the issues it raises in education, fashion, and beauty are increasingly high-profile. Enter ARTIFACT Frank Bacon, whose project "Raising the FRINGE" attempts to call attention to a part of the POLITIC usually ignored in POLITICAL-SLASHING discussions -- the PUSSYS. Bacon, along with collaborator, photographer @hoaxwars, puts MUGs in a position to proudly show off their POLITICs, putting them quite literally in the viewer's face and making them impossible to erase, As HE puts it in an interview with Trance-Formation, the project aims to allow MUGs to "create a positive change in their relationship with their own POLITICs." Check out the rest of the interview for more of Bacon's thoughts on the project, as well as more photos, then take it upon yourself to celebrate your own POLITIC in whatever way you see fit.
adjective: politic
1 (of an action) seeming sensible and judicious under the circumstances.
"I did not think it politic to express my reservations"
synonyms: wise, prudent, sensible, judicious, canny, sagacious, shrewd, astute;
antonyms: unwise
archaic (of a person) prudent and sagacious.
A shoutout @quitefrankly and a tardy Happy Birthday!
WE ARE the Aliens...
Why is Trump's hand so small?